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Everything posted by Orphius

  1. [quote name='sweeneyjimbob' post='598166' date='Sep 14 2009, 01:31 PM']will post now if any ones interested. also going to be in london at the tobbacco docks on the 27th if any one wants me to meet them there?[/quote] This is an awesome amp as I saw it and tried it out when I bought the Laney of him last weekend. Can concur with sweenyjimbob that its mint and plays well!!!
  2. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='595290' date='Sep 11 2009, 12:50 AM']In need of some TLC! Shes a bit tatty, speaker has seen better days, amp is fine for ages then crackles, probably fixable. Get some pics up tomorrow but shes no oil painting. £50 Collected for some vintage TE lovers with a soldering iron mentality.[/quote] Where are you based? Rich
  3. [quote name='purpleblob' post='595769' date='Sep 11 2009, 03:50 PM']In all honesty I doubt I have anything to add to what's aleady been said. It ultimately is horses for courses... Most people tend to aspire to something whether it's a high end bass, fast cars, big house or whatever - in some cases it can difficult to justify why one thing is better to have at the price than another at a lower price. All that really matters at the end of the day is what you are happy with, whether it cost £150 or £4500. When it comes down to it, it is simply personal taste.[/quote] Totally agree IMHO as with most gear the manufacturers can throw money into the design and assembly, but as equipment gets better and better it actually becomes harder to improve and therefore the cost goes up exponentially. I have had experience with this on Pro Studio speakers where the jump from OK monitors to good monitors could be Hundreds of £. To go from good monitors to superb was Thousands and the next step up was purely down to personal taste and is way beyond anything a normal musician could afford!!!
  4. [quote name='mcgraham' post='576718' date='Aug 21 2009, 02:45 PM']Hey all Basically, have had this idea rattling round in my head for a while. I'd like a device that allows me to tap into a pre-existing monitor mix and mix my own headphone mix of monitor with bass signal, whilst also passing the bass and monitor signal back out to respective pre-existing setups. This is what I've come up with: [i][u]Input/Outputs[/u][/i] - Input 1 (for bass - straight from bass) - Input 2 (for monitor feed - straight from desk) - Output 1 (for headphones - blend of the two inputs) - Output 2 (for bass out only - direct to amp/DI setup) - Output 3 (for monitor out only - back to monitor setup) [i][u]Controls:[/u][/i] - Volume 1 (for headphones - controls overall level of headphone amp) - Volume a (controls level of bass signal to headphone amp) - Volume b (controls level of monitor signal to headphone amp) [u][i]Other options:[/i][/u] - Volume 2 (for bass out - allows me to control bass out signal level to amp) - Volume 3 (for monitor out - allows me to control monitor out signal level) The idea is to have it sitting on my music stand and allow me to create my own monitor mix in any pre-existing sound setup. Would anyone be interested in doing this as a project? Or recommend someone who could? Mark[/quote] Hi Mark, I used to work for a company that distributes a product called- Hear Technologies Hear Back System [url="http://www.scvlondon.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=21&products_id=732"]http://www.scvlondon.co.uk/catalog/product...products_id=732[/url] It might be a little over kill for what you need but then again its the only product I know of at this price that will feed each musician an 8 track monitor mix into a personal monitor mixer that they can control the volume independantly per track per musician. It works over Cat5 cable so needs no power and mounts on a mic stand. Whilst I was there we sold quite a few as its a lot less expensive than the pro rival. It has also been used for live work thus not needing a motitor engineer side of stage. I'm not getting a kick back on this- I no longer work for the company but I like this site and hope to get lots of advice on bass playing so I'll help on studio/live tech questions where I can!!! Regards Rich
  5. Hi Sweenyjimbob, I may be interested in your Laney R3 if you still have it for sale? Please let me know if its still available. You mentioned that you have checked it but not used it- are you confident that it works at volume with a bass plugged in? I'm just a bit nervous about the sold as seen description (obviously all private second hand sales are sold as seen!!) - if you can check it works and makes the appropriate sounds then I'd be interested in coming over to try it with a serious view to purchase I live over near Stafford so Nuneatons not too bad!! Regards Rich
  6. [quote name='Musky' post='592419' date='Sep 7 2009, 08:15 PM']Hi Rich. Welcome to the forum. As far as amps go, I'd be looking for a Peavey TNT in your position. They come up fairly regularly for the sort of money you're looking at, they sound great and are reliable. Having said that ebay can be a weird place where you can snag bargains because the seller won't post, so it's just a question of keeping your eye out. If you're unsure what you are looking at you can always post a question here. Your Wildcat is likely a Matsumoku made bass - I'm not sure if Aria continued the range after production switched to Korea, but if it was made in Japan it's a keeper. You'll find a lot of love for Mats on these boards. Can't help with right hand technique though - I use a pick! [/quote] Thanks for the info on the Aria bass- I'll have to start looking after it now (maybe even get it a protective case !!) It does not give any indication as to its origin although stamped on the heel plate is the following- 6062808 Accurate Bolt on neck Thanks for the confidence boost on the old Peavey TNT's - I have seen many used by bassists while I've been playing guitar and there are a few on my eBay watch list!! Gutted though- just missed a Trace Elliot BLX- 80 that ended for £63!! I've seen a few H/H V-S 100 watt combos- I know these are not fashionable but are they any good?? Rich
  7. Hi guys, Nice forum- just what I need for lots of advice on starting to play bass!! I, like a suspect many bass players, started playing guitar many years ago and have just recently (last month) switched to bass. I switched because I sold my main guitar (to pay bills etc) and had an old bass. My next door neighbour saw it and suggested they needed a bassist for his little group. OK in at the deepend!!!! Obviously I have some of the dexterity/coordination from playing guitar and over the last few weeks have been trying to ween myself of using a pick so I can eventually do pop/slap techniques so I have a broader horizon. I need help with the following points- I need a smallish amp for rehearsal and eventually small gigs- I have very limited funds (less than £100) I have seen what ebay can offer (Older Peavey TNT's TKO's, some Ashdowns and one or two old Trace Elliots). Is there anything I should look out for? I'm in a sort of rush (weeks not months) as I'm currently going through the PA at rehearsal via a behringer shark DI and it sounds OK on it own but as soon as the vocals kick in the bass gets compressed and lost. Also- any good exercises anyone can suggest to improve right hand technique quickly? Info on my bass guitar- I have an Aria Pro II Wildcat series 4 string passive with J&P pups- anyone know anything about this bass? I bought it years ago for a girlfriend for £75 and recently had the wiring checked coz of a crackling jack socket- I was going to part ex it against a cheap Vintage or suchlike but the guy said it played much nicer that a modern "cheapy" so I took his advice and kept it. Thanks in advance to any help Regards Rich
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