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Everything posted by fatback

  1. Thanks! I'll put it to him. Problem is import taxes and VAT since Brexit are a right pain. I was hoping there might be something gettable from say Thomann. Can you pm your price? thanks!
  2. Hi all, A friend of mine wants to try a valve preamp pedal but I've no idea what's good these days. I've had a DHA VTI for years but they're not easy to get now. We're in Ireland btw. Are there any new equivalents to the DHA? I especially like that you can change valves. Thanks for your help, Dave
  3. My DHA DI-EQ isn't a VTI, so I guess that's why it's marked 9v. My VTI Bass Ice is definitely 12v. What good little boxes these are.
  4. Great, thanks! I've got a 12v Dave recommended to me for the VT1 Bass Ice valve pre. I could use that for the mo. In my ignorance, I was afraid 12v would blow up the DI-Eq. I could then try to get a similar 12v to the one Dave specced for me. I've not gigged the electric for several years, since I got into upright. I'd forgotten what fun pedals are.
  5. Hi all. I've been digging out old gear and just found my pristine DHA DI-EQ. Can't find the power supply though, and only just discovered that the wonderful Dave Hall has passed away. I know Dave was very fussy about the p/s he recommended for his kit. Any idea how I tell a good 9v p/s and what the rating should be? I haven't a clue. Thanks for your help.
  6. I found it really helpful to go and do a lesson before buying anything. Great for finding out how you feel about the instrument and getting a few pointers to good technique. I hadn't even held one at that stage. If there's a teacher near you, why wait?
  7. Brilliant! Thanks. I'll ask. His parents might well stump up for a 1/8 or 1/10, but without him having an introductory lesson and settling on a size, choosing could be hit or miss. Also, not much point if he can;t find a teacher. Thanks again.
  8. Hi all, A friend of mine's ten year old grandson was visiting lately and was besotted with my bass. He's quite small for his age, so I can;t guess what size bass he might need. Anyone know a teacher near Edinburgh who might be able to give an introductory lesson and work out what size bass would be right? He's a great kid with a very good ear. Thanks for any suggestions.
  9. [quote name='JoeEvans' timestamp='1492626069' post='3281792'] I would go for a secondhand Eastern European instrument with a solid wood top and plywood back and sides (hybrid). you should find a decent one, well set-up and with good strings on, for well under £1k. Boosey and Hawkes, 'Golden Strad' etc. If it's a bit scratched that's no bad thing - you can take it to pub sessions without having panic attacks, and if you look after it you'll easily sell it for what you paid for it, even after a few years of playing. [/quote] <<<This.
  10. In a similar situation to you (and with a loud drummer) I found raising the cab 18 inches or so (on a low stool or table) was a huge help. Raising too high will lose you volume. If there's a house PA, I raise it to chest level on a keyboard stand for monitoring. As for EQ, you really need a notch filter for best results. I added an Armstrong mag p/u (excellent), but you do have to use metal strings. In the end, i rarely had to use the mag, but it did give me confidence that I could switch over if problems with the piezzo got unmanageable. All part of the fun.
  11. Geoff Chalmers is very good. I've also lately discovered the brilliant jazz technique lessons by Chris Fiitzgerald. [url="http://www.chrisfitzgeraldmusic.com/"]http://2014.chrisfitzgeraldmusic.com/?page_id=352[/url] He is one excellent teacher, and you can easily build your own course by expanding his material into practice sessions. He's got a great way of structuring the logic; I find his stuff easier to put into practice musically than lessons from anyone else so far. Just realised that the technique video series is hard to find on his site (look under videos/eductional), but you'll you'll find it all on a youtube search for Chris Fiitzgerald bass.
  12. [quote name='tinyd' timestamp='1483383988' post='3206752'] I haven't tried it in the emulator but there is an audio buffer size setting in the "More" screen down at the bottom. Hopefully that'll help. [/quote] Great, thanks. I'm finding that reducing the screen resolution in the emulator helps as well.
  13. Got the iReal book, thanks for the tip. What an amazing software it is. Definitely one of those 'wish I'd done it years ago' things. I've got the occasional sound glitch I have to solve. Probably it's because i'm running it in an Android emulator even though the laptop is a good spec. I haven't found how to change buffer sizes or anything like that. Can you tweak it?
  14. I'll stick my neck out and say ply is not necessarily a negative. For a start, you'll likely have fewer feedback problems than with solid. From what i hear, solid is way more pone to problems from temperature and humidity fluctuations as well. A hybrid (solid top) can be a great compromise.
  15. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1482422710' post='3200464'] Maybe try buying a google play voucher in the supermarket. [/quote] Good idea. Thanks. I really do hate smartphones. I have a deep-seated mistrust of tech that doesn't let you look under the hood. Old skool, me
  16. Grrr. Google Play store point blank refusing to accept my Papal credentials. And no way are they getting my credit card. Drive you crazy. All I want is iRealbook! I hate phones.
  17. I know most of you will have seen this, but for anybody who hasn't lately, what a comedy genius. And what a player, too. [url="http://www.youtube....h?v=CxG-6EvacZg"]http://www.youtube....h?v=CxG-6EvacZg[/url] You'd think I'd know by now how to get the Youtube player up, but no.
  18. I never thought of iRealbook assuming it was all Mac and I only run Windows Just checked and it seems it can run emulated on Bluestacks. Checking it out now. Thanks for the tip.
  19. [quote name='Burns-bass' timestamp='1481576670' post='3193464'] That's great. I have that DVD somewhere - an unopened present from the wife. I haven't opened it because I assumed I wasn't good enough. It seems that maybe I am! [/quote] +1 to that video. I found it a great help when I started. Geoff Chalmers too.
  20. Great advice. Thanks all. @philparker - I'll definitely use your 'disciplines' approach. I think one of my problems is I persist too long with just one thing. I need to get more systematic. Tinyd's point about learning the tunes is a good one. Wish i had that problem, though.
  21. Thanks for the tips. Unfortunately I've no band now, so that's not an option. But I find the same thing as burns-bass - scales help but don't seem enough. Maybe I'm not pushing the tempo enough. It's a bit of a shock when you realise that if you had a gig you couldn't cope, in spite of all the practice. Possibly i need to work out a more balanced practice routine? Any ideas on that?
  22. Shocked to find my playing stamina has disappeared after the last couple of years not gigging and concentrating too much on learning to read. Any tips on how to get it back as quickly as possible?
  23. Luvly. Have fun!
  24. [quote name='slapathy' timestamp='1480543108' post='3185356'] Heartened by my success at fitting my 3/4 DB in my Jaguar XK last June (see previous post), I was curious to see if said instrument would fit in our latest acquisition, a Citroen C3. I stress that this is not a C3 Picasso, but a normal one which is similar in size and shape to a large hiking boot. Why we need yet another car is beyond me, but then I long since recognised the futility of challenging female logic. This car is about half the length of the XK, so I wasn't hopeful. To my amazement it actually fits, not only that, but it will fit two ways; either from the front, scroll first through the passenger door with the passenger seat fully reclined and the body resting on the seat, or through the tailgate with the seat backs down (the squabs don't hinge up) and the front passenger headrest removed, again scroll first from the back of the car. Perhaps there should be a National Databass (sorry) of cars into which you can fit a Double Bass.................... [/quote] I have absolutely sworn to myself I'll snag an XK next year, and the DB question was a major stumbling block. My other half doesn't drive, so the XK would have to be the only car. Now, if i can work out whether i can get two dustbins in the back (not necessarily as well as the DB), I'd be good to go. Where I live you have to drive your bins to the main road for collection. No one has ever accused me of being practical.
  25. That's what not gigging does; you thrash about doing pointless things just to keep yourself amused.
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