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  2. [quote name='jeffrice2249' post='588761' date='Sep 3 2009, 03:52 PM']No check again. That is 999 pounds Plus 20 pounds for UK delivery = 1019 pounds. Just wanted to clear that up. Cheers , Jeff[/quote] Sorry didn't notice you are in Holland. Make that 999 + 50 delivery = 1049. Cheers Jeff
  3. [quote name='LeftyJ' post='588658' date='Sep 3 2009, 02:23 PM']Probably before duties and tax, as Jeff sells straight from Japan. GuitarEmporium.co.uk currently charges £999 as a final selling price including duties and tax. £820 + 19% Dutch VAT is £975, still excluding 4% import tax. I'm not really tempted yet...[/quote] No check again. That is 999 pounds Plus 20 pounds for UK delivery = 1019 pounds. Just wanted to clear that up. Cheers , Jeff
  4. [quote name='rasher80' post='588595' date='Sep 3 2009, 01:33 PM']is that £820 delivered or before customs charges and tax? Been on the look-out for a Lefty 75RI for a while (haven't i LeftyJ )[/quote] Yes 820 pounds is the price from here. Vat @ 15% and import duty at 3.7% [b]could[/b] be charged at your end. Note VAT and import duty if charged would be on my buying in cost, or if you like value to me. So lets do the maths: My buying in cost at present would be about 100,000 yen given exchange rate would be about 700 pounds. so 18.7% would be around 131pounds + 820 = 951pounds. That's the delivered to your door price if you are unlucky enough to be charged duty. Hope that helps. Jeff
  5. [quote name='LeftyJ' post='588401' date='Sep 3 2009, 10:56 AM']So...where are the lefties? How much for a lefty JB75-US?[/quote] To you mate. 820.00 pounds. What colour would you like? Actually you have a good point bI didn't make any mention of the LH models available. Cheers, Jeff
  6. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='587845' date='Sep 2 2009, 07:21 PM']Hello Jeff Are you sure you're not the same person that registered here, searched out all the long-dead posts about japanese fenders, gave your site a plug on each thread then buzzed off only to return to stick up for your site? If so: water under the bridge, everyone does something daft now & then. I guess you are referring to me in your post. Apologies if we got off on the wrong foot. I don't think I was being snide - I was saying it as I saw it. I have known people who have lost money thinking they're getting a bargain buying online, not hearing from the seller and then found no way of tracing where their money went. If you are establishing a trustworthy business I wish you good luck, however with your site you seem to have made all the classic mistakes about establishing trust. First: you need to be open about who you are on the site and give proper verifiable contact information upfront. Second: Fender will close you down if you continue to operate with your existing domain name, meaning your site will disappear as your webhost/domain registrar will get the cease & desist letter to take the site down. As you were wondering - I have no axe to grind. I work for myself as a freelance web developer. I know the difference between a professional site and one set up for little or no cost. You might have had a chance of success with a site like yours ten years ago, however these days people are a lot more clued up and suspicious if things don't look right. If you're interested in trading a bass for a more professional site, feel free to send me a PM. There's also a chap on here that is an absolute wizard with usability and SEO stuff that may be interested in a deal.[/quote] Hi Jean, If saying : “However the website does look like it was made by a schoolkid on MS word in an afternoon” Is not being snide (spelling mistake apart) then maybe I have lived overseas for too long. Have you browsed the other sites tooted here? You know the ones. They look made by professionals for 1,000 quid or so? If they did who picks up the tab but their customers? Just wonder why you seem to delight in my impeding downfall. Yes I have had a visit from Fender USA about three weeks ago. No word from them so far though. I have no knowledge of a company called JapanFender, if there is one I am sure to find out soon enough. It really doesn’t concern me though. If they have the power to stop me using JapanFender then will use another name. It seems I do have some SEO skill. Ranked number one MSN and about 7th in Google in about a week. So name change (maybe call myself the Okayama Guitar Emporium) a week later will be up there also. Maybe I should get into the SEO business. As a web developer you should know well that anyone buying goods using a credit card is well protected by not only the law the credit card company but PayPal itself should anything go wrong. I have bought on e-bay before same thing applies. Otherwise it wouldn’t work. I can fully understand the opposition wanting me to fail, easy to see they can’t compete on prices or range. So I should have expected the attacks I have had. That I didn’t is down to my naivety I guess. Well have complied and put all my details on my site as really I should have done to start with. So can contact me directly anytime you need anything from Japan. Put a professional looking site together for me and if I like it will send you a new Strat:) Best Regards, Jeff [url="http://www.japanfender.com/"]http://www.japanfender.com/[/url]
  7. The long sad story of Japan Fender. Well I came across this site when checking my links in Goog le Analytics and was curious enough to take a look and see who was using my name in vain. Found a real snide post so thought I had better explain about JapanFender. So here goes. My name is Jeff Rice I worked for British Telecom for many years as an engineer then took redundancy, I was then offered and took a job working in a Japanese Telecoms company in Yokohama Japan. I took it loved Japan and have been here ever since, about 12 years now. I love my guitars and love my Stratocaster which I bought in Japan (as I talked about on my web site) It cost me the about 220 pounds (the same model you can get at a certain English guitar shop selling Japan fenders which will remain nameless for about 599 pounds). Anyway to cut a long story short now that I am getting my BT pension and am just working part time I thought about giving other Fender enthusiasts the chance to get a good deal on the Japanese Fenders. You know the person making the snide comments is probably right, Fender USA will catch up with me and try to stop me doing what I am doing in time. The same goes for anyone selling Fender Japan guitars. Yes I guess he is also right although it took me about a month to put the site together it would seem I am not the greatest web developer . The Leeman Brothers bank had a great web site want to invest with them? True that I got some of the images elsewhere ( does this guy think Japan Fender selling sites buy 89 guitars line them up and photo them?) Well jokes and aging rockers apart. All I intended to do was get a good deal for all those Fender lovers like me good deal Instead of searching all the site and WHO IS why not just send a mail. I would have given anyone , as I always do to anyone, any information they wanted. He does have a point though I should have my address and telephone number on the site to comply with the UK governments direct selling regulations criteria, so that will be sorted ASAP. A bit strange though that someone would go to all the trouble of researching DSR regs. at UK GOV.UK . Sort of makes you wonder who he works for doesn’t it? Anyway I mustn’t get cynical. So that is the story. I just wish at this time that the pound wasn’t so strong and could offer a much better deal. If you really do want any information just mail me, only too happy to share my life story. I look forward to hearing from you ( even the aging rocker with the great web site:) Jeff Rice
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