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Everything posted by Damo200

  1. Hi mate, I have a mint realist (copper one) I could sell you for £100 inc postage. Feel free to pm me if you like.
  2. I've got a realist for sale if anyone's interested? Mint £100 posted.
  3. I saw Neil last night and he would be up for giving a Skype lesson. Best to email him first via his website [url="http://www.neiltarlton.com"]www.neiltarlton.com[/url]. Good luck! D
  4. I could talk to Neil for you and see if he might give you a skype lesson?
  5. [quote name='WillEdwards' timestamp='1361187081' post='1982313'] Hi All, Has anyone tried a set of Pirastro Passione strings on their double bass? The Gollihur Music website says that they are not really designed for people who play pizz the whole time, but I was wondering if this is actually true. I play both orchestral and jazz music so I need some strings that are suitable for both. Thanks, Will [/quote] They're too dark sounding for jazz but great under the bow. I'd look elsewhere if you're a regular pizz player.
  6. I don't want to misinform you but I've found (admittedly as a classical player) that the brighter, zingier strings can help counter a typically dark sounding bass. You mention Evahs but they are a dark sounding string and I couldn't get enough definition for my liking in the lower positions. I play on an old French bass. I now use Kaplan Meds and some prototype Innovations Daf Lewis is working on and they're both great. As I say, Permanents are also well noted for their brightness and if you're feeling really manly, the original Flatchromes although they are definitely a more orchestral string. As I say, just my thoughts though...
  7. I would say its the nature of the beast with laminate basses. Ditch the weiches and get a higher tension, brighter steelcore string like a permanent.
  8. If you're an adult arco beginner I would recommend German. Its the quicker of the two to get to grips with and the pros/cons are only important when you start really thinking about advanced nuances (spiccato etc). You can also get away with cheaper sticks with German too. Nymans rosin. Find it on Ebay...
  9. This is certainly not uncommon with certain luthiers (who will remain nameless!) However, in my experience, Malcolm Healey, Mike Hart and Roger Dawson are quicker than most. I know Roger is very busy too and wouldn't be able to look at your bass until the new year. Who is your bass with? If you want to pm me I can be more frank.
  10. [quote name='chrkelly' timestamp='1353575048' post='1876121'] Found a great shop in Munich for strings etc. Very competitive prices & quick delivery (mine arrived in 2 days), and they stock C ext strings (unlike another well known German shop)! [url="http://bassico.eu/?l=en"]http://bassico.eu/?l=en[/url] [/quote] Easy now Chris. I know what you're like!
  11. Full set of Passione strings (bottom E) for sale. These strings have never been used and are still in the wrapping etc. Please note, these are the higher tension Stark strings but they're not Flat-chrome high tension - they're still easy to play. Excellent for bowing with more definition and louder pizz than Belcantos. Half price!
  12. Bought a Platinum Pro from Alex and after paypalling him, it turned up the next day registered delivery! Thanks mate.
  13. I second Chris. The Kaplans are louder and more focussed than Belcantos.
  14. I don't know about videos but you might want to buy the Petracchi Higher Technique book which has very concise exercises focusing on thumb position. I'm sure there may well be some demonstrations on youtube!
  15. Sick of all that wimpy weich, velvet tat? Want to get the bow out and make some real noise? Buy my new Passione e string, still in wrapping. £30 inc postage.
  16. EVR or OK are the best I've found (though not cheap!) Try Malcolm Healey.
  17. [b]Just three:[/b] [b]Gary Willis Fingerboard Harmony for Bass (with CD) £8 - SOLD[/b] [b]Stuart Clayton Bass Styles (with CD) £8 - SOLD[/b] [b]Jamey Aebersold Vol 1 How to Play Jazz and Improvise (with CD) £8 - SOLD[/b] [b]All in excellent condition and prices include 2nd class postage to UK. [/b] [b]Cheers.[/b] [b]D[/b]
  18. Hows the Stingray doing fella? Sorry to hear you're selling your Smith. Why may I ask?
  19. Price drop bump (for a limited time only!)
  20. If anyone has the Promethean combo I am open to a trade.
  21. Hi there,sorry, I don't have any bathroom scales but the webpage specs say 9 -10lbs. To be honest, it feels neither light nor heavy - its lighter than my Ken Smith if thats any help. Sorry, I'm London based and not venturing outside of the M25 for a while. I could in theory post it but I would prefer for you to try the bass first. Feel free to pm mate with any further questions. Best, Damon
  22. Dude, you'll sell your string much quicker on the facebook bass noticeboard. I've added you.
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