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mike 110

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Everything posted by mike 110

  1. Fender Custom Shop Lead , 3 metre , tweed , unused - £10 posted …Sold .
  2. It sounds like the speaker is on its way out , it was really distorting last night at about a 1/4 volume . I'm getting rid anyway , but does anyone know how much roughly it would be to repair ? Or should I just sell it cheap with the relative info ?
  3. Wilkinson Bridge - Chrome plate , Brass Barrels , inc screws - £6 posted [attachment=161172:DSCN2154.JPG]
  4. I have a Sunn Mustang Strat copy . Darkish Red , Rosewood board , in reasonable condition , quite a few little dings but nothing major . Unfortunately its p/guard has been painted purple by its previous owner . Pick up selector needs a tip . With some love and attention it could be a nice little guitar . Electrics and pups all work , but wiring loom could probably do to be replaced . This was going to be another project for me , but my amp is on its way out , and , well needs must so this probably has to go to raise funds . Ive asked about these on here and they seem to have a good reputation according to the good people who know about such things ,which I'm not The price is including postage , £25 collected . For some reason I can only get ! pic up ... Mike [attachment=161177:DSCN2135.JPG] SOLD
  5. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1397486823' post='2424372'] They don't have to be the same wattage, but bear in mind the amps power will be split between them, so if you had an amp that put out 400W into 4 ohms, you'd want two 8-ohm cabs rated at least 200W each. In general, many 15s are deeper and bassier than 10s, but this is not always the case, it depends on the speaker and cabinet design and also if there is a horn/tweeter. A decent 1x15 will do you for most small pub type gigs. My favourite setup is a vertical 2x12 though, as it'll cope with larger venues, doesn't take up as much floor space as a 4x10 or a pair of 1x15s, and the vertical stacking arrangement means both you and the crowd can hear you better. [/quote] Thanks for that Dannybuoy , vertical 2x12 sounds good ! Regarding the design , is the physical depth of the cab a major factor in the sound or has that more to do with the speaker ? Ashdown seem to have a good range of cabs , with both deep and slim designs . [quote name='eude' timestamp='1397567026' post='2425194'] How about one of these? [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/bass-guitar-amps/pid31441/cid561/ashdown-vs115-1-x-15-bass-cab.asp"]http://www.andertons...15-bass-cab.asp[/url] If weight isn't an issue, might be perfect. [/quote] Cheers Eude , the weight may be an issue , but that is rather nice ! Love the colour
  6. I've just ordered this little beauty Now all I need to do is raise some cash for a Cab ! Or 2 !! I don't know anything about speaker combinations and the sounds they make , so in my own little noob/numpty way I'm going to ask for your help again guys I like a bassy , warm sound so what would be my ideal set up ? 4 x10 , 2x12 , 2x15 ????? All at 4 ohms I'm assuming . Also , am I right in assuming that if it's 2 cabs they both have to be the same wattage ?
  7. Same here ! Still got it , but its in bits waiting for a refurb
  8. Would the Amp be compatible with other Ashdown cabs i.e. a RM Mag 115 ? ah .. just checked the link dannybouy
  9. Thanks fellas , thats great , lots of info and advice for me to be going on with and trying to digest
  10. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1396966452' post='2419204'] Hey mate, I recently got one, and 2 Mi10 cabs to go with it, I'm very happy with it too. It seems plenty loud, although I haven't put it up against a live band yet. The amp has a nice natural tone to it, keeping the gain clean its quite hifi, but you can crank the gain for some lovely overdrive which gives you a much warmer old school tone. The EQ section is simple and doesn't make any extreme changes, it's quite subtle but I like it, not a big fan of massive over the top EQs anyway. The headphone out/aux in is very useful. Its small, light and built like a tiny tank, plus you get a 5 year warranty, what's not to like?! [attachment=159719:MiBass_Rig.jpg] Eude [/quote] Thanks Eude , I'm a complete beginner when it comes to rigs , I've only ever had combo's so its all new to me really . but this looks and sounds like it could be a bit tasty . I like a warm old school type sound ,Classic Rock style I suppose . My combo at the mo is a Marshall MB150 . I like the Ashdown sound , having tried a Rig in a local music shop and thought this might be worth a try at £300 . I'm not gigging but the bands guitarist who I jam with has a Blackstar 120 watt amp which can get pretty loud . I'm wondering what size cab I would need to enable the MiBass to hold its own , as gigging may arise at some point . The blurb says 640 watt max I think ..? That might be a tad overkill but maybe around 300 - 400 watt ?
  11. Last bump before fleabay or , gulp, crack convertors …. Now on Ebay ...
  12. I'm looking at going over to Amp Head and Cab from combo and looking at the MiBass 2.0 , anybody got one or experience of one ?
  13. Just completed a quick and easy deal with Alan , a good guy you can't go wrong with , Thank you
  14. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1395853705' post='2407217'] Hi Mike you were more than enough help I am sorry about your amp I hope you get it sorted [/quote] Thanks , happy to oblige in my non techy , tone deaf way
  15. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1395849311' post='2407121'] Out of interest is there any comparison with these and other pickups you can give us please? I am just wondering what kind of "sound" these pull off cheers [/quote]i I can't really make any comparison really apart from the ones in the Bass already , I don't know enough about Jazz pup sounds . Ive only had the Bass about 5 months its an Aria STB and to be honest I can't tell much difference except that the Toneriders sound maybe a tad brighter than the Aria . Its my first foray into the realm of Jazz Bass ! The blurb on the box inlay says that they are made to work best with the industry standard 0.47 cap and the cap I have in the Bass is 0.01 ( courtesy of John over at kIogon Towers ) Thats all I know really . My reason for selling is that my Amp is on its way out and I'm fundraising , the Aria is going to have to go as well sadly . Sorry that I can't be of more help .
  16. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1395142620' post='2399056'] It might be worth contacting marshall's service dept. they have been very helpful with me answering and solving tech issues I've had in the past. [/quote] [quote name='davehux' timestamp='1395146720' post='2399127'] Is it the same on both channels? If so, probably the speaker. If it's only on the Classic (valve) channel, could just be a new valve needed. It's a standard ECC83 (12AX7) valve which will cost you £15 and takes a few minutes to fit [/quote] I never thought of giving Marshall a call , good idea . I don't use the Modern channel very often …I'd better try both channels thoroughly and make sure . Trying to make myself heard along the Blackstar may be a bit too much for a 150 ….? Thanks
  17. My mb150 has started to distort at under half volume , do I need to replace the speaker ? I'm not sure whether to get it checked out and possibly repaired , then add a cab or get rid and buy an amp head and cab …..? I'm jamming stuff with a few friends at the mo and the guitarist has a 120watt Blackstar amp . Any forthcoming advice will wholeheartedly welcome as I'm completely tech knowledge free Thanks in advance , Mike
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