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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1336651936' post='1648905'] Ha ha ha! Indeed! - Though I have to say, it's so new and shiny, it looks exactly like the pics above! [/quote] Excited to hear about this! I've had my eyes on them!
  2. If only I had something to trade! Best of luck with the sale Mark!
  3. Never had neck dive issues with any of the 6 strings or 6+ strings I've played. Maybe a tuner swap if you annoyed you enough? Or use a grippy strap and live with it I do the latter with my neck diving 4 strings, though that said I like it when it moves around a bit!
  4. [quote name='tall_martin' timestamp='1335960378' post='1638586'] So 4 strings are perfect for me, why are extra high strings perfect for you? Do you play melody lines on them? Solo? What do you use the lower strings for, and on a 7 string do they normlay come strung with one or two strings below the E? Its these two that have me curious. The 7 looks like one string below the E- same as the 6. [/quote] So hopefully I've answered the last two questions of your post in my previous post. As I said "extra high" may be miss leading as on a 6 string it's 5 extra notes which some harmonic playing you can get on a 4 string. I often play melody lines, and solo on a 4 string as well and well into the 4 string range from bottom of the neck to the top. Though in situations without guitars it's nice to have some variation in range if you are playing the lead line/lead part such as in a jazz group. One thing I do, is i use alot of chord shapes, chords, arrpegios etc and interval shifting which is easier and gives more options / possibilites for chords on a 6 string or 7 string than on a 4 string. And I use the Low B when I want to go lower than an E (so for the cheeky answer!) again I like the option of range. Sometimes I'll double down so I'm play an octave below the guitar for a thick chunky sound, or when the rest of the music goes up I'll head down to fill out the sound and create a slightly different feel. Many of my favourite and worshiped players do much of what I've said on a 4 string, but not all of it is strictly possible. I have certainly rambled more than anything so will be silent now!
  5. A 6 String is Tuned B E A D G C A 7 string is normally tuned B E A D G C F If that answers part of your question. It's down to what you play and how you play, though I'd like to bring this up: A 6 string has 10 notes more than 4 string. Why people think these 5 extra notes means a bass with more strings is pointless/too high etc is beyond me! (Note: Not saying anyone said that!) I've lusted after a 7 string for a while. Short answer to why? Because I would like to be able to use notes in that range! As previously said it's all down to the music you play, and what kind of player you are. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cjZ47iwv_Q Is a good example of the 7 string range be used from the low B to the top of te fret board in one track and I personally really enjoy the music, and the bass part. You may think it sounds stupid, each to their own! Though not to say because you have the range available means you should use it all in every track but I like having it at my disposal. Finally, Re: Jean Baudin, he gets a bad wrap for that Mario thing. He did it for a laugh, as you might be able to tell by that very bass, and another bass he owned now owned by a member on here he's a game nut! He is a fantastic bass player (ie writes great lines IMHO) and that's not including his tapping stuff which is down to personal taste again I do a reasonable amount of tap, but not in the same style or way. I'll admit the "ERB" thing is some times a bit of a gimmick, but when done right I love it. I'd stick to my 4 string for some stuff, and I do. So it's all a matter of because someone wants to I guess!
  6. Play the harmonic as you normally would, where the 24th fret would be if it were there. WIll sound at the smae pitch and if your hand is up there will be easy
  7. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1336146876' post='1641701'] It's a Stingray, if memory serves me well. [/quote] I "think" it was a jazz bass on the record, but a Stringray in the video. I always "accidentially" get that exact sound when messing around due to the sound of my set up and P-bass stuff! A plectrum and digging in makes a big part of the sound, makes it easier, though you can get it finger style The sound is based on a solid amount of mids and bass and just enough treble for the growl to sing through. Sounds clean (ie not pedals or drive) but with the gain up for it to be full and raspy Play just behind the pickup on your p-bass (towards the bridge)
  8. [quote name='BMBR' timestamp='1335694807' post='1634583'] Thanks for the feedback guys - am mindful of the weight but guess it's good exercise Anyone know of a good valve head out there that gives the sound but is more portable ? I'll try out a Nexus properly anyway - from demos it seems awesome. [/quote] From what i've heard on here the Orange Terror bass does a very good valve sound but is tiny and lightweight, Thought about maybe the Nexus Fet? I'm still tossing up between the Nexus Fet and Nexus Tube but from experience it seems the sound of driving KT88 valves in the power section I like!
  9. Hartke LH set up? Should be well within budget, loud, simple, company with great customer support and should be able to sell it on pretty easily if you don't like it. Great amps, just not my thing though
  10. Mr. Foxen knows his stuff too (and the Caricatures album is awesome by the way!) Now the GAS I had for A Nexus Tube is back. Great
  11. [quote name='voxpop' timestamp='1335630212' post='1634018'] I had one for a few months but got rid of it for two reasons. First it was just to heavy to gig, after a long set the last thing you need is to carry the beast to the car. Second the build was poor, the tolex covering was so thin it started to tear and split after a few times in the boot of my car. But... It sounded fantastic, real tube tone with an amazing preamp that allowed any sound to be dialled in. If I had a good back I would get one again. [/quote] Was the general build bad, or just the tolex?
  12. I've been saving for one for yonks, still debating tube/fet Never heard someone who's used one who's tone I disliked And I got to play a Nexus tube for about 2 minutes and loved the tone. A couple users on here have owned/giged/used them so hopefully someone with more experience can answer your question!
  13. [quote name='jhk' timestamp='1335293805' post='1628884'] TRB`S ............................ I love em....................... nice wide spacing too! [/quote] Newer TRBs have 17mm String spacing, just the way I like it, nice and thin spaced!
  14. Yamaha TRB1006J Ibanez SR506 Ibanez BTB676 Warwick Pro series (if your budget can strech to that) Those are the most common, I've got a BTB676 and really love it after lots of fiddling and getting used to it. I've got a thing for the TRBs too!
  15. Henrik is one hell of a player!
  16. What you looking at to make you shift these?
  17. I use Rotos because I think they sound the best and I love the rough feel, never had a problem them chewing my fingers, or that i've had to "get used to them" everytime I change them! So personal opinions!
  18. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1334776942' post='1621204'] Listen to his tone on this... monster! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGdQUMzRVxA[/media] Does anyone know how he get's this crunch tone? [/quote] Orange amps, playing hard, and his sansamp bass driver? I want to know too! That tone (and the like motif thing) is awesome!
  19. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1334605086' post='1618481'] Oh, I'm really sorry about that. Did you drop it in front of a speeding bus? [/quote]
  20. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1334451302' post='1616447'] Bi amp! Bass sounds awesome with guitar based overdrive but you do lose those lovely lows [/quote] Recently I was Tri-amping ala 80s Billy Sheehan/Troy Sanders/Chris Wolstenholme it sounded like THUNDER It was amazing, pretty impractical but amazing haha! I prefer it to "bass" distortion as well, too buzzy, clunky and fizzy most I've used
  21. I really want a 6 string fretless neck through, shame they don't have them anymore as they company switched factories so they are limited!
  22. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1334321567' post='1614474'] Stop pulling his leg! That was an Ampeg one off 32x10 they made to look very cool at a NAMM show or for some dodgy cockrock band way back when. If Wayne actually has that rig he needs a flat bed and a forklift to get it to a gig, and he'll need to knock a wall down to get it into the Dog and Pony on the highstreet for the soundcheck [/quote] It's a 36 10 is it not? With a 1000W all tube classic head made for NAMM IIRC
  23. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1334180791' post='1612337'] Like in a Frankenstein's monster way? [/quote] Yeah only my left big toe is chinese.
  24. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1334169676' post='1612028'] And here's me thinking you are the blonde geezer in your avatar [/quote] Some people actually think i'm the sun glasses
  25. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1334146458' post='1611526'] So am I, bloody hayfever. I look Chinese. [/quote] So do I. But that's because I'm part Chinese.
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