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Posts posted by BassAgent

  1. 10 minutes ago, hubrad said:

    It's likely part of it.  Setup is a right ould balancing act of nut slots, saddles, neck angle, relief and evenness of board, strings..

    Try raising the saddles, having a similar effect to shimming the neck although it means the string being further from the body so a slightly altered picking position. If that has the desired effect in higher positions, you'll find the rest of the action has also risen, so need to look at relief and nut. If the picking position is now a problem, it's worth shimming.

    Lighter strings will buzz more easily than heavier; also old strings can end up with enough of a kink that, even under tension, they end up causing buzz.

    Nice colour bass!

    Yeah normally I'm pretty proficient at setting up basses but somehow I've failed with this one so far. Let's see what happens when I adjust the neck. I really don't know that a graphite neck does when you adjust the truss rod... ;)

  2. I did a live stream with Dutch pianist/singer/songwriter Aafke Romeijn a few weeks ago, used my Mustang, fretless 'Ray and Moog Sub Phatty. Fun stuff. Lyrics in Dutch, but that shouldn't spoil the fun.

    Speaking of fun: I found out the Eurovision competitor for Iceland had a great disco-ish song. Got my trusty 1966 Jazz out for this.


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  3. 37 minutes ago, itu said:

    If you want to lengthen the delay time a bit, flanger is an option, too. tce SCF costs a bit more and has both (and the PM: EBS copied the idea). I have had few issues with weak bass. A ch/pm/fl through a X-over has been my solution.

    I have thought about a flanger but I really like the specific sound of a chorus :)

  4. So I bought a fretless Stingray recently and yesterday I made the "mistake" of trying a Boss CH-1 with it. Man, what a sound. So now I want a chorus, but there are sooooo many choices within a reasonable budget. TC Corona, Boss CE-2B, EHX Bass Clone, EBS Bass Chorus, Ampeg Liquid and so on. I have noooo idea what to look for. Can anyone clarify what the big difference(s) is between these pedals? I'm looking for the classic 80's Pino-ish sound here.

  5. It's been a while since I've had two fretless basses in the house, let alone two basses that might last a while. I've owned that Jazz for almost 20 years now and the Sterling/Status arrived a few weeks back. I've added a Nordstrand pickup to it because the Kent Armstrong that was in it sounded a bit too modern for my taste. And boy. Is it great. I'm not a big Stingray fan but this is quite a bass.

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  6. So I had incredible GAS for a fretless Stingray bass. I was looking for one when I found this oddball at the London Bass Gallery: Sterling Ray34 body, Kent Armstrong pickup, fretless Status neck. It was affordable and I lóve the look. So it arrived today and I absolutely love this bass. Great sound, preamp sounds great... I might replace the pickup with something more vintage sounding (any ideas? Nordstrand? Aguilar?) but I'm very happy so far. It's currently strung with D'Addario strings which I don't really like so I ordered some Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinkies which should arrive tomorrow. Super siked!




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  7. I took my new van der End out to rehearsal yesterday, it was the first time I actually had it in a context of a band. And boy, what a bass...so dynamic, crisp, clear, great EQ... Totally awesome. And it was cheap. What a cool bass.


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