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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. Consider your self lucky your not a Bassoon player! How many did you sit, test and play before you bought?
  2. [quote name='skej21' post='1229394' date='May 12 2011, 10:15 PM']Haha, quality. I hope it's cheered you up a bit![/quote] Haha yup! Cheers mate! And Jack Bruce sounds goood no matter what he's got plugged in!
  3. I'd love to hear your ABZ! I've been aching to play a 5 or 6 string Dingwall (a bit far from Bassdirect me! ) after one of my favourite artists started playing an ABZ 5 and his custom Prima Artist 6! (Alberto Rigoni of Twinspirits if you were wondering!)
  4. [quote name='skej21' post='1229372' date='May 12 2011, 10:02 PM']You mean you choose to eat Custard Creams before they've gone fuzzy? Some student you are [/quote] I have a scholership for a private education! I must maintain high standards (P.s i ate it anyway )
  5. Anyone mentioned Suzi Horn yet? Though i'd love to have a lesson with Billy Sheehan or Alex Webster or John Myung!
  6. I'd just like to say, fot those who see clips of instruments "like these" and say such as "well he i proving X-amount of strings added are pointless" Do you use every string and every fret when you play stuff? Yes an extended range instruments allows one to make use of its extended range (yes i did figure that one out by my self! ) but doesn't mean you have too use it all. By that logic the "Industry standard" bass should have an E and an A (the A to please the more adventurous) and about 9 frets (I am basing pretty much all of that on the Scorpions song Rock you like a hurricane i won't lie) How many piano pieces play the 1st and 88th key in one piece? Does that mean they are redundant? Or should we start making instruments based around the exact piece of music we play? <- No, that would be silly. As i feel this post will be regarded despite my poor attempt to of actualling having something to say! At the risk of sounding too serious, i don't intend too. I love Basschat its one of the best places on teh interwebz and we all voice our opinions, sometimes it ends in banter and a sea of smilies or in rage Mods (virtually) pulling people apart and i know that and i'm always trying to get my point across with as little friction as possible. And yes, it THAT TIME. I have exams, i fudded up my first one something fierce and that'll haunt me, [b]AND[/b] i just dropped my last Custard Cream down the back of the sofa
  7. GREAT BASSES. I'd buy if i had more money, i've also got the "Real thing" so too speak
  8. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1228760' date='May 12 2011, 01:25 PM']Yes!! I have to thank my son for that, very nice and soft mouse mat, I was well chuffed when he gave it to me, I've had it for yonks, gamecubes are extinct now [/quote] I've got one too, and the new fancy Wii one haha! I've just got my old Gamecube out, and had a blast!
  9. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1228715' date='May 12 2011, 01:06 PM'][/quote] Gamecube mouse mat
  10. I guess i've always been lucky with Rotos then! the Harris ones are the only Flats i'll use as they always last me in brightness for ages (saem with the Sheehan set, minus the last ones i got!) But fair call! Try Dean Markleys they stay bright for AGES and can take heavy punishment! and +1 to Moos3h!
  11. [quote name='RhysP' post='1228562' date='May 12 2011, 11:10 AM']I agree with what you're saying totally. BUT - There appears to be a percentage of players who want desperately to be noticed as players but, whilst being technically proficient, have nothing exceptional or different to offer. These players seem to be the ones who go down the route of having basses built with increasingly ludicrous amounts of strings, mainly so they can acheive a fleeting fame by being the only/best player with a XXX string bass. I could get a luthier to build me a 30 string bass, then post myself on Youtube as the baddest 30 string bassist in the World, and it would attract attention, but the attention would be of the same sort a this guy is getting, and for very good reason IMO. I'm all for art, but I don't think this is about art - it's about ego. [b]"In the land of the 15 string bass player, the 16 string bass player is king"[/b][/quote] Well said mate! It is true many people use a 7 or 5587 string bass or how ever many just because their kind of music has some label attatched where you [i]should[/i] play an ERB when you make no use of it at all! And hope having the extra strings makes them seem more impressive
  12. The bass behind is this one! 12 string headless bass! Saw this a while back, its a 5 string with doubled strings, only other one i know is the fieldy custom shop "K15" (submarine vibe anyone? haha!) Also, may i add (as i've had about 9 huge arguments about this with people todau) that music is an art and is entirely expressive. If someone feels all they need is a 4 string bass (Something nice and simple like the glorious fender P!) to express them selves then fantatastic! If someone feels they need a 12 string (single course) string bass too express them selves then why should be make comments? Same applies for any instrument! I know 95% of the stuff on here is ligth hearted banter and i am aware of that and respect that and its why this is a great forum (we are pretty much all on the same page!) Some times it feels like that fact is lost, (the music expression thing, not the 12 string headless bass thing! )
  13. Easy, use the Steve Harris set instead He did say they were designed not to go dull when he sweats on them 24/7 haha!
  14. The Basschat bobbies (Ie the Mods!) are infinately better than any support Ebay/Paypal or anyone else really can give! Thats why i trust 99% of stuff on here!
  15. [quote name='Linus27' post='1200940' date='Apr 15 2011, 04:44 PM']Was that not one of Jaco's basses?[/quote] Yep! Rob Trujillo of Metallica found Jacos orginal bass of doom in a pawn shop. Apprently he is a huge jaco fan, and jaco got him into distortion I've got the article here at home somewhere!
  16. Ride the lightening and Master of Puppets have lots of clean cliff! Just its pretty hard to hear at times. For whom the bell tolls (after the iconic bass distortion intro!) and Orion i think are too best places to hear his clean tones (and yes probably his two most famous distortion sections are in those tracks too!)
  17. The Translucent black finish is [i]very[/i] nice! But it never photographs properly and always looks different in photos i find! Also, Yamaha need to 1) Bring back the RBX774/775 line! and 2) Expand the range of colours! They've got so many colours! Like the reds and blues of the TRBs. Also, i played an RBX270J and they are FANTASTIC! I was shocked! Really felt twice its price tag! I'm actually considering getting one and swapping out the pickups! (Though that would be because i'm a Dimarzio nut )
  18. I know the whole of Every Mastodon song, though i just worked them out over time (i didn't sit and decide to learn them all!) And i know the whole of Mr.Big - Lean into it! which i learnt as we were going to cover it live but never did in the end! I've seen a few bands (small and big) cover their influences albums in whole Though in response to why? Again! Why not? Its kind of fun
  19. Billy Sheehan! I'd get bass tips while we cook a curry! (He is apprently a fantastic chef and loves spicy food! :lol )
  20. Try your brothers big muff! If you like that enough try a bass big muff id you can and choose from the two as some people prefer the guitar muff too the bass muff
  21. I don't have an actuall .130 ot bigger string with me (minus the tapered one) as i left my rotosounds at my rehersal room (ie our drummers house!) So the pictures won't be too good. Pics up after my lunch sarnie
  22. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1224044' date='May 8 2011, 12:23 PM']A pic would help. Filing might be an option. But you can get taperwounds made to specification by Newtone strings and a few others, if you are really scared of that sort of work. They aren't madly expensive.[/quote] I'll take one before the end of the day! I was thinking about Newtone, its just i really like Rotos but i've only heard good things about Newtone so i'll drop them an e-mail later. I was wondering about filling but i was unsure of how it would be done!
  23. Hey Guys, I have an Ibanez BTB676, and i really like it but i want to be able to use a heavier B string, as it only takes Tapered strings, and the heaviest non tapered one i could get to fit was a .120 and i was hoping for something more like a .135 or .140 The elixer strings on it are good, but the B is too floppy for my likes, and i really want to string it up with some rotosounds! The non-tapered strings just sit on top of the groove and that causes a whole mess of problems! Any advice? Is this possible? I can't change the bridge because of the way the bridge works and the way it is strung. Thanks in advance AC
  24. I've generally found swamp ash to sound kind of "scooped" with a a little bump in the high mids. Basswood cuts through the mix well as it is nice and flat but i find something about it helps it cut, and it has alot of clarity in the low end (and this is great for the lower registers) You probably could hear the differences in the woods if it was very tightly regulated as in EVERYTHING else the same but it would only be a minimal difference anyway. I always think as woods as a canvas, it doesn't define what the sound is like, but forms its base and influences it ^ All from my experience, i could be way off!
  25. Can't remeber who it is, it might be Beefcake the mighty from GWAR but i don't think so. But from a metal band, grows his nails HUGE like an inch and a half out from the tip and gets them manicured to keep them healthy and strong, meaning he gets sharper pick-ish attack and can play with his bass even lower! Quite a few people do i think! i have tried but well, i'm a nail bitter
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