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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. Whens this Terror review you promised us? eh! Steller work as always!
  2. I really want someone to try a GE 5751 in an Orange Terror bass (i know it kind of defeats the purpose but still!) and to report back!
  3. [quote name='mcgraham' timestamp='1324195393' post='1471592'] Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying that using a third finger in general is a waste of time. What I'm saying is the way Gary Willis uses that third finger is inefficient. The reason he uses it is to always use it as an ascending finger for ascending to a nearby string... but it introduces the very problems it tries to solve. I'll give a more detailed explanation later, I'm a bit short on time right now. [/quote] Ah ok, i miss understood you, i understand what you mean now!
  4. [quote name='mcgraham' timestamp='1324032780' post='1469943'] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/29644-finger-speed/page__view__findpost__p__958020__hl__hanon__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] Check that out. I started using and now highly recommend Hanon ever since Janek Gwizdala said he used it. They are piano exercises, and as such they are demanding on bass. Pick a few (anywhere from one of them to four of them) and get them under your fingers, then run them with a metronome. Start really slowly. Get your technique right slow, cos if it ain't right when you play slow it sure as hell won't be right when you play fast. Make sure to do every exercise TWICE, once starting it on your index finger, once starting it on your middle finger. Search for Gary Willis on youtube. Ignore the talk about the third finger, waste of time. What is important is to watch him talk about getting your next finger in position to pluck WHILST the other finger is plucking... that way as soon as one note is done you are ALREADY ready to pluck the next one, rather than then having to get your finger in position for the next note. Turns it from a sequential process to a simultaneous process. That + Hanon + Metronome = world class chops. There are other great routes too, this is just one approach but that will get you killer technique very quickly. [/quote] In what way is it a waste of time, may i ask?
  5. [quote name='fender73' timestamp='1324053865' post='1470389'] Really? I must be getting old! [/quote] Haha don't feel bad, people call me on odd ball with my gear
  6. What i mean is, i whole heartly accept i may be naive to university and degrees and what not, however i am not naive to life, the importance of things, how to put food on the table and things like that is what i meant! It wasn't meant to come out like an attack so sorry if it seemed that way
  7. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1323959706' post='1469201'] I disagree. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItZyaOlrb7E[/media] [/quote]
  8. [quote name='achknalligewelt' timestamp='1323877293' post='1468129'] Why does everyone get so excited about John Entwistle? Overplayed and intrusive. Then again, I don't really like Chris Squire, either. Or Geddy Lee. Let the bass serve the song, because that's what anyone in a band is there to do. All the players I admire and try to let influence me are of the non-heroic stripe. Colin Greenwood, Glen Matlock, Krist Noviselic, Trevor Bolder, all great band players. Leave the preening heroics to the berk with the microphone. [/quote] Because he invented modern bass playing, as in playing finger style, or even with a pick he was up there with the pioneers of bass playig. And it's not there to serve the song, the bass is there to be played by the bass guitarist playing it. That's why some bands don't have one and some bands have two or three! Not having a go, just my opinion like!
  9. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1324029924' post='1469882'] You said it, not me. [/quote] In terms of degrees and how far they would get you, however if you were calling me naive to life in general then that i'd have to disagree with was what i meant. I do understand i said i [i]may [/i]be naive.
  10. [quote name='ChristopherGilbert' timestamp='1323880363' post='1468194'] I've read all the replies and just want to say thank you to everyone. If I were to use just two fingers, are there any other techniques I can use to get speed up apart from just practicing with a metronome? [/quote] Practise scales to make sure you're consistantly quick across the strings too, With speed always play at a speed you feel ready and comfertable at, and then when you need it that burst if speed should be there is kind of how i think of it
  11. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1323981170' post='1469566'] I disagree with your views about physics degrees, only 8 to 10 secondary schools in the country have physics teachers who actually have physics degrees- there are just too many decent opportunities for jobs waiting for a physics graduate with a good degree. My physics teacher in school did have a physics degree, but he only had a 3rd. Not saying that a physics degree will make you rich, but it's not exactly uncomfortable, either. Don't listen to everything your Dad tells you, even if he is an engineer. Ok, so he decided to go into engineering after getting a second degree, fair enough. Doesn't really mean much though. I would very much have liked to do physics but unfortunately my A-level grades (or lack thereof) only allowed me to study engineering. Also yes you did get my username wrong, "Himself" is one word Something we can both agree on . You're definetely doing the right thing by questioning whether a degree is the right way to go for you. Remember I was saying about not listening to everything your dad says? Well that applies in this case too. He might be encouraging you to get a degree since it's what he did when he were a lad but you've got to politely remind him that it's your life and you're going to decide what to do with it. Trust me on this one- being stuck in a 2x3 room on your own miles away from home thinking to yourself "what the hell am I doing here?" is not a nice feeling, make sure that whatever you really, really want to do in your life requires the use of a degree. [/quote] My teacher at school does have a physic degree so i guess we are one of them! (Biggest and supposedly best, but i have no idea how you'd gauge that physic department in scotland) And i did apologise in advance if i got your username wrong, i was in hurry and didn't have time to check so again i apologise! And oh yeah definately, i'm doing a part time apprenticeship at the moment and if all goes well in my year out i may never go to university just need to see how things pan out. I'd like also point out the way you are disagreeing with what i've said on physics (it's certainly a viable life choice but as we have both stated you won't be making bags of riches) is surely in a similar vein to those and yourself disagreeing with what has been said on studying music? At the end of the day everyone just has to do what they want. And the thing we agree on, i hope that wasn't you calling me niave and that's that I'd love to study music, or physics those are goals and fantasies but in all likelyhood that's all they will ever be, just as playing stages as cross the world and being recognised for my music not being a rich rock star or anything i mean just being paid to perform around the world which a music degree especially in classical music if you are accepted into a conservatoire. But again as pretty much everyone has said on either side of the arguements going on here, do what you want. If you want to do it, who are we to stop you?
  12. I'm the same but not with lighter strings! I felt 45-105s a little too floppy so pumped everything up a little and it felt great as i love the resistance on my right hand! (No drop tuning here by the way!) Glad you've found some inspiration at a bargin price
  13. I only managed to get 3 pages in before it got too depressing. Note: Pardon me if this has all been covered but i couldn't bring myself to read 5 more pages if it goes the same way which trends suggested it may! Please to all those who have said such things, define a real degree, the real world, and a real job? EdwardHimSelf (sorry if i got you're username wrong, and this isn't a direct attack but just an example) You have or are studying a physics degree correct? (If not this becomes irrelevant haha!) I was told that studying physics will earn you more or less minimum wage unless you do great things, (not saying you haven't or won't this is just another example!) and that if you actually want to study physics you're more or less giving up a fancy car and a fancy house. You could always go into engineering but that's not the same thing, and your skills won't be used, and companies would rather employ someone with an Engineering degree over a physics degree anyway. (My father is an engineer with both a degree in physics and mechanical engineering and has worked for an oil company for 27 years now so this isn't all assumed etc) You study music if it interests you, and you want to know more about it and develop your self as a musician, same if you wish to be a doctor, a physicist, a lawyer an IT specialist etc. You can make a fair living doing anything with any degree, doesn't mean you'll have luxary but if you truely love what you're doing and what you will or have become you'll see the bigger picture! If this all seems a little naive it may be because i just am, everyone is different and everyone has different lives, oppertunities and situations. At the end of it i'm just a kid so what do i know? All this does make me not want to do anything to do with university though!
  14. Ed Friedland covers and shows the Trace "signature sound" here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVyBjX_qkFI&feature=channel_video_title
  15. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1323799841' post='1467281'] The parts i've put in bold all have the same answer. You've not been playing long & speed doesn't just happen over night. It takes practice, time & perseverance. You've only been playing for 3 months so if your wanting to move to 3 fingers there's nothing wrong with it, but your going to have to sit down and practice playing with 3 fingers slowly first, especially if your saying your getting confused with skipping strings. Concentrate on which fingers are leading. Playing with a pick, 1 finger, 2 fingers, 3 fingers, your thumb, it's all the same. All of them takes practice to build up speed but the important thing is to start slowly, hear every note your playing, make sure there even and [b]build[/b] speed over time. [/quote] Could not agree more! [quote name='ChristopherGilbert' timestamp='1323790910' post='1467087'] I play power-inspired metal. Mainly chugging single notes at speed is my problem. Not the speed part exactly, but switching strings to play different notes. Or at really high speeds, just switching to any other note at the right time can be a problem when I play with 3 fingers. I have been playing for about 2 or 3 months now and my two finger style and speed is pretty good I feel. I have no problems there really. But i'm at the point now where using two fingers for the speed of notes I want to play is just not optimal. So it's either 3 or or a plectrum! I'll take your suggestion and start off slow and work my way up. [/quote] If playing across the strings is an issue that screams to me slow down. Don't try and play fast till you can do what you want and need to do comfertably the way things currently are. THEN think about technique and make it mathematical if you wish. Or you could end up messing your technique up and needing to correct it along the line which is significantly harder
  16. [quote name='ChristopherGilbert' timestamp='1323790910' post='1467087'] I play power-inspired metal. Mainly chugging single notes at speed is my problem. Not the speed part exactly, but switching strings to play different notes. Or at really high speeds, just switching to any other note at the right time can be a problem when I play with 3 fingers. I have been playing for about 2 or 3 months now and my two finger style and speed is pretty good I feel. I have no problems there really. But i'm at the point now where using two fingers for the speed of notes I want to play is just not optimal. So it's either 3 or or a plectrum! I'll take your suggestion and start off slow and work my way up. [/quote] Based on what you've said i'd say stick with two fingers for at least another year. I know that sounds ridiculous but trust me it'll be worth it in the long run. Then if you're still feeling it's needed switch to 3. If it doesn't feel comfertable or natural then chances are you'll force it to feel natural which could take 10 years or more, or maybe not. Everyone is different making this hard to answer. How fast is the stuff you're doing? I play with 2 fingers in a power metal band as it's not too fast so doesn't feel that unconfertable but our music could be totally different to yours. Look at John Entwistle and Steve Harris, lightning speed, 2 fingers! Playing with 3 fingers will make you think triplets for a long long time, when you finally build up a decent speed all your "bursts" will then be triplets which you'll have to over come which i guess relates much more to the orginal post. Playing with three fingers doesn't directly translate to playing fast. What i'm trying to say is, are you certain you want to play with 3 fingers, and how are you so sure? Not to sound cynical or anything and i'm not trying to put you off!
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1323687404' post='1465692'] An endoresement from Markbass!! Hasn't everyone got one of them Seriously, there are issues here but I am hijacking someone else's thread so will apologise and go and start one of my own!! [/quote] Please do so we can debate there I like the sound of tap, you don't we've agreed to disagree. Why isn't everyone in life as civil as basschat?! Though i take mild offence as i tap pretty frequently in my band, and it's not as a solo thing or a lead thing usually, just a way of doing somthing i like to do, which it think sounds cool. I believe there is a genre called Jazz built on doing what you want in music, you may have heard of it? Seeing your sig gets me in a jazzy mood, time to break out Nostalgia in times square '93 me thinks!
  18. What kind of music are you playing? I play with three fingers on my right hand but it just feels natural to me and more or less always has. A great way to keep me solid i find, so i hope it helps you build it up from the ground, is to play along to really simple say indie or pop bass lines in 4/4 and slug away with the three fingers. DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT TOO MUCH JUST LET YOUR FINGERS MOVE and it will become second nature, i also accent the first of every 4 to pick it out though obviously only when that sounds better. Try using your 2 fingers though, i emplore you! Speed comes with practise, and playing there is no jumps. I know two players who switched to 3 fingers one when he wasn't ready and made a mess of his playing and had to spend 6 months re-learning his right hand more or less and the other thought about it slowly then decided to do it. Like i said for me it was how i played when i first picked up the bass, but i've studied the "technique" as it were in great depth
  19. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1323622638' post='1465118'] Thank you for clarifying the way the pickups mix at the jack sockets mate! - Is that the same for all the models? For some reason I thought that using one socket only mixed the two outputs but I must have gotten confuzzed! Maybe it's ric-o-sound I've got lodged in my noggin! [/quote] Haha yes you're thinking of ric-o-sound, which makes it easier to use both pickups i think together as that's more common It's the same for all models as since the Attitude LTD I as far as i know could be wrong though, i'll double check! Not sure how it's all wired though, that's beyond me
  20. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1323615166' post='1465035'] p.s. One day I'll put some pennies aside and get an Attitude bass!! [/quote] You should have played billys at the stand! They are my favourite 4 stringers hands DOWN.
  21. Ok let me walk you through it. Jack socket furthest away is just the P-pickup which only has a volume control. The one closest is just the neck pickup which has a volume and Tone. The knob closest to the neck is the Neck pickup volume. The middle knob is the neck pickup tone with either a push-push or push-pull knob depending on the age of your Attitude LTD II. This switch activates a high cut when active which removes top end for a "deep 60's" sound for when you want it. The knob closest to the bridge is the P-pick up volume and has a push-push or push-pull again depending on age which activates both pickups allowing you to run both through either jack socket. Edit: For complete desciption!
  22. Pardon my ignorance, but can anyone recommend an Octave which offers both clean octave up and down? Does one exist? I am that clueless! (Not necessarily at the same time but that would be a bonus!)
  23. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1323611167' post='1464974'] The OP presumably asked about approaches to tapping because he's already decided he wants to learn how to do it. I have great respect for your musicianship and integrity Bilbo, but I'm not sure that trying to talk him out of it is the right approach in this situation. [/quote] Plus the one! Didn't mean to try and start an arguement btw the guys just incase anyone thought i was simply looking for one!
  24. Also, define musical merit? Surely if it expresses one's self then than in the end that's all that is required?
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