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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. [quote name='guyl' post='1211294' date='Apr 25 2011, 10:54 PM']Conklin Sidewinder 7 was the best bass I ever owned. If it had one or two less strings, I'd still have it. If I ever become rich, I'll be over the pond to order a bespoke Conklin without hesitation. Bill Conklin is a pleasure to speak with. I had the impression he really cares. I wonder why he has problems with his "value" range. Overwater seem to be making the effort to control the quality of theirs.... Would love to see a UK dealer for Conklin.[/quote] Its not the [b]quality[/b] thats is the problem, the quality is constistantly very high! The company is apprently a pain to deal with (the weisheimer corp.) as the Amount of basses they sound out at a time changes greatly from a handfill to hundreds! and the tme between shipments can be one to 6 months, [quote name='Chris2112' post='1211888' date='Apr 26 2011, 06:30 PM']I was just watching that Derren Brown Faith Healer show earlier today and at the live show at the end of the episode the band's bassist is using a 7 string Conklin Groove Tools bass. There are a few good closeup shots of it too.[/quote] I saw that too! Wasn't a GT i don't think, as the top was two part/two woods, could have been a full wack custom! Its looked alot like a GT-7 though so i could be wrong!
  2. Amazing amps! Bump on me!
  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='1210514' date='Apr 24 2011, 11:38 PM']ACG are closer...[/quote] Oh yeah, by about 20 miles, i always forget Dumfries is north of Carlisle Its still a 200+mile journey though
  4. Don't tell us your gonna be selling your BIG rig now? Or are you just gonna keep it for studio/Video/Statium work?
  5. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1210315' date='Apr 24 2011, 08:16 PM']The problem with a brand that specialises in 7+ strings is that there's never going to be a massive market for them. There's only so many people that would even be interested, from those you need to find the few that are prepared to spend money to sate their curiosity and from those few you need to find the even fewer who are prepared to buy a new instrument and take the hit if it doesn't suit them. Let's face it, there's not a lot of people who own multiple 7+ string basses. People who own one are few and far between. Obviously there are people that own multiples but the market just isn't there like it is for 4, 5 and even 6 strings. If he was going to introduce his basses to the UK, marketing them with the ERBs in mind would be a bad idea IMO. The company would need to be introduced as a normal bass company that makes 7+ strings in addition to the usual rather than how it's viewed at the moment (as this thread proves) which is a company that specialises in ERBs but also makes 4/5 string basses.[/quote] +1! Conklin are trying to show people they are 4/5 (and 6!) String bass builders too, but they happen to be most famous for building 7+ string basses
  6. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1209905' date='Apr 24 2011, 11:28 AM']Basically they'd just give you a couple of basses to try, you'd be able to say if you like the neck shape etc. They'd be able to adjust the shape that you do like, making it wider, narrower etc. I'd try Robbie at RIM basses. I think his basses look amazing, he's definitely top of my list for my next bass. I think his prices are a bit more competitive than other builders too. Another builder to consider is Overwater. Their prices are more than the others mentioned though, but I can really recommend the build quality, the basses just ooze class. Most builders are accessible by train or coach.[/quote] Ah ok! Overwater would be who i would look at first, as they are the most local to me! (only a few hours on the train, rather than across the boarder!) Though their prices run £3K to £4K, but i played one of the Tanglewood overwaters and THAT felt nice, so i imagine oozing class is an acurate discription!
  7. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1209653' date='Apr 23 2011, 11:12 PM']As an extended range bass player (6 string is my main bass). I strongly recommend approaching someone like Robbie at RIM basses, or Jon Shuker. Their instruments are great, and very reasonably priced. I played a Conklin GT 7 string bass a couple of years ago. It was very nice, but not as comfortable to play as it could have been. You need the neck profile and dimensions to be good for you. If it isn't then you'll very quickly run into problems playing it. By going to someone like Robbie or Jon, you'd be able to tailor the bass to how you want it. You'd be involved with the build.[/quote] Hypothetically, how would one get the dimensions tailored for yourself if you don't know anything about neck dimensions? I've always wondered that! Off the peg stuff is easiest for me, as i can't travel far and know nuthin' 'bout nuthin' of techy stuff and i'd be all silly about body shapes haha I've played a 7 string, custom made (not sure who by, i think the guy may have made it him self) and it felt comfertable enough to me and i'donly be able to describe it as far as "thin" haha I have a feeling a custom 7 string Shuker would run past £2k or atleast mine probably would haha!
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1209322' date='Apr 23 2011, 05:28 PM']This seems to be a common misconception that one custom bass brand is an adequate replacement for another... If you simply want a bass with 7 strings on it then sure there are luthiers in the UK who will make you such an instrument. Pick one you like and can get on with and off you go. However if you want a Conklin 7 string bass then really only Conklin will be able to build it for you.[/quote] I didn't mean to imply that, hence why i said, if you want a 7 string bass you could get one from a UK based Luthier! But conklin is a nice option as it is production, where as custom stuff can be a bit troublesome, especially when what you get isn't what you expected. Its not the fact that its a Conklin, its just what it is, in a stock, budget(ish) if you live in the states!) 7 string bass (in the example of the GT abd GTBD-7s, honestly the GT4 and GT5 seem like Ibanez alternatives, and due to the price have little worth in the UK market IMHO, but not to discredit them, they are good basses!) If i paid £1500+ and waited a few months, i'd want no compromises, even though realistically thats daft and impractical! Thats why i like stock things, but i'm not saying anything against custom instruments. I guess i'm just saying i'm fickle If you want to dip into the world of 7 strings (not to focus on 7 strings, the post was in reference to the company as a whole, not just as a 7 string producer! Its just thats what they are best known for) going custom straight away doesn't seem right to me (as in i wouldn't feel comfertable doing that, it is 100% viable! And i have nothing against it) especially as i'm yet to play a Shuker or an AGC and unfortunately probably won't for a while! Though from what i've heard i should like them but its all about being hands on! Like Dood, how do you think your Shuker would have come out if you hadn't previously owned your GTBD-7? (Not focusing on the fact that its a conklin here! But that its *influenced* Like the neck is very similar right? Everything comes from something! I'm not trying to say that its the only thing, or that everything should be based off something earlier if that were the case nothing would be new, just a different or "enhanced" based on your view! version. I don't want that too come off wrong, but knowing me it probably did as i have poor verbal expression! I know i've tripped over me tongue more than once... I'm not trying to get into a whole "What would basses be like withour the fender p?" style thing here Realistically if i were to get a bass with 7 strings, i'd either go El Cheapo and get an HK off Ebay, or go for a Shuker (and pester Dood!) haha!
  9. [quote name='purpleblob' post='1209224' date='Apr 23 2011, 03:11 PM']I have two Conklin 7 strings (both Korean made), one a Bill Dickens (I think) through neck model and the other, not. They play really well and sound great and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for an extended range instrument, however if I understand your OP and you're thinking of importing them I would question whether it's worth the hassle with what sounds like less than consistant shipments etc. Obviously the comments regarding the look of them are very much subjective, I think they look great with 7 strings but the same shape looks less impressive in my opinion. Anyway, just my 2p on the subject [/quote] Thanks man! That plus looking into getting a Conlin dealer in the UK but thats only possible if there is a market and not just 10 people in the UK!
  10. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1208830' date='Apr 23 2011, 12:55 AM']Probably the hardest bassline I ever actually tried to get all the way thru is Shy Boy by Talas. I got the most of it with some of the fills me not even coming close to, but I did manage to nail the solo from 2:11! After learning it I never managed to find a band that wanted to cover it (even as a more simplified version), but it taught me to use chords, harmonics & how to tap. [/quote] I can play [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzXepFaV1pU"]this version[/url] in full, worked out all by ear. MONSTER TUNE. And i've never found a band willing to cover it We should do it with two basses The bit under the solo is the hardest part for me, one of my favourite songs to play. So much fun!
  11. Just to clarify, this isn't a sales pitch or anything. And i'm not saying don't buy Uk! (I'm not saying anyone has accused me either, thought i'd just make this clear!) But they idea of a Mass produced ERB (basically their strongest market point, and its a very small market, though it is getting bigger with this Technically metal stuff around these days!) Not everyone wants to go custom! I wouldn't know where to start for example, but for many people on here it has been the best decision they've made so its all it preference! And have you seen Eric Czars signature now? oo err,
  12. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1209022' date='Apr 23 2011, 11:01 AM']I wouldn't buy one as I don't like the design of these instruments no matter how well they play & how good they sound. From what Bill C says about the service from the company that makes his budget range, it sound like a potential nightmare for any UK company who takes on local distribution/sales & has to handle support.[/quote] And i agree, this propably the biggest flaw. Basically shot them selves in the foot.
  13. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' post='1209010' date='Apr 23 2011, 10:48 AM']The Market for the Conklin instruments is a niche one (as it is for any 'out of the ordinary' instrument maker). Why don't you just buy direct from Bill?[/quote] Unfortunately (or stupidly) you can't! And the price would be insane, as the price is up for import tax from Korea to Usa, then they get sent out from there so thats extra tax from usa to here! Would get to almost £2K i think, which by then you may as well get a Custom, i'm sure you could get a "Simple" 7 string from Shuker or ACG for that made just for you. If they had a dealer here it would be closer to £1K, though thats pretty simplified and i'm sure there is more to it than that! (Pointing out my cluelessness here!) I mean they still do 4 and 5 strings, and i've heard only good things about them! And some of the shapes are a bit though i like the Solei and the Sidewinder (The sidewinder being their most common shape, and to me looks like an Americanised Ibanez! )
  14. Hey Guys! Just wanted to stick my neck out and see how many people here would consider and go through with buying a Conklin? (Mainly focused on now kind of time period) I ask, because Conklin have no UK dealer, and i was speaking to Bill Conklin on Facebook (Really nice guy!) and he said Conklin hasn't had a UK dealer for sometime but its something he would like to see! It would realistically be the Groove Tools series and the New Century stuff, but i don't think having these as an option would hurt us! But do you think they have a viable market here? Bill did say though, that the company who deals and makes the GT stuff, (Westheimer Corp.) have awefull support and that they have called, e-mailed and even gone to Korea and not had word from them, and that the GT line is [b]not out of production[/b] but the shippments are irregular and have fluctuations in quanities but still haven't heard anything bad about quality! I may add a poll later but after looking for a GTBD-7 (and missing a few on here thanks to being broke! But i like to buy new things! haha) and my recent chat with Bill i was curious so made this! Conklin are most famous for they Extended range basses, but will do anything! And they make 4/5/7 strings in the GT and New Century series. For those of you who don't know Conklin Guitars and basses: [url="http://www.conklinguitars.com/"]http://www.conklinguitars.com/[/url] Bill said that if a stockist/shop in the UK was interested in becoming a dealer he would jump at the chance to see it done, but then a stockist would need to know of the market and demand. (Not to be pessimistic, but it is the kind of thing you would expect him to say! But we had a length chat and it seemed sincere enough but you never know.) Cheers! AC
  15. [quote name='Lorne' post='1208975' date='Apr 23 2011, 10:07 AM']I wouldn't want to give the postman a Hernia, it has a full flight case, which reminds me to get new foam and velvet for it, and also to get one built for the other JM [/quote] Give me a hernia! I'll come get it! You no too far away! haha Big Mistake getting involved with this thread while watching Conklin videos Major GAS for bass i can't get! out of Production Yamahas and Conklins with No Dealer in the UK!?
  16. I call dibs on the next one on the forum Always wanted to use one of these! The 100W horn sounds awesome!
  17. I currently own an Ashdown MAG300 (non evo!) and Matching 410 cab, and don't really rate it well, its decent enough, and i can coax some good tones from it, but its not to my taste. But all the ABM gear i've used felt like great stuff, and the only thing i didn't like about the ABM set up i used (ABM 300w head, and matching 410) was the same part of the sound, which is the Ashdown sound! The ABM stuff is great but again not to my taste!
  18. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1208944' date='Apr 23 2011, 09:28 AM']Just seen the Yammy BB1024x for under £800 new! What are they like?![/quote] Fantastic basses. I got to try one in a shop, felt amazing, i adored it! You should have seen my face when the clerk told me i had been there for 2 hours, and they were closing so needed the bass back D: was more or less it haha! Get your hands on a BB414 or 424 (Or a 1024 is you can! Would be ideal haha) and its like that to the next level! Its a wierd feel the difference but they are awesome basses!
  19. [quote name='mcnach' post='1208154' date='Apr 22 2011, 11:49 AM'] I have the DP127, but I have only read reviews and heard it on Yotube, which is not exactly ideal, but made me think they were promising. I should try it in one of the other SR, just for fun while I wait for this body to be ready. I'm not sure I will care for both pickups on. I'd be happy with an either/or switch. But since we're at it, I'll probably have an option for both on. Probably in parallel, 'though... might try first before hardwiring. I don't want to turn it into a crazy switching beast G&L style Another thing re: wiring... the DP127 will allow me to wire it in series or parallel... yet another thing to try. Again I'm leaning towards parallel, I just seem to favour that option whenever I've had the choice. But I should try both options before choosing too. How did you wire your DP127? I'm pretty much set on the SMB4A pickup. I really like it. But I've had a couple of interesting offers I'm also considering. One is for a Delano, can't recall what model... it has blades, and all covered. Another is a handmade one from Prometeus guitars, which would have to be covered too I think. I like the exposed-polepieces look, but I'm not very precious about it and can actually look pretty cool, considering the look of those DP127 pickups. We'll see![/quote] Well, (someone is probably going to have a go at me for this!) I know Higher out put doesn't mean better tone, i also know everything is down to personal preference! But i put everything in series, as the higher the (passive) output the better for me, i don't know what it is but HIGH output passive pickups just do it for me. The DP127 bass i used to have had higher out put than a mates active warwick, as i had Neck Model 1 and bridge Area Jazz Pup all in series. Bit excessive, and volume at full on all Pups was monsterous, could mess up an amp no worries Like i usually remove tone controlls from P-basses i have/had (have none atm!) for more out put, but on that 3 Pup one i had it had 3 voumes and 3 tone, in stacked pots to reduce the out put. (By the way that bass wasn't made by me! I only put a split P in it!) The SMB4A Is great, but i prefer the SMB4D which is pretty much thesame thing with a slightly higher out put and a "modern" voice (i think its a different manet) What drew me to the Split P is the high out put, the clarity and the Blades, making bends wicked!
  20. [quote name='Lorne' post='1208574' date='Apr 22 2011, 07:28 PM']Not for me they haven't, still had issues getting knobs for the red JM [/quote] Well... Their *Support* is great, the Repairs/Technical issues area isn't so good. I can understand why getting the Knobs would be hard as the Bass is old and out of production but it seems you were treated rudely and mess about a little! Or maybe its fate saying you should sell it to me? haha!
  21. [quote name='Lorne' post='1208195' date='Apr 22 2011, 12:26 PM']Here's the Vinegar to go with the salt That is the MK1 LTD I used to own, taken around late 1992.I had loads of problems with it, but once I completely rebuilt it, it was an awesome bass, It was a shame I had fallen out of love with it, due to Yamaha selling me a lemon and doing F*** all about it[/quote] Ya sick man (No offence!!) The LTD I Attitudes are the only pre-birthyear bassed i'd own! Amazing tone! It is a shame! Yamaha have tidied them selves up though!
  22. [quote name='andy67' post='1206886' date='Apr 21 2011, 11:22 AM']Two Attitudes (MK1 &2) and a BB714bs. Also owned a mk1 trb5 and a BBG5s, absolutely superb instruments extremely well made. I do though understand the comment re being characterless though. However, for me, this is down to the precise engineering and quality control exercised on all their instruments. andy[/quote] [quote name='Lorne' post='1206930' date='Apr 21 2011, 11:45 AM']Thanks, I like 'em [/quote] SALT IN MY WOUNDS! Andy, i'd do anything for a Blue Attitude 1, a BB714BS and a Sea foam green Atd Ltd II with perloid pickup cover!! And Those tourquise JM1's are simply beautiful. Add a JM2 and thats my perfect bass collection. (Only just occured to me they are all Yamahas!)
  23. Both those pickups are MONSTEROUS and my favourite pickups! When your done can i borrow the bass? If the pickus are in series the output will be insane.
  24. Was talking to a guy in my local guitar shop about GuitarGuitar today! They are supposidly hacking prices to big up their name to try and become the biggest/best known guitar shop in the UK again, Good for us! Apprently their profit margin is dropping below the average notably for music shops, not sure how true any of that is though!
  25. [quote name='charic' post='1205482' date='Apr 20 2011, 08:25 AM']I still want a JM2 [/quote] Saaaaammeee
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