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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. [quote name='risingson' post='1244893' date='May 25 2011, 10:20 PM']Hi there I remember my first bass guitar that I was bought when I was 12 (nearly ten years ago) was a P-Bass copy and it did seem very large at the time. However, you'll most likely find that the size of the instrument becomes less and less of a problem as you advance and get used to playing. Some players use smaller scale basses but you should give playing your current bass a bit more time. My opinion is that if you learn on a smaller scale bass you may well have issues when the day comes making the transition to a larger instrument. Stick with it... I'm positive the size will become less of an issue over time.[/quote] +1 ! I was 11 when i started bass (i'm 15 now) and was 5ft 5" at the time! I'm almost 6ft (half an inch shy) now, so the bass will seem less huge later on! But playing more will really help, it could be your just taking a while to get used to the bass
  2. Nuthin' like kicking in some distortion! Though have am very fond of delay, which you don't see on here too much i don't think (Other than those who make trance/dance/atmospheric music on here which there are a few of!)
  3. [quote name='BassBus' post='1243614' date='May 24 2011, 10:45 PM']Mention of Mr. Sheehan reminds me of this. [/quote] Thats slower than the orginal But Clean up crew/Do a little dirty work is an AWESOME intro/track and my word is it hard to play!
  4. [quote name='Piggery Bandana' post='1243511' date='May 24 2011, 09:37 PM']mr sheehan had enough (nice!) mr big and hick town talas[/quote] Excellent call! Completely forgot Had Enough! I really should dig out Mr. Big! (The album) and Hick Town, wish i still had my copy of the Two Talas discs i owned
  5. [quote name='dc2009' post='1240298' date='May 22 2011, 01:14 PM']I thought Wolstenholme said in his BGM interview that the into was bellamy playing it?[/quote] Chris played the intro, but the verses were played by Matt Bellamy i'm "pretty" sure! Also just remembered! Wrathchild by Iron Maiden! Wicked intro!
  6. Nab this then! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=137060"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=137060[/url]
  7. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1240281' date='May 22 2011, 01:02 PM']Yeah, free listing this weekend, so stuck it up along with anything else I have about that can go if someone will pay the right price. Have a look at my other items, cheerful to entertain offers via BC for a 10% reduction.[/quote] Just making sure it was yours! Looks like we share the same hobbies too mate
  8. [quote name='EskimoBassist' post='1240204' date='May 22 2011, 12:11 PM']If you're referring to Hysteria, that line is played by Wolstenholme on his Bass through a plethora of Fuzz, Synth, Octave etc. And you're right about Hoppus. But I've never really regarded him as a particularly amazing player so it doesn't suprise me in the least. But I guess their music was never really about perfection so perhaps it doesn't matter that much.[/quote] Hysteria was pretty much played through just a muff and a Deep impact (only the one, unlike time is running out (another bass intro!) which uses 2 at the same time) Did you know! Apart from the intro most of hysteria was played by Matt Bellamy with a pick for the bass? random fact haha Mr. Big - Addicted to that rush espeically live! Wicked intro! And speical mention to Dood with Real - I want the world Nuclear Rabbit - Truth's Ugly head simple but great! Amazing bass playing on that track! Though yes i'd say Hysteria is possibly the best rock (just rock) intro for bass! For metal, i'd give Dream Theater - Panic Attack a shout, with Orion and for whom the bell tolls also come to mind, Stranglers - Peaches and Pink Floyd - Money more for iconic-ness
  9. Is this up on ebay then?
  10. [quote name='Lorne' post='1239876' date='May 22 2011, 12:57 AM']No such thing as "Enough", well, at least until I'm dead [/quote] I'll call shotgun haha! Kidding of course But you don't want to upset your balance of pairs, or you'll need another of everything!
  11. [quote name='Lorne' post='1239552' date='May 21 2011, 06:13 PM']I'm not a fan of the JM2 either, I would buy another JM1 though [/quote] OI! You've got enough! share already
  12. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1239438' date='May 21 2011, 04:30 PM']I thought they were lazy and cheap and sounded crap. YMMV.[/quote] Aye horses for courses! But i loved the Octavarium tour tone, JM2 + Ashdown ABM head = Monster tone! And i liked the look a 6 string RBX with shaped body
  13. I have no money, and not working doesn't help. But i Wish i had enough for the DD-20!
  14. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1239320' date='May 21 2011, 02:05 PM']The first generation ones were much better than the lazy second generation effort.[/quote] I really liked the JM2s they sounded monsterous too! [quote name='dc2009' post='1239340' date='May 21 2011, 02:21 PM']What idiot thought that was a good idea :s[/quote] Also i like 13th fret inlays. Its 12th/13th fret which i think is a good idea (imho! as it then marks th 12th fret, the octave of the open string and the next fret going up in 2s (I also love 1st fret inlays!)
  15. I think Lorne or Truckstop will be along soon! They both have owned them. Great basses, not had long to play one though felt good and sounded good! (John Myung and I have similar taste in necks, flatter ones with 17mm string spacing which is my prefered!) But i AM a biased Dream Theater fan
  16. I think a "great" bass, is one that you connect with. Which is something where i think the price tag doesn't really come into it, though if you find some £200 Made in Korea bass which your [i]really[/i] dig but say some build quality or finishing quality issues show, or its just old and battered and needs to be retired after years of service, a "high end" version with similat to identical specs makes sense, (If that post makes sense!) But in the end the "greatness" is in the feel, not in the price IMHO
  17. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1235058' date='May 17 2011, 11:18 PM']Volume to 11 I tend to fiddle per location as above.[/quote] Ahem, Everything to 11!
  18. Can i have it on the basis of "I told you so" Haha, i'll hush and be gone Seriously good deal on this though! (Especially over the weekend!) and Thom is a great guy!
  19. Is there a name for bridges like that or the tail piece or what ever its called? They look awesome! Beautiful bass man! Bump on me!
  20. [quote name='Dread Bass' post='1231510' date='May 15 2011, 12:07 AM']Hey. Sorry for delay. The HK is alright. Just alright. I am impressed by the build quality but the sound is pretty boring and the volume across the strings really unbalanced. I have managed to get it set up fairly well. Ultimately you get what you pay for and it will do until my new ACG is sorted. Hope this helps[/quote] Cheers man! It looks like it will be a beaut! Think you'll hold onto the HK when your ACG gets to go home?
  21. If you want "proper" and bright roundwounds (ala rotosound) Buy Legacy stringf from strings direct, only avalible in too sets for 4 string or 5 string (ie two sets of guagues each) but cost only a tenner but are as far as anyone can tell identical to rotosound!
  22. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1231014' date='May 14 2011, 03:03 PM']Yeah just realised and corrected, forgive me, my original mother language was not English but Italian so every now and then I do make the odd spelling error.[/quote] Your english is better than most here in Aberdeen!
  23. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1229674' date='May 13 2011, 09:41 AM']He already has! but for the life of me I can't remember if he has used his real name or an alias here, however he is active on both talkbass and the dingwall forum as himself [url="http://www.dingwallguitars.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1934"]http://www.dingwallguitars.com/community/v...?f=2&t=1934[/url] you can click here to "like" him on facebook so you can be up to speed with all his latest releases and info [url="http://www.facebook.com/AlbertoTHEBASSRigoni?ref=ts"]http://www.facebook.com/AlbertoTHEBASSRigoni?ref=ts[/url][/quote] [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1229684' date='May 13 2011, 09:50 AM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=115285&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=115285&hl=[/url][/quote] Wicked cool! Already liked in advance GW Cheers rich
  24. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1229487' date='May 12 2011, 11:42 PM']Alberto and I are very good friends, (we are both Italians), he is coming to visit London soon and will be staying with us as guest, I have promised to take him to Bass Direct to have a blast.[/quote] That... That is Amazing! I am a huge Twinspirits fan! Make him join the forum!
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