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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. What would replace it with? Just out of interest! I've been looking at these, but as i've never heard one in person have no real opinion, plus i'm on a gear buying ban till my Ashdown MAG stuff gets shifted!
  2. [quote name='risingson' post='1283031' date='Jun 26 2011, 03:17 PM']Experience. That's the key IMO.[/quote] +100000 Billy Sheehan (even if you don't like him, you have to admit he has chops, and had a number one hit all over the world (exept for here haha!)) learnt everything on the stage and he is (in my eyes, one of ) the best bass player(s) there is! Flip side of the coin John Myung of Dream Theater famous for having gone to Berklee and studying music, but they band left Berklee after a year and a half as they felt they knew enough in "theory" but needed to put it into practise and that was more important. You can learn more in an hour playing with a band on a stage than you can in 10 hours of practise home alone (in regards to being a musician, playing the music you play as obviously if you're home reading up on harmonies and theory etc you'll learn more about "music" as a subject!) Thats all IMHO and IME! Edit: And yes i also mean being punctual, respectful, knowing your placing etc and thats the kind of thing you'd learn by doing, as if after 7 years you aren't getting any shows and you've always called the sound man "mr T*ss P*t" at shows you should see the connections
  3. At a glance looks like a Hipshot A style bridge?
  4. AttitudeCastle

    big muff

    Hundreds of bass players used and still use the Guitar Big Muff on bass! I use one and it sounds great! (Though it is my brothers so its technically not mine haha)
  5. [quote name='Shawman' post='1279600' date='Jun 23 2011, 01:30 PM']scarified by racer x always fun [/quote] The orginal isn't as hard as people think it is Carry On Wayward Son - Kansas
  6. [quote name='ead' post='1279570' date='Jun 23 2011, 12:57 PM']Phew, not just me that thought that! I'm afraid I don't get the erb thing, all that extra stuff to hold and move around (plus the cost of an 11-string replacement set) all for about 5 more notes per string...[/quote] And access to more notes in one hand position, and more ways to play the same note/octaves (octaves if you're doing the whole two handed tapping thing)
  7. If you can try one, try an SR700 they are great, and they come in a lovely amber colour! Though i find the necks a little too narrow, but i prefer wide necks, i find the 6 string just right
  8. [quote name='crez5150' post='1278863' date='Jun 22 2011, 06:30 PM']Maybe McCormacks.......??[/quote] Well i saw he's from aberdeen (and if that is correct) then one of the local music shops is having a closing down sale so i just kind of assumed
  9. Was that at Bruce Millers? Do you know when the auction is? Just asking Another BCer from aberdeen is always a good thing
  10. [quote name='Stag' post='1278753' date='Jun 22 2011, 04:59 PM']There is a wonderful quote from Billy Sheehan somewhere about basses with more than 4 strings, and I cant quite remember it... [/quote] He's said many times, most guys don't give it a "real go" a "real go" being defined as around 20 years!
  11. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='1277687' date='Jun 21 2011, 08:34 PM']OK I'll play The Cello covers pretty much the same range on the stave as a 5 - string bass guitar. The scale length is typically 34", the same as many 4 -string basses. You can pluck it the same as a bass guitar and even produce some pretty decent fretless bass type sounds. Instead of using the bass guitar to emulate a Double Bass, why not turn the idea around and use the Cello as a natural sister instrument to the bass guitar ?[/quote] I think it depends on the tuning to get the whole range, where as a bass guitar has the whole range avalible (though of this i'm unsure, and i'm talking about the low notes) Though doesn't A bass guitar sound one octave below written? So the B, 2 ledger lines down below the staff is the B string, but what you're actually hearing is the octave below that, The reason it is still a bass is it's access too and chromaticism (is that a word? ) in the lowest register (in terms of an ERB)
  12. [quote name='Johnston' post='1277544' date='Jun 21 2011, 07:28 PM']You mean he didn't think you'd just brought a large guitar along But it does pose a question, When does an ERB cease to be a Bass.[/quote] Never, its still An Extended Range [b]Bass[/b] It cross over into the "guitar range" and some times even to the top of it, but it still has the strings a bass have and lower and then them other higher ones! Would you apply that to trombone? (for example, and just because i had the trombone/trumpet version of this question earlier today!) If the parts are always higher? Though maybe thats not as good an arguement as they are built differently but apply it to Tuba and trumpet and where is the line? If it can only play the higher parts then its just a guitar/trumpet but it comes from and has the whole range of the bass/tuba at the heart of it! Just my ramblings i'll keep 'em to myself next time haha
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1277508' date='Jun 21 2011, 07:09 PM'] [/quote] Give some frets and i'd buy one (if it were cheap enough )
  14. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1276561' date='Jun 21 2011, 12:19 AM']Nope you're bang on the money. Finishing off a P for someone this week. (I might cheekily post it in the gear porn section later seeing as the luck owner isn't a member) Try me. Yes and yes. Actually I'm based in the Bridge of Don... and you're welcome to come and check out my wee operation anytime.[/quote] I'll take you up on that before too long And Rich is a fine man so i'd take him up on it Dave !
  15. [quote name='woodyratm' post='1276193' date='Jun 20 2011, 06:44 PM']You wouldnt happen to build basses would you...? Also based in the 'deen right?[/quote] yup! Rich has made a few basses, and is based in the 'deen and he is a top guy
  16. I don't know how to help, but that bass looks AWESOME!
  17. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1276132' date='Jun 20 2011, 05:42 PM']Repair your flat (hang on... hear me out ) then employ an up coming local luthier to custom build you something to your exact specifications for half the price and half the waiting time of a big name luthier. Twa birds wi a' steen. [/quote] Didn't know you made basses for people? Or am i miss reading you? If you are expect a knock on you're door (knowing me, 3 hours later than orginally planned) at some point with some crazy specs for some ridiculous bass Though i probably would
  18. Rob Trujillo from Metallica used P basses and String rays for a good while before his warwicks!
  19. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1275067' date='Jun 19 2011, 06:27 PM']Oh no, bloke sitting in his bedroom tapping on a singlecut, this isn't good for the stereotype! All the same, that Thumb singlecut...yuck. I can't believe it took two people to make that![/quote] Hahahahaha And i do agree :s
  20. [quote name='Roland Rock' post='1274996' date='Jun 19 2011, 05:30 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=107600"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=107600[/url][/quote] Thanks man It's a beaut chris!
  21. Blame that guy if you don't like the Warwick thumb SC, he designed it with his friend Pretty good tone though, (even though i sense many won't care for what he plays haha) Everytime i see that ACG it looks nicer and nicer, whats the top/face wood?
  22. The Warwick Thumb SC was actually designed by a contest winner (a thumb SC design contest) haha, i really don't like it though. I think single cuts are like all other bass shapes, you like it or you don't (imho) I like some single cuts and really don't like others, pretty love hate, like most of the ACGs i think look stunning, and Doods Doodle! As with everything it's subjective, and about the "need to defend" thing, somethings more people are openly judgemental about (for example ERBs, many more people would 'judge' them than someone who plays a jazz bass) so the best thing is just to live with it so every bass player can sleep at night, or (more than currently) we'd be maniacs
  23. [quote name='kurcatovium' post='1273214' date='Jun 17 2011, 09:20 PM']I don't see any problem with price considering those EMGs are cheaper HZ passive ones, top is just a thin veneer and who knows what active circuit is inside. Cheap hardware is another reason for low price. This is just a good looker for the money, nothing special...[/quote] +1
  24. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1270420' date='Jun 15 2011, 06:31 PM']Darcy Wretzky from Smashing Pumkins! What do I win? [/quote] +1! Or Jenny Lee Lindberg from Warpaint really good bass playing there!
  25. [quote name='charic' post='1269574' date='Jun 15 2011, 06:02 AM']I don't think I agree re Jordan, I actually think the lines he puts down are usually perfect for the song, although they can stray into ridiculous at times I still feel they fit. Albums like octavarium are pretty much made what they are by him and him compliments black clouds well without going mad. Systematic chaos was a bit mad but its in the name. The guys got a Huge space he has to fill between myung and petrucci and I think he does the part justice. I also don't really see his ego, I think maybe he's a little bit mad but mostly getting into it and having a good time. Finally re mangini the guy played incredibly during his audition and it obviously meant a lot to him, seemed dream theater took it equally as serious so hopefully he's more than a fill in. He doesn't really play the same as portnoy anyway. Count me interested for the next album, anyone have any dates for release yet?[/quote] 13th September (MY BIRTHDAY ) haha, Though as i said, we won't see a huge amount from Mangini (IMHO) as he hasn't written any of the drum parts, as they were written by Petrucci
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