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Everything posted by BigAlonBass

  1. In more or less the same vein, the Drummers who refer to "playing/I've got/I use a double bass" when they are talking about a twin Bass-Drum PEDAL.
  2. [quote name='TonyBones' timestamp='1333706967' post='1605462'] Farcebook has a sight set up by a mate of mine (Pete) for band depping, join in the more the merrier [url="http://www.facebook.com/groups/179787248746946/"]http://www.facebook....79787248746946/[/url] [/quote] It doesn't work.
  3. Wander on to a darkened stage, plug in, opening power chord, lights blaze out, spin to face audience with puzzled looks from the rest of the Band. Very, very quiet Bass, which wasn't rectified by turning of volume knobs on either Bass or Amp. Begin panic mode, until a side spotlight reveals that the [i]extremely [/i]efficient passive/active switch which is RIGHT BESIDE the input, has been pressed in by my clumsy fumblings in the dark. Quickly press it again, then dive for all the volume knobs that I previously maxed out, because I'm instantly much louder than everybody else! Not a great design (IMO) which quickly turned into a schoolboy error. I love old Peaveys, but you have to remember their quirks at all times, otherwise you too can experience the longest 20 seconds of your life.
  4. [quote name='clashcityrocker' timestamp='1333036037' post='1596579'] prices are; head £350 cabs £150 each or the whole stack for £700 [/quote]
  5. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1331889602' post='1580336'] If they can move the gig down south or alernatively pay for 5 to get to Yorkshire we'd do it. We have the PLI, we are all PAT tested and [i][b]really don't mind the limiter if it is set correctly.[/b][/i] [/quote] Unfortunately, at a conservative estimate, more than 90% of them aren't. A couple of friends of mine install them countrywide, and nearly every time, the management just get it switched on, see the pretty lights and say "Thanks lads. 'Bye" Apparently, there is a nominal charge for the time taken to calibrate it correctly, but very few of them want to pay it.
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1330978371' post='1565775'] You're all thumbs? [/quote] Not these days. I wore them away to stumps playing Bass!
  7. It's harking back to the "Olden Days" when most Bassists making the transition to Electric Bass played with their thumb, and anchored their fingers on it. (Edit-beaten to it. Damn my slow typing!)
  8. What a pain in the backside it is, getting old. I loved the Band back in 'the olden days', and I had heard that Neil was getting it back together but was looking for a Bassist. Of course, my diminishing faculties meant I kept forgetting to post my guess on the thread. Congratulations on an excellent gig, mate. I bet you enjoy it!
  9. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1328042284' post='1520886'] What's GAS? Seems like everyone around here has a "GAS list." [/quote] Gear Acquisition Syndrome.
  10. Best of luck. I haven't got a clue either! Both my guitarists were looking for them, and after almost a year of asking, they've both come up empty.
  11. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1326492015' post='1498119'] OK will do when sober [/quote] Still drunk? or still washing the van with the t-shirt!?!?
  12. I wasn't taking the ...... I've watched a few live videos in my time (Yes-Videos. I'm that old) and he played it the same way a few times. Nip over to youtube and check a few out, if you don't believe iz, me old mucker.
  13. [quote name='norvegicusbass' timestamp='1327341221' post='1509629'] Anyone else play it this way? [/quote] John Paul Jones. (Live)
  14. My Dad ran me down to the Bells Warehouse in Newton Aycliffe, (I was only 16) and after I'd picked a Selmer Treble'n'Bass 100 watt Amp, with matching 1x15" Selmer Goliath Cab, he signed the Guarantor form. £90 for the Amp and £85 for the Cab, and with me having a gig with a "Club Band" I managed to pay it off in three months! Happy Days indeed......
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1327097172' post='1506542'] What's LBGS? [/quote] London Bass Guitar Show?
  16. BigAlonBass

    PA Systems

    [quote name='vicar' timestamp='1326922371' post='1503924'] Does anybody use the Thomman pro series or have any other recommendations?. I want good quality connectors and cable, not cheap rubbish, but not the very best top quality pro stuff. Thanks [/quote] I use the Pro Series Mics for mic'ing up guitar cabs, because I found them a bit too 'sensitive' for vocals. They transmit all the bumps against the mic' stand/breath against the shield/and just general background noise. A bit of a bugger to e.q. as well, because they're pretty trebley to start with. I looked on eBay, and found the odd dedicated 'bargain' Vocal Mic, and just built mine up like that. If there's no rush, you can end up with a bag full of Shures or Beyers for very little money. Same thing with the leads-look for the specs, and really READ the description, because once again, there are some bargains out there. People like Wearside Electronics do damn good leads for damn good prices. (Own experience, but there may be someone closer to you.)
  17. My Son's deaf, Chairman of the local Deaf Society, and he knows the laws about this sort of stuff inside out. ALL induction loops HAVE to be turned off when music of any kind is playing at more that 90db, as they can physically damage some hearing aids (and ears wearing those aids) at the volumes achieved. A member of Staff is expected to 'make up the deficit' by being able to understand BSL when it is switched off. (Codicil to the DDA) If the Staff say they don't know how to switch it off, they HAVE to be able to contact someone who does.
  18. [quote name='MusicLover20015' timestamp='1326566539' post='1499012'] any of you guyys know a website where it can train you to read fluently ? like mini games or something like that @? [/quote] Here's a start. [url="http://readsheetmusic.info/readingmusic.shtml"]http://readsheetmusic.info/readingmusic.shtml[/url]
  19. Snap! Exact same mail, but I'm already sorted, so I just replied with a "Thank You".
  20. For the first couple of songs, don't take your eyes off the Dots for a second! Even after a few perfect rehearsals, each Big Band seem to have their own 'feel' when playing live, but if you're perfectly sure what [b][i]you're [/i][/b]playing, the rest seems to come naturally. If they aren't using Dots, then as said above, try to lock in with the Drummer, and form a cohesive Rhythm Section for the rest to bounce off. Strangely enough, I'm in the middle of re-acquanting myself with Sight-Reading for a couple of Deps with a Big Band in the next few weeks. Enjoy.
  21. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1326494222' post='1498158'] Absolute bollocks. [/quote] That kind of attitude is the very reason why I don't air my views on some of the Sacred Cows more often. (Along with some other people I've spoken to off-line. Don't DARE to call any of the "Names" boring or too 'different' for your [b][i]personal [/i][/b]tastes, because you'll be hunted down, ridiculed and quite possibly, shot. )
  22. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1325934646' post='1489956'] yup, just hadn't come across this before [/quote] Neither had I, until I swapped an old Vester that I just couldn't get the 'feel' for, with one of these. I was surprised how well it plays, and somewhere along the line, had acquired active electronics, so it sounds damn good as well. Bump for a smashing introduction to 5-string Basses.
  23. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1326474671' post='1497795'] Or I can rig mine up and take a few pics if you like. MM [/quote] Yes, please. Far too often nowadays, you get people chiming in with different views, usually consisting of rather technical language, which isn't helpful at all to a technophobic numpty like me. A picture is worth far more than a thousand words, in my experience.
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