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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. For those of you who currently play a 7 string whats the best way to get into playing a 7 string? I'm pretty interested!
  2. [quote name='DaveB' post='1097402' date='Jan 21 2011, 12:51 PM']Hi sorry about the wait getting back to all you guys. Cris thanks for the offer of a trade but i'm not really after anything other than to prune my bass collection back abit. The question about how well it plays, string height is fine the string spacing is quite small though. The reason I can't get on with it is because the sheer amount of notes is too mind boggling and it's abit on the heavy side with my increasing back problems, although I have played a 45 min set with it before. I live in Tring in Hertfordshire, If anyone would like a play with no pressure to buy then you are more than welcome.[/quote] Whats the string spacing? I'm sooooo tempted but i will be killed by my family for having no money haha Bump on me
  3. Tell me what you can about the GK!
  4. I'm reaallly tempteds by this but cannot justify it in any way! After anything trade wise?
  5. Its a huuuggggeeee thing in japan doing vids as a girl for guys. Quite surreal but if you get a kick from doing it/watching it? haha
  6. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1091178' date='Jan 16 2011, 10:59 AM']If they had thought of a better bottom horn design I'm sure it'd look a lot better.[/quote] [quote name='guybrush threepwood' post='1091182' date='Jan 16 2011, 11:02 AM']+1 It looks like it's melting...[/quote] +1 +1 ! Haha saw these on Ibanezs facebook last year, when they were only prototypes, someone posted a link on here i think?
  7. [quote name='7string' post='1089978' date='Jan 14 2011, 11:08 PM']Yup, I went from a 4 to a 6 as well. It was great fun and wasn't that bad at all. Got lost a few times, but nothing too serious [/quote] Were talking all over Basschat tonight haha I still get lost, on a four string
  8. [quote name='7string' post='1089974' date='Jan 14 2011, 11:06 PM']See if DiMarzio will sell you one of the new blade pickups to put in your Attitude LTD II [/quote] Ooooo errrr! Hahaha Maybe! But its a limited edition 20th anniversary in sea foam green with limited neck pickup cover signed and all hahaha But teh value is shot anyway, some bugger put a lighter to the bridge so its a little scarred =S I'll e-mail Larry DiMarzio see if i can
  9. [quote name='7string' post='1089938' date='Jan 14 2011, 10:28 PM']This is turning into a MM5 love-in See if you can try a 5 string out for a while and see how you get on. Don't worry too much about the extra string, just dive in!![/quote] +2 (+2, one for each string i leapt from the 4 stringer!) Was fine for me! still working out and refining the technique on it, but its not like a new instrument
  10. [quote name='7string' post='1089952' date='Jan 14 2011, 10:43 PM']Oooo. One Attitude 3 please [/quote] I'm praying the list price is for the three is £1500-£1800 sort of region that way i might be able to get one in 5 years :/ The neck pup has been altered to have BLADES, YAY NO DROP OUT! I <3 blades to a dimarzio custom shop one which is bassed on the BB714bs and is not the model one! Very very keen to play one!
  11. [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='1088872' date='Jan 14 2011, 06:22 AM']I would skip the head, AttitudeCastle, and just go for the lightweight cabs. The GK RB head I have is hardly light, but it is solid and reliable and sounds lush and carrying it won't pull my back out or give me a hernia. The cabs, on the other hand...[/quote] I think your right man! Just got to find the money! GASing for a New Yammie hah
  12. Just found this! [url="http://uk.yamaha.com/news_events/musical_instruments/namm_2011_guitbass/"]http://uk.yamaha.com/news_events/musical_i..._2011_guitbass/[/url] (Scroll down past the acoustics, there is also a BB424/5x model there too!) Gonna be saving for a while to get that attitude =/ Major GAS! AC P.S I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED THE ATTITUDE TO HAVE A BLADED NECK PICKUP The drop out was kind of annoying and IMHO the only flaw with the bass, i will miss Sea Foam green though
  13. I've been toying with the idea of getting an MB(2)500 and a Neo 212 II but the total cost is like £900 (off the top of my head buying from various places) to have a nice lightweight rig, so for pretty much the same thing, with probably just less quality the MB212 combo which is about £600 Though the First option means i can switch the head out and use an RB head when i get more.
  14. Most expensive Doorstop i'll never own. Though i like the name
  15. [quote name='El Bajo' post='1085777' date='Jan 11 2011, 05:33 PM']I love the metallic sound, but when they die, they really die. My B string sounds dire at the moment I need to get that sorted asap.[/quote] Agreed! I find them really hit and miss when it comes to the life length of Rotos! The last set i had on my 4 string, lasted for 9 or so months, where as the new set is loosing its metallicness and its only been a month
  16. [quote name='4000' post='1084658' date='Jan 10 2011, 07:12 PM']I love the sound of them. Simple as that. Haven't come across anything else I like half as much, but then it all depends what bass they're on and what sound you're after. Oh, and I actually [i]like[/i] the abrasive feel. Maybe it's just me then. [/quote] Same! I love the sharpness, though i find it wierd when strings aren't like that! IMHO (IMHO ONLY!) Rotosounds are miles better than D'addario and Elixer, both sound too "soft" and "Lifeless" and just flat too me. And similar with DR, but the Drs were 'springier' which slapped awesomely But didn't sound like my rotos, so i always went back.
  17. [quote name='dood' post='1082461' date='Jan 8 2011, 07:07 PM']Amongst my favourites would be: Paul Gilbert and John Pettrucci... yes, I know, I know.. but actually their playing style and approach to their instruments has been a huge influence on me and my playing. Their strings are just thinner ha ha![/quote] If i'd know guitarists were allowed i would have said the same and steve vai xD Haha, My mum and i have been after a PGM300 (The non trem one) for two years for my brothers 21st! Another year too go haha
  18. [quote name='icastle' post='1082476' date='Jan 8 2011, 07:20 PM']A few things spring to mind here. Playing an instrument that isn't producing the sound you are trying to achieve is always going to be disheartening. You've had a few musical 'upsets' with bands recently (as have many others on here) and that can perhaps lead to feelings of doubt and a lack of musical direction/purpose. I've always found that writing a bassline is easy [b]IF[/b] you have a tune to write it against - writing a bassline as a stand alone piece isn't quite so easy. Don't let it get you down - you're still young and have many years of playing ahead of you. Why not spend some quality time playing with your gear to get the sound you are looking for - perhaps that'll give you the kickstart you are looking for? [/quote] Thanks man I think i'll start to focus and getting a tone that sounds right to me first I've always thought when it comes to writing music. Listen to the music you like and want to write, and find the common thread between the bands and songs you like and use that as a spring board, I still haven't found that thread yet but i will
  19. In no particular order, Billy Sheehan (Solo work, Mr.Big, David Lee Roth band, Niacin, Talas) John Myung (Dream Theater, Jelly jam, Platypus) (they are my top two!) Steve Harris (Iron Maiden) Dave Ellefson (Megadeth) Troy Sanders (Mastadon) Special mention number 6ers are Cliff burton, Chris Wolstenholme, John Entwistle, John Paul Jones, Roger glover, Les Claypool and Juan Alderete
  20. Hey Guys! Here i something i think i would like some advice on, or at least to speak to someone about it! I have been in the last few months had major problems writing music, not just writing whole riffs and such like but even writing simple basslines, This hasn't always been the case, a few demos from older bands and to my ears and to others who have listened who are fans of the same kinds of music agree that it all works and even sounds good at times I play almost entirely progressive metal, though i have a soft spot for jazzy solo bass work though all band work has been in the prog metal vein. Though recently nothing seems to come to mind when i pickup the bass, and after a usually half an hour of unsuccesful "noodling" i tend to get a little disheartend and either play along to tunes on my ipod or just practise a little mechanically as this spell has also lead to me feeling slightly 'inadiquate' with my playing. I have recently made a total switch from 4 and 5 strings to almost entirely playing a 6. I had played a six before but never owned one but have played in depth and played in a dream theater cover band for a week with one doing shows everyday (nothing big, opening for orginal bands or filling slots in a nights program) I'm thinking positive and putting this down as a "phase", linked to possibly : Playing less metal, listening too much to a small group of artists, playing to many covers and play alongs at home instead of practising and focusing on writing, and maybe trying to run before i can walk as it were in the recent complete transition to the 6 string. Also i haven't been in a band which felt "right" in a good while which i think may be a large factor also, aberdeen isn't really the largest metal scene around =S and the last band i was in which felt rather promising as the guitarist and i are into totally the same music but the drummer left as he decided metal wasn't his thing, then i felt our music wasn't prog or metal enough (not great for a prog metal band ) and he decided to join a paramour cover band so something which felt promising and good sort of fell apart... Edit: Also found i've not been happy with my tone in the same time scope, adjusting to the new bass, though today i found something i liked tone wise and that really made me a bit more confident Now i know this is more of a let out than a discussion thingy but i would like someones views and words and if anyone has been in a similar situation? (as i'm sure even Mozart may have suffered from "Musicians block"!) I find bands a little hard to come by and get into at my age finding bands is a little hard especially in a city with a smaller music scene, Any Views? AC NB For reference for time scope i mean last 4/5/6 months and for age i'm sitting my Standard Grades (Gsces) in june and i've been in bands rather sporadically Many Many thanks to anyone who took the time too read all of that
  21. Oooooh! That MB410 combo just threw a spanner in me works! Wait and save some more for the MB410 OR Get the MB212 =S =S Ahhhh what to do? What to do!? haha Looks cracking, and the MBP stuff is pretty cool! you can have a 410 combo + 410 extension cab for 1000W and just under 100lbs!
  22. Loving the look of the silver single H one! Wouldn't mind a Red PJ ala the first picture, or a Silver single H ala the last picture Already toying with the idea of getting the Silver H and adding a Precision Pickup, and considering i'm broke and saving for an amp...
  23. I wonder whose it is! I'm not a Gibson fan but i am an Aberdeen lad
  24. [quote name='dood' post='1076240' date='Jan 3 2011, 01:08 PM']When I spoke to Billy recently, it wasn't so much [i]where[/i] Ampeg gear was made, it was more [i]how[/i] it's made. He certainly wasn't happy with the performance of newer Ampeg gear.[/quote] Dooood! You know how much i've always wanted to meet Billy! And you speak so casually! haha Back when i were a "little" younger i started to take bass 1000% when i saw this Billy sheehan playing a solo piece (The suspense is killing me, EPIC TUNE ) in 2006/2007, Note the Hartke rig as well as the Ampeg rig! (Anyone name the amp he used?) And i believe he used Hartke on his latest solo album and on the New Mr Big album he defo did, in the "Undertow" Music video he has a Hartke rig behind him (not certain, but i'm pretty sure he has two Hydrive 410 cabs behind him) Edit: The suspence is killing me [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9bG8hwZ9Bo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9bG8hwZ9Bo[/url] Link as my browser is being annoying and won't let me big-ify it for some reason,
  25. Why are there never Bongo 5/6 HHs in orange for sale! > Best of luck with the sale mate
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