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Everything posted by fatback

  1. Totally my hero. I believe he was a fiddle player? Anybody agree with me that he plays bass like a tuba? fatback
  2. Don't be embarrassed about wanting lines; Jaco said in an interview that he needed lines. Something to do with the angle of the (longer) neck vs the arm changing too much for accuracy as compared to a UB. As for side markers, best thing I ever did was ask a luthier to move those on my (lined) Yamaha bb400 to the correct positions. I can even play in tune without my specs now. Laugh is, I asked him to make the new side markers luminous, so I could see them in a dark club, but he somehow forgot to do that. I think the unspoken message was: there are some things no self-respecting craftsman should ever be asked to do. Luminous, how are ye. fatback
  3. [quote name='Stacker' post='631062' date='Oct 20 2009, 08:08 AM']Sure, on an image with a watermark; I meant images in general that have, say, a corner credit. Re using somebody's image: whilst I take your point, to a degree, we're always trying to show things/describe things to each other on any forum so what are we supposed to do?[/quote] I wouldn;t worry in the slightest; Getty won't care about marked images. What they do worry about are the non-watermarked versions of these images. The ones here are just like contact prints, for viewing only. Also, if they want a take-down, they'll ask for one. fatback
  4. Gassing for a Lakland 5 myself, but worried about the 35" scale messing me up when I switch back to my 34" fretless. Should I be concerned? Not meaning to hijack the thread here, but maybe others share that niggling doubt. fatback
  5. Great stuff. Righteousness rules.
  6. I think I remember that taking a small claims action in Scotland is pretty cheap, and costs can be added to what the loser will pay. Sounds like you have good evidence. [url="http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/scotland/your_rights/legal_system_scotland/small_claims_in_the_sheriff_court_scotland.htm"]http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/scotland/you...rt_scotland.htm[/url] fatback
  7. greetz too. Donegal here, tho a wicked blow-in. fatback
  8. [quote name='endorka' post='618705' date='Oct 6 2009, 03:59 PM']There's a specific web page for it now, right here; [url="http://programmes.stv.tv/the-hour/news-gossip/128148-horse-performs-her-song-heaven-can-wait/"]http://programmes.stv.tv/the-hour/news-gos...eaven-can-wait/[/url] No idea if that will work abroad or not! Jennifer[/quote] Yaay! Works! Lovely performance. Well done you lot. fatback
  9. [quote name='cheddatom' post='618551' date='Oct 6 2009, 01:57 PM']fatback - search for "UK http proxy"[/quote] Thanks cheddatom. Unfortunately the work pcs don't let us use proxies. lll just have to go to Scotland to watch. hehe. Love the place, lived there for years. fatback
  10. Dang, UK IP addresses only, so alas can't watch. Congrats though, fatback
  11. Works well to alternate arpeggios and scales, so you go up the arpeggio to the ninth and down the scale and vice versa. Also, alternating intervals with sequences is good (as in play up say three notes of the scale then start again on the next note playing three notes, up etc. then come down.) You can alternate sequences too, say three, then four, then three again etc. as you go up and down. Lately I've been remembering to warm up my right hand too, by doing the above with quarter notes, eighths, triplets. Hopefully by the time I've done all this the gig is over and I can have a pint. (oops, isn;t that jazz?) fatback
  12. [quote]Why are all the bands I'd want to join in london?[/quote] +1
  13. Trace Elliot SMX dual. Amazing, and you'll get on on ebay for about £80. I love mine to bits. It doesn't mangle the lows, never pumps, and if you like your compression subtle, you can use the switch to cut out the high compression altogether. Biggest plus of all is it's got a tone control that's amazing, especially if your bass is passive. Oh, and it's built like a tank (it is a Trace). [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Effects/product/Trace+Elliot/SMX+Dual+Compressor/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...Compressor/10/1[/url] Did I mention that I love mine to bits? fatback
  14. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='602815' date='Sep 19 2009, 11:49 AM']All the top Nashville bass players are actually serious virtuosos[/quote] I can believe it. Used to despise country and now I've gone and joined a country band. Getting the right feel for that stuff is really, really hard. It's a 'less is more' gig, for sure. Problem with the 1/5 thing is that you get so bored you play a 1 where you should play a 5 and then everything goes pear shaped. fatback
  15. +++1 I worship the guy (in a manly kind of way!). [quote]Karn is completely untrained and doesn't know what he is doing[/quote] Read an interview with him once and that's what he says. I also read somewhere (I think) that Joan Armatrading said he was the only fretless player she's ever played with who played in tune. He played on Hearts and Flowers. It's that microtone stuff he excels at. And isn't that THE reason for playing fretless? I am not worthy etc etc... fatback
  16. Some more info on the Sligo date. [url="http://www.sligojazz.ie/manring.htm"]http://www.sligojazz.ie/manring.htm[/url] It's a daytime thing on a Friday though, so that's me out. fatback
  17. fatback

    Hi all

    Hi, Been lurking here for a couple of weeks and learned so much I thought I'd best stop by and say thanks. Really appreciate the helpful tone here. Very little flaming, so far as I can see. Nice one. My wee story - I stopped playing for 15 years years (I'm an oldie), but by a series of coincidences got me a fretless two years ago. Had to learn to play all over again (thanks to he www and all who sail in her). Did a lot of gigging in tha distant past (all original stuff, mostly in Scoland), loved it to biits until work took over, and thought I'd never do it again. But done a couple of pub things lately and had a ball. Just started in a new country originals thing with great songs. I tell you now, twenty years ago I'd have shot myself at the idea of playing country music, cos I'm a funker through and through, but it turns out to be an education. A good song is a good song, right? Gear? Only my Yammy BB400s fretless (a gem) and an ancient trace 80w combo for practice. Oh and the bootiful Trace MSX dual compressor (which will be buried with me). I must be keen, cos I haven't yet found a band near me (I live in mid nowhere and I'm over 40), so I do a 450 mile round trip for practices. Really. Not a great reflection on how hireable I am, though. The wife pointed out that i probably wouldn't travel that far for a mistress. She's right. I fear this site's sky high GAS rating is going to cost me dear. See y'all fatback
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