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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. One of the top basschatters in my book! Bought a cab from Marc, very smooth, keeps you posted 24/7. I'd deal with him again in a heart beat (thats if my wallet was a little plumper!) Cheers Marc! Oh also, he has great taste in instruments and Amps too
  2. [quote name='yorick' timestamp='1316368666' post='1377033'] Upgraded............. [/quote] How many people survive your gigs?
  3. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1316457545' post='1378277'] Thanks AC [/quote] No worries ped! Thanks for running a great forum! [quote name='arsenic' timestamp='1316457894' post='1378284'] I mentioned this in one of the other threads last night - Check Bottle's posts on page 15 in Silldx's Chris Squire Electra Evolution thread in the Build Diaries forum - post number 292. Looks like there is no boundary between the info pane and the post area......any way to turn off viewing the interests. [/quote] Sorry i missed that! Good to know it wasn't a one off though, thanks!
  4. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1316440476' post='1378007'] Good choice, my favourite MB album. [/quote] + 1 the new album "What if..." is also great! That transcription is very close, not 100% but almost so that plus your ears should be all you need!
  5. Have you tried Ashdown themselves?
  6. Hey Guys! Just like to say the new BC is a beauty! Not sure if this has been flagged, or if this is just for me but i've noticed the "interests" area under avatars overlapping onto the post Only seen it on Hillbilly deluxe's posts http://basschat.co.uk/user/3910-hillbilly-deluxe/ Cheers guys! AC
  7. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1315126896' post='1361559'] I was reading an article the other day which said that Keanu Reeves out of the matrix is left handed but plays the bass right handed apparently. [/quote] Yep! he played on the Mr. Big influences album, and is friends with Billy Sheehan! Billy gave him a few lessons there are (or at least we're pictures on Billys site) Found the link! http://www.billysheehan.com/photos/photos_other02.html
  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='1375097' date='Sep 16 2011, 06:27 AM']Aaaaah, they're so awesome. The only rock band I'm a real fan of.[/quote] Agreed, wonderful night! If i could i'd stick them up but i don't want to use masses of BC space so will try and get them up on Photobucket asap I'll put one or two on the BC facebook group now
  9. [quote name='andy67' post='1375022' date='Sep 15 2011, 11:13 PM']Wow! Once I've settled down a little...I'll post more![/quote] It was EPIC wasn't it! xD I'm the one billy knelt down to shake hands with too The VIP thing was amazing, and the whole show was brilliant, simply brilliant! I'll get some Pictures up when i can (Only just got home, and i'm getting the bus to school in 5 hours!)
  10. Any chance of splitting? And is that £150 for both? Any Idea on weight? Also any close up pictures of the front panel/ any notable nicks? (Though it does infact look to be in great condition!) / What are the frequencies of the graphic EQ? (No need to answer directly if you can get a close up picture up, can only really see 40, 80 and 100) Thanks in advance, Sorry for bombarding you with questions but it'll help your sale either way!
  11. If the tour had been in october My Mum and I would have followed them round the country but it wasn't to be! They we're AWESOME in the Sheperds Bush in '09 so anyone who can get tickets should! (BUT ONLY IF YOU'RE A MR. BIG FAN!) The number of people there who hadn't heard any of the music who we're there just because it's Billy Sheehan/Paul Gilbert annoyed me, but what was worse was people complaining "i want a shred show!" and such like [/rant]
  12. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1372631' date='Sep 13 2011, 10:32 PM']I have a feeling tomorrow night won't see great attendances (it's just a sampler promo - that we're not even on.... I don't think) but get your ass down to either of the Moorings jobs this month and you'll have your face melted whilst being jostled in a drunken crowd. [/quote] Wow rich, are you always so charming? ahaha! Though i like your stuff on soundcloud so i'll pull myself out when i'm free i promise! I'll even bring a few mates to bulk up the crowd
  13. Been meaning to get out the house and see you guys live! Will do ASAP
  14. [quote name='andy67' post='1371271' date='Sep 12 2011, 11:48 PM']Yes I'll be in Glasgow on Thursday to see them - cannae wait! VIP tickets ready and waiting for you in-house... Are you going? andy[/quote] Yep! You got a VIP ticket too? I'm SO excited! Seen them twice before I love Mr. Big! Seeing them plus VIP-ing as a 16th birthday present (which is for today ) from the family
  15. How could you not know that!! Anyway... I know the whole song (and album!) of by heart, i'll work it out in notes and try and put pen to paper when i have free time! Mr. Big are a GREAT band, seeing them on thursday
  16. Andy are you seeing them in Glasgow? Got my tickets AND My VIP ticket too
  17. [quote name='voxpop' post='1360957' date='Sep 3 2011, 01:54 PM']Adam....keep saving those pennies....the cab is waiting. [/quote] haha! You're telling me Marc! If this is still here in a week (everything crossed) I'll have the pennies i need! (Is it wrong i didn't want to reply this as it would bump it? sorry marc )
  18. Hoping to have the funds for this asap!
  19. [quote name='bartelby' post='1354233' date='Aug 28 2011, 12:10 PM']I was assuming he'd bolded the wrong names... [/quote] My thoughts exactly
  20. [quote name='retrohelix' post='1353975' date='Aug 27 2011, 11:21 PM']It's hard to imagine something so unlistenable. But I did it anyway. D:[/quote] Opinions opinions now! (Sheehan fan alert)
  21. [quote name='Evil Undead' post='1348556' date='Aug 22 2011, 11:12 PM']Ok here's one - and this is the thing that I would be most interested in hearing about - what if a custom build doesn't turn out exactly as you hope? Has this happened to anyone?[/quote] Many times! Just look through the for slae thread and you'll find a good few!
  22. [quote name='Evil Undead' post='1348399' date='Aug 22 2011, 08:43 PM']May I ask, what are the advantages of having a custom build?[/quote] Well it's custom! Thats the advantage, you can have a personal twist on on your favourite bass so say a neckthrough Jazz bass for example or something no one else makes so a totally custom shape with custom wound pickups for you with what you like!
  23. [quote name='deepbass5' post='1348267' date='Aug 22 2011, 07:12 PM']Sorry just being a smart Arse, Was thinking you probably need someone to Look at the floor, nod their head and play fast and loud. If you stated you wanted someone to double on flute or Harp. Now that as a Metal fan is versatile [/quote] Mate, I can play fast,nod, be loud AND double on harp and trombone Not in your area but best of luck finding a bass player!
  24. [quote name='biro' post='1348208' date='Aug 22 2011, 06:10 PM']this said, £ 600 IMO is more than enough to get a great sixer, and I guess that any yamaha trb or Ibanez BTB (I happened to try the new 676 model recently, and I found it absolutely gorgeous to look at in person, and extremely nice to play. also, it's really, really lightweight) would fit your needs.[/quote] I got my 676 for £670 though most seem to be almost £800 now Great bass, love mine! Very versitile with a bit of EQing, very very easy to sound jazzy and funky on it! And i play metal of all sorts and i can get the grunt and power from it too! Nice crisp growl which i like alot! [quote name='charic' post='1348251' date='Aug 22 2011, 07:00 PM']Currently playing my Yamaha RBX6JM and loving it btw. I found the TRB1006 to be an awesome bass aswell[/quote] You have no idea how much I envy you. Saving for a Yamaha TRB1006J! I love my 676 but i need a spare/back up and the TRBs i've always loved, they have an amazing mid-range with that grunt i love!
  25. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' post='1348221' date='Aug 22 2011, 06:19 PM']Hi and tnx..yeah I meant TB..TalkBass forums.. been on there a few years, never even knew this existed til I caught a post on there cross linking to here. A nexus NX410 is on my list of things to try, tempted to get a 4 ohm to open up the power of my amp a bit.[/quote] Ah sorry! I though you meant Terror Bass, but yes thats why i left Talkbass too american and always about stuff you don't get round here Same for me! I should be getting a NX115 soon thanks to Delberthot's review and big-ups of it
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