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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. The bigger MB combos have the something something head two channel pre-amp witha tube in the vinatage channel don't they? Seems worth a look!
  2. Was the neck a straight swap? I was interested in doing something similar! best of luck with the sale
  3. [quote name='ras52' post='1135874' date='Feb 21 2011, 05:44 PM']I just got one these - via BC marketplace - and it is [b]very[/b] fuzzy! With the gain at zero there's what I would call quite a lot of distortion, so I'm looking for something else for that "slight bloom" of overdrive. (He said, bandying around another totally subjective term...)[/quote] I used one for a few shows, mostly for the DI, but i used the drive and i found lighter drive (for my few of the thing!) the El Grande Bazz fuzzy is [size=5]FUZZ CITY[/size] tonnes and tonnes of fuzz there! I guess its all down to finding what fits your needs! The GK diesel Dawg is great pedal too, though hard to get in europe, and not as "Bottom heavy" as i'd like
  4. You can get hysteria with a Russian Big Muff, it was pretty much just played with one and nails it! MXR M80+ DI is the best distortion box i've ever used and i'm looking forward too affording one! Robocorpse you really use the Fuzz factory on bass? I've never found it great for bass, and the constant howls suit guitar better, i'd love too hear how you use it! The MXR pedals do distortion and fuzz well, followed by EHX in my opinion but everyone has different tastes! Because i like distortion/overdrive/grit (its rare my signal is 100% clean) AND insanely high output the signal into my amp with pedals on is real high. No other bassists like too play my stuff because i like massive strings, a majorly hot signal! haha
  5. Up the upper mids and treble just a smidge and play Rotosound Flats (steve harris 50-110 prefered!) Great bright sound, even compared too some rounds i've played, they are very attack sensitive though so can sound very "Whub whub" if you know what i mean? Rotosounds flats are great like all their strings IMO!
  6. [quote name='bigjohn' post='1121296' date='Feb 9 2011, 12:59 PM']All depends on yer gear doesn't it really? And how much gain you want / need. If you need less gain that's available from your gear and you're looking to tighten up your tone, or want to emphasise your mids, I'd swap em out and see how it goes. I'm pretty sure (from memory and a quick a google) that JCM800s use ECC83s and they're gain monsters. My SVT-IIP has 2 12AX7s in and hardly distorts even at extremities. So I can't see either of these amps becoming better / more usable with a swap.[/quote] I have no idea why the JCM800 bass amps were discontinued! They are fantastic, I played a guitar one with some parts from the Bass version in (very chop shop) so the treble control couldn't go above 3 or it was tinny hissy city! They can "crackle" nicely when you up the gain and dig in, and full on break up at 11! My brother uses some valves a marshall tech reccomended him in his guitar rig, which are gainy too the max, they distort nicely even on the clean channel when pushed with a hard signal and the high gain channel is another story! I'm interested in ECC83s, they sound good as far as a amps i've heard and thats about all i know about valves Interesting read that article though!
  7. Can you post a picture of the heel? Great basses for the price, very distinct low middy sound too! Best of luck with the sale!
  8. I think with the tone rolled all the way off volume at 80% or less bass up on amp, and play near the neckish/"infront" of the split coil and your P could do it! I find the 51 P very mellow if played in the way above, more so than a split coil P but will be bright and "punkish" if you play it that way! A Precision is a Precision! I'd give it a go with your P at the moment
  9. The DP-127 can sound very vinatge BUT its mostly Hi-fi, how i have all my stuff set up (if i still had the P with them in!) I couldn't dial in a vinatge tone at all, and it didn't sound P-bassy but with some fiddling with the amp as well could easily do that! It was designed with Hi-fi in mind so keep that in mind! The SPB-1 is a great Old school P-bass sound!
  10. [quote name='KiOgon' post='1131427' date='Feb 17 2011, 07:12 PM']I've just fitted a DiMarzio DP127 in my '57 AV & to me it's the mutz nutz! It looks as good as it sounds & as said above ^ it's equivalent to many a active bass in output. The bars instead of pole pieces are very neat & part of the reason for wanting to change - the raised poles on the A string '57 original were a bit of a pain sometimes. My Frank Bello has got Seymour Duncans, both P & J 1/4 lbs - the DiMarzio is clearer, crystal on every note, open string + harmonics ring like a bell, all with no background noise. I've also got SD 1/4lb in my MIM P & my '51 P, so they're my benchmark. Do you want a pick up that costs more than the bass though![/quote] Great vintage sound when played the right way! AND AWESOME shred POWERFUL sound when played right though the P-bass isn't the ultimate shred bass, and P-s are getting pricy now!
  11. The DP-122 is great (the Willpower in my attitude no less (obviously!) is based on it) BUT Its not a really "growly" pickup, good midrange thump Of the three i'd say it fits your bill the least, the pole pieces are individual The DP127 is a great pickup, blades are a complete bonus, they look great and are HOT, hotter than alot of active basses i've played Wizard i've never heard in person but people on here love them! And can't really go wrong with the seymour duncan! I'm a big Dimarzio fan by the way! haha
  12. [quote name='garethox' post='1130312' date='Feb 16 2011, 09:47 PM']An Epfiani 2x10 and hopefully a 2x15 Hartke coupled with my RPM1 (thanks!) and an APM1000.... can't wait to get it all together!!![/quote] That plus your buzzard! Thats some trouser flapping bass tone! Best of luck man!
  13. [quote name='dood' post='1130941' date='Feb 17 2011, 01:06 PM']They used to and you might still be able to pick up a 2200. PeteD and Fretmeister both own/have owned the 2x12XLs and I think they sound great - I'm a big fan of the XL range, speshly the 4.5XL [url="http://www.samsontech.com/products/productpage.cfm?prodID=1638&brandID=3"]http://www.samsontech.com/products/product...8&brandID=3[/url] I saw a conversation on TalkBass with Larry and he'd said (at the time) there wouldn't be any reason to make a HyDrive 2x12 as it would be just the same as two 112's anyway - I think he'd said that he wanted to keep the range simple and easy to manage. Now, I've no idea if demand has changed that more recently - I think a tallboy 2x12, which appears to be an 'in' design would possibly fill a gap. Who knows![/quote] I'll keep my ear too the ground for one of those! The XLs sound great, the ALUMINIUM (sorry america ) cones give a great bright edgy attack A 212 would be lighter which than two 112s would be biggest advantage i can think of, wouldn't be a huge difference, I've always found 212s have a bit more bass and channel sound into the ground better than 112s I prefer the sound of the XLs over the Hydrives but they do not XL 12s! so used looks like where i'll have too look!
  14. Its all about right hand as far as i know, Amp, Pups etc only "define" the attack, and speakers have a big impact on how the attack of the note developes as it comes from the My right hand is quite mellow sounding, where as Billy Sheehans its very bright and sharp
  15. What cabs are you sporting now Gareth? You should do some videos with your full entwistle gear, must sound amazing!
  16. [quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='1129141' date='Feb 16 2011, 01:23 AM']Seems to be good enough for David Ellefson of Megadeth Runs his Jackson custom shop 5 string straight into the head through to the cabinets. No effects, compressors etc etc. Here's a video from a few months ago by him [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MywqeLVu57E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MywqeLVu57E[/url] I love that tone![/quote] What a tone! I can't judge how much of the tone is from the cabs though, Billy sheehan is reaaallly hyping up the Cabs for much the same reason as David Ellefson! Just for interest sake, Billy was running a Stu hamm Hartke amp(?) for the split coil and an LH for the Humbucker through 810 hydrive cabs but is now using the Kilo and he says the Kilos compressor is awesome! If Hartke Made XL or Hydrive 212s i'd own one by now! The XL cabs sound awesome Thought i'd make it easier too watch
  17. AD200MK(3?) plus 2 SP212 = MONSTER VOLUME AND TONE Saw a mastadon/metallica cover band guy with this set up, with a Stringray and a modded P bass absoultely awesome tone
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1128796' date='Feb 15 2011, 07:52 PM']"Please be careful when exiting the elevator and why not enjoy a visit to the cafe on floor nine" [/quote] 70s cop crusing music is what first came to my mind!
  19. Not sure how accurately this shows the tone? I excited for when Dood finally gets a moment too breath and wastes it making a LH video we have surprisingly similar tastes!
  20. Slap a 6 string? depends on spacing etc, its not too bad on my 17mm string spaced ibanez how about this!
  21. [quote name='dood' post='1128232' date='Feb 15 2011, 12:30 PM']Just a quick reply - well - in the case of the LH preamps, due to the 'Fender Tone Stack' passive EQ - the 'flat' setting (as near to bypass that you are likely to get) is around Bass=2 Mid=10 Treble=2. Therefore from a flat setting you can up the bass and treble drastically from the 2 point. You can also pull the mids right back from 10 to scoop them out deeply. All three controls are interactive so it's possible to get a huge range of 'curves' from just three controls. The flat setting will be kinda similar for any preamp using the same tone stack design, such as the Alembic F1-X, The BSP clean channel and the Trace Elliot V-Type.[/quote] Ah! Ok thanks alot Dood!
  22. [quote name='dood' post='1127851' date='Feb 15 2011, 12:23 AM']Yeah, if you push the pre hard enough it will distort, but I think the original design was meant to be clean with tons of head room which is what I prefer the head to do. I like that I can push it hard enough and the natural valve compression handles my active basses nicely, but I don't make it bark. I'd prefer to do the 'dirt' elsewhere in the signal chain so that I know that I can always arrive back at a beautiful clean tone. The LH1000 nails that - and that's not just being biased - i think the simplicity of the head and lack of opamp junk makes it a brilliant sound. Ok, the BSP - sit down mate, you're in for a shock! Yes there is a valve in the preamp that feeds the clean channel. The signal is then fed to the distortion channel afterward. The tube circuit it self isn't design to drive, much like the LH.. infact - it's pretty much the same schematic for both the LH preamp and BSP clean section. The dirty channel is a familiar distortion pedal design with a bit of shaping to stop it sounding fizzy. Although, as you know - it can do if you want it to! I have ran the two clean preamps in parallel for an AB session - I am pretty sure that the differences are down to the totally different valves types in each and a few component value changes. They both sound great though - the LH does pip the BSP at the post for detail and clarity. YUM!! Yes, I have to say that the distortion channel is pretty amazing on the BSP - I'm interested to get my hands on the Hartke Kilo - as I want to know what the distortion channel on that is like!![/quote] Still in shock haha, well how ever it works its awesome! Same, man and i want to see Billy Testing out the Kilo distortion too! You and Now Mr Sheehan have me in a Hartke shaped twist, that plus my love of GK and neo speakers = GAS haha! I think thats what i like about the BSP, as i reaaaalllly dislike that "Fizz" (good way of describing it!) and i've never found a distortion which is same/sounds similar (Though i'm still a newbie and a young 'un so if you know of something that'll do the job give us a shout!) and i've never been a fan of the BSP clean tone, its good but from what i've heard of the LH heads i'd agree with you! Back onto the clean tone thing... (I don't run my sound 100% that often) how intense is the mid scoop of the LH? I've read over on american sites and 'that' forum, that you need to but the mid control to 10 to get a mild scoop and other wild things and many conflicting peices of information so please clarify for me And do you (guys) run it smooth and clean or does it snarl? Both a great! I think the Hartke LH500 head, with the Gallien Krueger Neo 212 cab would be a decent medium/light weight rig with VOLUME just add some distortion and i think i'll be a happy chap!
  23. I wouldn't say its the cab I borrowed a Geddy Lee for a week and did a gig with it and had the same issue, dropping the treble and cranking (for me!) the Mids helped alot, The GL jazz bass sounds a bit thin too me, if i owned one i'd change the Pups, Fab neck though!
  24. Mansons are crazy, Seen a few thing a few £100 more than it should be but just as many the same amount less! Gorgeous colour
  25. First Bass - Squier Vinatge Modified Precision Go To Bass - Ibanez BTB676 Your Bass - Yamaha Attitude LTD II (does it really count as my tone then? haha i don't sound too much like Billy Sheehan or have the mad chops, but i adore the tone and it certainly helped me define what i'll have in my next bass!)
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