I have developed a little unhealthy Obsession with how my bass sounds in different situations. I get very fixated with this, and have especially struggled with it in band situations. I find all sorts of problem areas and have spendt a lot of time and money trying to identify the problem. That involves of course a lot of purchases (basses, amps, cabinets). The thing is i keep coming back to my -05 modulus quantum bass and i really like the clear and modern sound of that bass. Other musicians i play with in different prosjects may or may not be on the same page with this. Some have even clearly stated their antisipation. I am well aware of that composite basses are less regarded today. What do you guys think about the subject. For me i have found the solution that works best for me. I bring my fender jazzbass where i know that my modulus is not so well regarded and use the modulus where i know it is accepted. The good thing is that i have learnt some tricks to use whenever i am dissapointed with my sound and that is not exclusively for my quantum (graphic and parametric equlizer pedals and pedals in general for the most part).
By the way new here even though i have read on the forum for years 🙂