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Everything posted by fatback

  1. [quote name='alexharvay' post='969446' date='Sep 27 2010, 01:38 PM']+1 on that, Mark's got a second hand LMII on there which would be worth a look.[/quote] +1 also. Good service to Ireland from Mark. But don't neglect the kit to be found on here Have you got cabinets already? You might need to think about those. You have my sympathy, like me living in the desert (gearwise)
  2. Recently snagged an EA Doubler, and i love it. haven't gigged it with the db yet, only the bg, but at home it sounds the biz (all 2.5 lbs of it). I had problems at first on db with a popping attack that I didn't like. I put it down to the k&k bassmax p/u. I can get a reasonable sound now by rolling off almost all the mids, and I'm going to try swapping the k&k over to the G side of the bridge, maybe this weekend. Pluses for the Doubler seem to be the Ch2 mid eq centred at 800 rather than 600 (as it is on the other channel). It's got a notch filter against feedback, and a fully controllable phase shifter rather than just a 180deg reversal. That last is supposedly good for someone who wants to use mic and p/u, but I don't. An interesting discovery for me was that even though the Doubler has 1mohm input impedance, which is supposedly well good enough for db, i found using my Sadowsky pre improved the sound a lot, even without eq-ing. Maybe if I tried trimming the input gain I'd get more oomph into the amp - you have a little screw on the top of the amp to do this, handy. What a beautiful amp this thing is. Lovely sound with the bg as well. With a Midget, perfectly good for rock, and well loud. As for the db, I read nothing but praise for it, and I can see why now. just ma 10c
  3. I'm beginning to think it's important to be a rich person.
  4. Let me add my huge congrats. Biggest step of all and it went well musically, if not medically. I still have that big day to come, and for sure the techie stuff scares me more than the playing.
  5. [quote name='swingin8th' post='962890' date='Sep 21 2010, 02:17 AM']"Baby Mouse" as it felt small and happened to have a mouse sleleton stuck solidly down on the bottom inside of the bass.[/quote] OMG! What was that movie (was it a Roger Corman job?) where the guy gets stuck in the bell tower, and the bells start ringing? bad way to go. 'Killer bass' takes on a new meaning.
  6. LOL Great to get a laugh this morning. Thanks.
  7. +1 on the micro. I'm running an EA Doubler with a Midget and it's top class. Same amp as the Micro. Don't believe the stuff about not being loud. I've not tried it at 4ohms with two cabs, but with just the one @8b it'll peel paint off the walls. Great combination. Part of the 'not loud' idea might come from it having linear knobs, so 12oclock is genuinely half way, not 3/4 like most amps. Although it's a 'clean' amp, it's definitely not clinical or hifi. I play a kind of down and dirty country rock with it and it can be very mean indeed. Use a pedal if you want more grit, but fwiw I ended up leaving my DHA VT1 at home.
  8. Ooh, I'm liking the sound of this When I bought mine, just carrying it to the car i had total strangers stopping me to chat. Amazing. True, i am the type of person people stop and talk to in the street, but only if they want money. An exception was a day in a country town when, unknown to me, some radio DJ had announced there would be a mystery man walking the streets, and if girls stopped him and said a magic password they'd win a prize. For some reason, every girl in town thought it was me. For a while I thought I'd been reincarnated. Well, i'm getting that 'born again better looking' feeling once more.
  9. [quote name='Stewart' post='959500' date='Sep 17 2010, 02:35 PM']I'd have expected most people to have mentioned circuit breakers, but nobody has... [u][b]CIRCUIT BREAKER ![/b][/u][/quote] Very good point. /ties knot in finger/
  10. Girls' names from songs? Roxanne? My Sharona? (keep the 'my'), Sweet Angeline? Delilah?
  11. Thanks for the suggestions. Got my Gas rumbling nicely. Can't say I want to detune, cos i do doodle a bit up the G string when nobody's looking (oo-er). @ tauzero, couldn't find the Mazeti on eBay, but i'll keep an eye out. Graft? Hmmm. I'll take a look. Not a big fan of single cuts, but they look a lot of bass for the money.
  12. [quote name='51m0n' post='959228' date='Sep 17 2010, 10:57 AM']Archer DB £750 (on a long lasting sale from gear4music, rrp is quoted at £1000) French bow £50 (it comes with a German bow, typically Plux is used to a French bow) Shipping £35 (ish) Dominant strings £150 (ish) Setup £150 So £1135 give or take.... (cripes!)[/quote] Seems very reasonable. If 'reasonable' is a word you can use in a DB context. Starting to look as if golf could be cheaper. I nearly added, but who ever got laid playing golf. But you can't say that now can you?
  13. [quote name='JoshJ' post='959372' date='Sep 17 2010, 12:54 PM']Because it's such a great cook? [/quote] Of course. that's why we love her, surely? No sure the wife is 100% with me on my choice.
  14. Amp (Little EA job @ 2.5 lbs) Sadowsky preamp 1XSpeakon to speakon 1XSpeakon to jack 2X long guitar leads 1X patch lead Spare strings Gaffa tape kettle lead 4Xmains adapter Spare 9v battery Screwdriver Cool shades Set list & pen 2X Auralex acoustic foam strips (doubling as padding for the amp) Total in an Aldi shoulder bag (€13) lined with the foam eggbox stuff you post hard drives in. Total weight under 4lbs Bass on shoulder, Barefaced Midget in other hand. Add carefree prancing to taste
  15. Mine is Nigella. Self-explanatory, really
  16. Nice! Mind if I ask the total cost in the end?
  17. [quote name='endorka' post='950733' date='Sep 9 2010, 03:45 PM']In my experience, the key is doing this quickly. It would appear that the transference of rosin from the cake to the bow is caused by heat melting the rosin, which then sticks to the bow hair. The heat is generated by the friction that moving it quickly over the bow hair generates. If you do this correctly you'll see little tracks from the bow hair on the cake of rosin afterwards. All this carry on with rubbing the thing up and down endlessly is for fiddlers with their powdery rosin. How I wrote this post with a straight face I will never know. Jennifer PS The Yita CF bow I bought got going quickly when rosined when new; another bow I had re-haired took ages before it would work properly.[/quote] Got a chance to try again, and still not a lot of joy. Maybe it's like the second bow you mentioned. I might wait till I get to see a teacher early next month.
  18. [quote name='wombatboter' post='957408' date='Sep 15 2010, 05:03 PM']We are rehearsing with a new band and I only play fretless bass...Great but there's one big disadvantage. The band features three really good looking girls and because I have to play spot on I don't have the opportunity to look at those girls who perform a really sexy show..[/quote] Learn to delegate. Like get us guys along to do the looking, and you just concentrate on that intonation. Everybody happy
  19. [quote name='Chris2112' post='957496' date='Sep 15 2010, 06:19 PM']I snagged this cheeky blighter for £600! You've got to keep your eyes on the used market really! [/quote] Wooo! Thanks for the suggestions, folks. They'll get the search started. Funny how you don't even notice stuff outside your normal zone. Was never really aware of any of these.
  20. Says it, really. Got a singer who likes G, so i need to get me a low D... And drop tuning gives me nightmares.
  21. [quote name='purpleblob' post='957414' date='Sep 15 2010, 05:08 PM'] Congrats. I think you've definitely found a place where fretless is not so good. EDIT: Or maybe it'll help get your intonation even better so you can look [/quote] LOL
  22. Find a Westone Thunder. I've got the 1A courtesy of Mr. OHM here, and it's very nice indeed. Lovely neck. Active sounds are iffy, but passive through a nice preamp and it's got buckets of mwah. I swapped the roundwounds for coated elixirs, but with the rounds it had a very aggressive tone that would be ace in a the right context. Amazing value if you can find one.
  23. [quote name='mep' post='956431' date='Sep 14 2010, 07:28 PM']On a very dark stage! [/quote] A serious point, especially if you can't hear yourself too well. Make sure your side marker dots are in the right place (cheaper fretless basses often have them positioned as a fretted bass), and put a little dab of luminous paint on them. It works, believe me.
  24. [quote name='Barefootbassplayer' post='956958' date='Sep 15 2010, 10:09 AM']If you add a pre-amp into a chain won't do much to your volume, although there may be a perecived increase on decrease depending on what sound you go for. However, a pre-amp effectively gives you more options to shape your sound to achieve a toe you are looking for. If your head is in the one i'm thinking of it has a 4 band eq with some sort of tube tone as well. If you then get a pre-amp which only has a 3 band eq then you're not really adding many more options however if you buy something like this [url="http://www.swrsound.com/products/search.php?partno=4405200000"]http://www.swrsound.com/products/search.ph...rtno=4405200000[/url] You get an eq with more options, compressor, valve and various other bells and whistles that will help you shape your tone a lot more. If you're not after a lot more options then I wouldn't worry too much! If you want more volume then a pre-amp won't really help[/quote] +1 An added factor though is 'character'. I don't use the preamp for tone control, but by just being there it adds amazingly to the quality of the sound from passives. Maybe it's to do with the harmonic content being altered in subtle ways. I'm using a very basic two band Sadowsky. Aguilar would be worth a try too. For me it was like having new basses, and the effect is the same whether I put it through my old Trace or my new AE Doubler.
  25. [quote name='zero9' post='955937' date='Sep 14 2010, 01:01 PM']Smaller speakers give you a quicker ('tighter') response. You'll need to be careful to select speakers appropriate to bass and using these into a properly designed 'tuned' cabinet can often improve bass frequency response. I use a couple of PJB 4B cabinets which have four 5.5" speakers. These are rated at a frequency reposne of 35Hz to 15kHz and are quite phenominal in the 'bass' department.[/quote] Heard a lad using a couple of these cabs at a gig recently and the bass sound was first class. Tight and deep.
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