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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. I'm only going on my (small amount of) common sense, But 12" speakers have more low end than 10" speakers? (in regards to 2 or 4 of them) Or is it just more mids? (which is what i have been told) THANK YOU in advance
  2. Hit me with your best shot - Pat B-whatshername? *takes cover from the ensuing flak *
  3. Sounds awesome xD Is this the latest Kaoss Pad? They are fantastic! Red J bass with a black pickguard? Built in Kaoss pad? Two thirds of Muses instruments in one This is a stonker! Shame I don't have money or mix well with jazz basses!
  4. The Yammi attitude ltd was mentioned, so that was the best bass ever Everything is subject guys!
  5. How low can these go? (Good round the B string area?) I've been looking at the Neo range but can't find vast amounts on them, I play a 6er and need the whole range be strong like! (Sorry for a form of hijack!) So count this as a bump on me
  6. [quote name='dood' post='1054515' date='Dec 10 2010, 09:27 PM']+ {a number that is too large to fit on this page} I'm also a point of contact for Jon Shuker, so if you want to drop me a line I can help a bit![/quote] Dood! You know better than most here How much does a Shuker run you? (I know thats vague) But like the 5er and 6er elites? And how much is a custom? And what would the price on your unbelievely awesome 7 string be if they were made? (just getting an idea on scope)
  7. I find Active basses and me slapping don't mix, but hand me a Passive P bass or a PJ and i'll slap away (Although not amazingly... ) Also whats the string spacing of the Jazz? 20mm? I wasn't any help at all but i thought i'd add something Haha AC,
  8. Did you get it from Thomann? They are a bit random in that sometimes you get your great deall all fine and dandy, but sometimes things are let through! This DOES sound very surprising too me! I've never seen anything wrong with a Yammi, apart from one or two really small things on my Attitude! I'd like to here more on this when you get it all sorted! All the best
  9. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1053919' date='Dec 10 2010, 11:59 AM']You'll need to be a bit more specific about your problem mate.[/quote] [quote name='Chris2112' post='1054161' date='Dec 10 2010, 03:34 PM']Hope you get it sorted as the K5's are really good basses.[/quote] +1 to both! How do you know there is a problem, how long you had the bass?
  10. The Nikki Sixx Signature is awesome xD Waaaay Over priced, and i prefer the look of the epiphone one but i tried one out in germany and it was wicked
  11. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='1047786' date='Dec 4 2010, 09:24 PM']Well I've done it...I've ordered an ermmm 1024 [/quote] Good choice xD If i had the money i'd be ALL over the 1025X
  12. Rancid - Out of control
  13. Haha as you see i am a BIT of a Yamaha lover, and Ibanez I also played three fenders american standard and an Ibanez SR prestige and it felt right amongst them, though you could tell a difference, but to be fair, the price of the Sr5005 and the BB424 is leagues apart but in feel they felt great from one to the other, though that 3x price or so had that little 'edge' But i'm not a fussy man and i love Yammi's so i'm not the best person to ask its more an each to their own thing right? Hope i've helped!
  14. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='1046898' date='Dec 3 2010, 10:23 PM']Wow thanks for that. Think I'm leaning more towards the 424. My only reservation is how it's going to feel after my Dingwall. I play an SX at work, the days I pick the Dingwall up it feels like a Rolls Royce compared to the SX! Is the 424 going to feel 4x cheaper than the Dingwall?[/quote] I find all yamahas feel qaulity no matter the cost, I was having my Attitude re-strung while i tested out basses and amps for fun, and i went from an RBX 375, to a BB414 to a 424 to a TRB to my attitude and got the same great quality feel, though personally a bass always feel "expenisve" to me when i know it is! They all feel quality and 'playable' as it its waiting to be played and do its thing y'know? Sure you would probably notice it 'feels cheaper' but i would certainly say it won't feel 4x worse! Its like a dirty secret haha
  15. I've played them head to head, If you want that P and J sound the 424 is perfect, the 424 is a VERY versitile bass, over all great the BB714BS is more "warm" in a fat Gibson EB0 kinda way, and yes boomier, The BB714 is a bit more like the older BB (the 414) The neck etc is the same i "think" and the Humbucker and the P pickup are quite chunky ( as in size) and leave little room for slap and pop if thats what your into, as the pickups are rounded not square, and the BS didn't appreicate a pick either but the 424 sounded MONSTER, reall nice grit duff mckagen, then with a bit of (easy) adjustment got a very smooth warm funkier sound though the 424 sounds a little 'hollow' to my ears, it lacks something BUT to others that qaulity is what they are after, which is why my friend bought one when i was demoing it! well just after, he plays Indie rock, jazz funk, some harder rock, he used to be a J bass man The 714 doesn't sound like an Attitude, but it does that Mr Big old days (Think Lean into it, Daddy brother lover little boy etc) sound real well! (I'm a HUGE Mr Big fan haha) and its really just that sound which you can tweak, The 424 has through body stringing as well which with the approx £100-£150 lower price tag would win it for me, If i had the money i would get the 714 personally i love the BB neck, love the tone, love bladed neck pickups! and the Lava red colour is killer xD Hope that helps? Thats more on trhe 714 than anything but i'm a bit of a sheehan nut =S
  16. I play a 6 but could easily get away with a 5er, I only really use the high C for harmonics (i love harmonics, use them all over the neck across all the strings, i'm not just trying to get as high as possible!) and to add extra texture to chords nathan East is a good example of playing something with more than 4 strings, like has been said how ever many strings is needed for the job! and that when your a session lad, can be more than 4 I'm certianly flirting with 7 and maybe an 8 string (single not doubled ) more harmonics + the Low F# is epic sounding, though an amp that can pump out something at 22/23Hz is rather expensive! haha Not meaning that as an insult, but i play in the low end of an orchestra too (Bass trombone/Tuba) and it was wierd playing an instrument lower than my bass when i play the metal stuff i do! But many bands have had 4s and sounded better/worse than us so its all to do with what the player feels best with no?
  17. [quote name='icastle' post='1041728' date='Nov 29 2010, 10:23 PM']Well, the Fender 5 string PB has a "two string" pup and a "three string" pup - so I guess someone could make a 6 string using two of the three string pups...[/quote] EMG do
  18. I was thinking about this earlier, I'd love a 6 string with a single MM style humbucker (Bongo, or JM2 anybody?) Or two Fat humbuckers (Warwick $$ or Bongo) I guess, soapbars like discussed (and Dood Rightly said!) easy casing design/ convienient and also Soapbars them selves (at least i have always found) to be very versitile pickups, and like all basses can be used how ever, From jazz to pop to metal, Look at Bill Buddah Dickins and other jazz artists (though he has a 7 more often! just the first name to mind) to the bassists from Los Lonely boys and Alien Ant farm to John Myung of Dream Theater and Ryan whatsisname from Mudvyane
  19. Yeah! a 135 would be exessive!!! OR A 175!! The Drop zones are great strings though!
  20. Roughly where are you based?
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1039371' date='Nov 27 2010, 10:08 PM'][url="http://www.overwaterbasses.com/extended-stainless-steel.htm"]Overwater[/url][/quote] Always an option... Though i find the gauges a bit light
  22. [quote name='LiamPodmore' post='1039179' date='Nov 27 2010, 07:21 PM']Yes, they are nickel, these are the ones i use - [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Ernie-Ball-Power-Slinky-2821-Nickel-Bass-5-String-50-135/E6H"]Power Slinky 5's[/url] And they do a 6 string Long Scale set with a .130 B which is [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/ernie-ball-6-string-slinky-bass-2838-%2832-130/37656"]Here[/url][/quote] Thanks
  23. [quote name='LiamPodmore' post='1038723' date='Nov 27 2010, 12:40 PM']I use Ernie Ball Power Slinky 5's. I don't know if they do a Power Slinky 6 set but these seemed plenty long enough to me from what i remember. Definately a good string gauge too, i love the .135 Low B Liam[/quote] Thanks! They are nickle right? Nice and bright xD Link to the .135? [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1039013' date='Nov 27 2010, 05:21 PM']D'addario do really heavy steels, dunno about the length though. If all else fails, Newtone can custom make them, didn't work out loads more than nce sets of strings, but was coupla years back.[/quote] Might go down the Newtone route, i'll drop 'em an e-mail in a mo'
  24. Hey All, I recently got an Ibanez BTB676 which i am loving The stock elixer strings, not so much, i'm not a fan of coated strings and i find the gauges too thin (not sure what they are couldn't find anything on the net, but the B seems about .120 compared to an old .130 i have lying around) All My other basses past and present use rotosounds, unfortunately (as far as i can tell) They only do a long scale 5 string set not a six string set, The bass has a 35" scale length and while not an issue for the B and C strings, but the A and D, i measured at 42" from the bridge to the post, and the bridge works with a system that is about 1/3" into the body, They B and C strings are about 37/38" from the Bridge i "think" I'll measure it again and correct this if its wrong Thats awkward part one! haha, though i know strings of length exist(?) haha, its just finding them, I also prefer stainless steel strings, the feel and tone, though i like nickle too, so either would be fine, and thirdly I use thicker than most strings at the low end, On my 4 string (Yammi Attitude) i use the Rotosound Sheehan Set, 110 80 65 43, and when i was playing a friends homemade style stix string which was 34" i used 135, 110, 80, 65, 43, 30 So thats : Non coated long, stainless steel/nickel heavy gauge strings! I wouldn't mind at all going heavier on all the strings, its just the B and E i find odd as i find the tension too low, and the strings don't feel thick enough to my touch unlike the 135 i used! (and i've used the Rotosound drop+ set! the .175 was pretty wicked! haha) Any help appreciated! Many Thanks AC
  25. [quote name='Truckstop' post='1036786' date='Nov 25 2010, 07:14 PM']I also love Yamaha. I have an RBXJM1, a Big Blue and a Chainsaw! Truckstop[/quote] So Jealous! What i wouldn't do for a JM1 and a JM2 In Tourquise and Plum Pearl respecitvly Thinking of the JM2, i haven't really seen many single middle position humbucker (MM style) basses let along six strings!
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