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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1016137' date='Nov 8 2010, 10:52 AM']I still like some of their designs / configurations (Fortress, Infinity, Dolphin) Some are ergonimcally/sonically fine, but merely "ok" (Thumb, Streamer, Corvette, Jack Bruce SG) Others are a disaster zone ([b]Stryker, Vampyre, Buzzard[/b], Nobby Meidel, That Adam Clayton Monstrosity )[/quote] Haha! Listed three of my favourite shapes LOL! A vampyre with the Corvette $$ pickups would be almost my perfect bass, (if it were a 5 or 6 string it would be even closer!) I really love the Double buck tone, but i don't really get on with the body shape as i dislike the uppr horn =/ Do warwick do soapbars? Or Is it the Corvette (normal one) with soapbars? BTW also agree, the Clayton is horrible, with soapbars and the normal stryker body and it might look alright, Looking forward to trying out a rockbass series!
  2. [quote name='Lord Sausage' post='1015357' date='Nov 7 2010, 03:41 PM']Thats the most confusing thing i've ever read. I've got a degree in music and that almost made me unlearn music![/quote] Haha! =S My bad!
  3. [quote name='skej21' post='1015363' date='Nov 7 2010, 03:47 PM']If you were tuning backwards BUT still ascending, as in GDAE in place of EADG retrospectively, then yes. That would be in fifths, because in ascending intervals, G to D is a perfect 5th, D to A is a perfect 5th and A to E is a perfect 5th. As for the bit in bold/underlined, you've lost me entirely with that lol[/quote] Haha thats fine because thats the only bit which is wrong in that post!! Thanks ever so much man!
  4. I'm testing the water here as i feel very foolish indeed, BUT surely then its 4ths from E-A-D-G But if you were "tuning backwards" as it were from Highest to lowest, G-D-A-E (normal tuning just saying it backwards?) Then its in 5ths? Ie Decending, but E to G is Ascending so its 4ths? ^ Is that correct or am i still wrong and confusing myself?
  5. [quote name='skej21' post='1015329' date='Nov 7 2010, 03:10 PM']It's tuned to 4ths because the only way you can work out intervals is if they are descending or ascending. When tuning, you start with the bottom (lowest) string and work UP to the top (highest) string, which means you are dealing with ASCENDING intervals. This means that the bass is tuned in 4ths because E to A ascending is a perfect fourth (rather than if it were descending, then it would be a 5th) For example, A is a 4th above E. So B to E is a fourth upwards, E to A is a fourth upwards, A to D is a fourth upwards, D to G is a fourth upwards and G to C is a fourth upwards. Might be a bit of a lengthy explanation but hope it helps?[/quote] [quote name='skej21' post='1015335' date='Nov 7 2010, 03:17 PM']Also, I think you have confused yourself a little bit, the note sequence above is a circle of [b]fourths[/b] (not a circle of fifths). A circle of fifths is - C G D A E B Gb Db Ab Eb Bb F (which is the circle of fourths backwards) Hope that helps [/quote] [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1015337' date='Nov 7 2010, 03:19 PM']When you talk about 4ths and 5ths between strings, you're talking in ascending scales. If you're in the key of E major (E minor would have the same 4th and 5th anyway for the record but with a flattened 3rd), then E is the first, then F#, G#, A, so A is the 4th from E. If you were tuning to 5ths (something I've been tempted to do before so I can have a larger range on a 4 string, but I'm happy on 5 strings at the moment) if you started at E, it'd be E, B, F#, C#.[/quote] AHHHH! The Ascending and Decending! I feel like a fool, thats why! Yes! =S Sorry for wasting your time =/ and thank you very much! Like i said my theory is somewhat lacking haha thanks for helping me clear this up
  6. Note: I don't wish to go into the realm of theoretical keys such as Db and C# or Cb and B etc as non existant sharps and flats and keys don't help answer the question (at the simpler level my brain can take!) and they generally confuse me haha
  7. Hey There I'm slightly confused *EDIT* -> Completely for got about the Ascending against Decending thing! Thats what happens when you only play fully chromatic instruments haha! Thanks guys! Is the tuning E-A-D-G Or B-E-A-D-G-C-F or what have you, 4ths or 5ths? As the circle 5ths is B E A D G C F Bb Eb AB Db Gb *edit notes* [ This is the circle of 5ths backwards which is the same as the cycle of 4ths] Or is it just the difference in flats and sharps? As with the circle of 5ths you sharpen the 7th, "The cycle of 5ths work slightly differently from the cycle of 4ths, in that we now start on the 5th and sharpen the seventh. So starting with C Major, we start on the 5th degree, in this case a G and sharpen the seventh, in this case F becaomes F#. So the key of G contains one sharp; F#." ^ that is what it says in my school music notes I'm probably just confused as i have confused my self most likely, But with 4ths If you take C major ) C D E F G A B "The cycle says we start on the 4th Degree of the scale, in this case an F and flatten the 4th degree, turning it from B into Bb. This gives us the key of F which contains one flat (Bb)" ^ more from my notes, and i know/understand that as its the key of F and Bbs that Brass music revolves around more often then not, From F then if you repeat the process the next key would be Bb, and if you carry on till you have Cb with 7 flats, which are Cb, Db, Eb, Fb, Gb, Ab, Bb "Notice that there's no black key between B & C and E & F? Yet we have 7 flats? Well it's comes down to 'Enharmonics'. Cb is actually just another name for B and Fb is another name for E. They are the same notes, but called different names. The notes of Cb and B are said to be 'Enharmonic', as they are actually the same note, but have different names depending on which key we're playing in. The same is true for Fb and E. The reason we don't just calle Fb an E and Cb a B is because each note can only be contained within a Key once, therefore we must call these notes by other names to fit into the pattern." ^ More music notes with a diagram of the piano My scales theory has always been wanting =S Anyone shed light? Surely a bass is tuned to 5ths then? Thanks and Regards! A confused AC This is important to me a i need to know this inside out for 1) bass playing curisosity and 2) It applys strongly to the harmonic series on the Trombone and the slide points and which notes are in which position through the octaves! Thanks again! And sorry for a long post!
  8. ^ you can do two of the pieces in a stricly performance one, They are all right, not done one but may do soon enough, Though i've never met a teacher that didn't pre-right the improv bits for their students (the same thing for each pupil i mean)
  9. Gallien Krueger is the same! With no way to stop it at all! Its a bit tacky, elevatorish haha
  10. [quote name='markstuk' post='1014540' date='Nov 6 2010, 05:36 PM']Strings direct do 5'er sets...[/quote] Just saw them 45-125
  11. Anyone know if they do 5/6 string sets? Dood! a set of 7 (B-F gauge wise as it likely would be) On your Shuker would look rave-tastic! These would look great at a lower light gig!
  12. Conklin doesn't have a UK dealer, or the groove tools line! We should fix that! Get a big dealer in on it! All they need to do is e-mail the westheimer corperation says Bill Conklin him self to me on facebook! Bump on me andy!
  13. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1012822' date='Nov 5 2010, 12:55 AM']Not sure what's going on with GK gear in the UK at the moment, there's not much of any of it. I'm still waiting for a 410RBH and that's coming direct from Polar Audio to me when one comes into the country. Hopefully they should be getting a nice big shipment soon with all these lovely treats on. The MB Fusion head (micro head with a valve pre!) is due out in December (if it doesn't get put back) and that looks pretty exciting. Hope that that's with us relatively soon.[/quote] Love the whole MB Fusion Idea! Dying to try one xD Not tried the Fusion head, seems/sounds great from the clips i heard from a friend Yes! Hopefully there will be a nice shippment to end this Amp drought hahaha
  14. May have to go for a 210 and extension cab as no where has answered my e-mails about the MB212! Polaraudio has one but its about £750 =S
  15. The Ampeg BA115 is no longer in production i "believe" But you could pick up a BA115T with a tube in the pre for £225 on Basschats very own market place! Welcome to Basschat btw connor!! Buy used and you could get alot of amp! EDIT!!!! And don't be afraid Basschat is THE BEST FORM ON THE INTERWEB!
  16. [quote name='GRAHAM SG1' post='1009844' date='Nov 2 2010, 05:51 PM']As far as I know they are built in the GK owned factory in China . I rang soundslive today to ask about the MBE210 cabinet, they dont have any dates for it, am getting fed up with GK because the cab has been out for months, shame as the amp on its own is great, just need the cab to release its full 500 watts .[/quote] That seems the case all over! Though i equally can't find a 212MB combo at all! If anyone has seen one of these for sale used or online or what ever please tell us! Tempted to order from Thomann, but sometimes they have been a bit ropey, and some stuff my brother ordered (amp wise) was EU voltage and some UK so its odd...
  17. [quote name='dumelow' post='1005644' date='Oct 29 2010, 07:20 PM']im going to be buying one of the MB115's within the next month. very very excited but also a bit miffed that it seems the least popular of the three =S[/quote] Haha i'm just not into 1 15" cabs plus its only 200W where as the The 210 is 350 - 500 with extension, the 212 is 500, and the 112 is a bit weedy! When you get it we can all report back together! might not be gettong one for some time though =/
  18. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1001045' date='Oct 26 2010, 12:53 PM']If you like the GK sound and neo speakers, I don't think you can really go wrong. [/quote] Haha! Exact same logic! Now i just need to decide between the 212 and the 210... 212 - More expensive, but better lower notes (Think B and A) also more head room 210 - Cheaper - Better mid-range? (? as i'm not too sure, think A -D- G strings) lower wattage, more suited to most of what it would be for, (Smaller gigs and home practise but it still has a head phone jack! But i like to jam....) will be playing a 6 string and hopefully a 7 (if i get one or get to borrow one again!) opinions guys? I've got my eyes and heart fixed one a GK and neo speakers and lightweight goodness so this is the dogs!
  19. I'm in an identical boat! that or a 7 string I'm after specs usually from higher end basses =S The BTB matches all my specs except the 35" and i prefer the 34" rotosounds =S The BTB or the Yamaha (LOVE THE TRBS!) the 34-35" scale thing is where i'm unsure also I play metal and alot of decent 6ers have a something about them idk but it puts me off, i dislike the sr506 though, the colour puts me off haha shallow but still!
  20. As its a squier you'll need to drill new mouting holes for the plate, And they now do a double drop one which can go from E to C/C# to B its crazy! C should be fine your using at least 105/110 to be not *too* muddy
  21. [quote name='Delberthot' post='1004057' date='Oct 28 2010, 04:56 PM']The Rickenbacker 4004LK couldn't be further from the one he became famous for using. Fair enough he plays this one live now but the age old question is - is Lemmy's original one real? I don't think anyone's had a close enough look at it to see if it is. i may have a chance to ask in a couple of weeks time.[/quote] Which one do you mean? The oak-ish colouredone with 4/5 pickups? I thought thats what the 4004LK was that... just going by memory though
  22. Very Tempted by this, but my choice of rotosounds are only 34" scale, and i'm after a thru neck right now best of luck with the sale though!
  23. So tempted by this for my scott pilgrim Tribute act! By I need something witha few more strings for my orginals band! Arg =S Best of luck with the sale!
  24. [quote name='Lorne' post='1002503' date='Oct 27 2010, 02:27 PM']To be fair, all of the basses you've mentioned, are a lot dearer than the Paulo Warlock thing. And, someone once said to me, that the Yamaha Attitude LTD is EXACTLY the same as the ones Billy Sheehan uses, it was Billy himself that told me that, BUT, look closely at his Red one, it has a Bird's Eye Maple fretboard, I have never seen an Attittude with one of those, I owned one of the blue ones once many years ago As for the Warlock, there are better basses available, and if you want one Identcal to his one, the customshop will strip your wallet of over £3000 for the privilidge [/quote] Mine has a differnt (VERY NICE!) Maple cut on the fretboard, I'm almost certain he has no birdseye maple board ones? Most of his are touched up at YASH though, like the gloss finish one! I'd MURDER for that and the one with the pearloid pickups xD and his all chrome one? Its selling for about $9000-$10,000 :'( haha
  25. Just Crank the Treble No need for effects! haha Anyone know what teh intro might have been done with? More than Synthy? =/ maybe Is a better example? After his soloy type bit at the start, about a minute in
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