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mike 110

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Everything posted by mike 110

  1. [quote name='Grant' timestamp='1372701252' post='2128812'] Bugger. Just ordered a set of Status flats for my ATK, then saw this thread... [/quote] Ive got Status Flats on both my Basses 1 String through the other Topload , both still going strong after nearly a year
  2. That looks very cool , well done mate . Ive just bought a set of Toneriders for my , ahem, project , what's the sound like ? I've also got black tuners and bridge which I'm going to give a thin coat of Hammerite !
  3. Handsome !
  4. This is such a beautiful Bass , how the hell is it still unsold ?
  5. Thanks apa , I'm going to have a go this week , hopefully
  6. After much deliberation and fund raising ,I've got all the components ready to complete my first Bass refurb . A little change though , I've decided to use Rustoleum Painters Touch Spray - Ivory Bisque . I've just a couple of queries - What happens when I've finished undercoating ? Do I let the paint dry then rub it down ? If so what with ? ....Do I repeat the process for the Gloss coats ? I'm not sure about a clear coat yet .... I take it I'd need a certain kind of sanding paper/material too ?
  7. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1375186374' post='2157758'] What's the neck pickup on the 3-pickup one ? Old precision style ? [/quote] Its a Seymour Duncan Basslines 51
  8. Ive posted these before but the photos were crap ...hopefully these are a little better ... [attachment=140166:069.JPG][attachment=140167:072.JPG][attachment=140168:073.JPG] [attachment=140169:076.JPG][attachment=140170:078.JPG][attachment=140171:079.JPG]
  9. It looks like this [attachment=140154:083.JPG][attachment=140155:064.JPG] [attachment=140156:067.JPG][attachment=140157:065.JPG] I'm going to stain the fretboard darker , but leave the markers in , I'm not confident enough to remove them yet ! Ivory Bisque Gloss colour ( rustoleum spray paint ) Black Tuners and Bridge White Pearl Pickguard with Black Screws P Bass Wiring kit and Chrome Knobs
  10. I've gotten hold of 2 sets of ferrules , they're both meant for the back of the Bass . 1 set is short barrelled whilst the other is longer , both are the same diameter and narrow in at the bottom . My plan is to put the short barrel at the bottom and the long barrel at the top of the body . Should I drill a hole for the exact diameter ( and glue them into place should they be loose ) or drill a slightly narrower hole for a tight fit ?
  11. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1373404269' post='2137299'] A shaped metal plate on top of body would do. [/quote] Ah ! Never thought of that ...
  12. Looks like potential trouble for someone as ham fisted as me , so stickers are probably in order , blocks maybe ...?
  13. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1373399261' post='2137200'] On the P the bridge covers the job of ferrule, need something of the string will eat through the wood. [/quote] Mmm... How about guitar ferrules , Telecaster maybe ? Are they slightly narrower in diameter ?
  14. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1373318063' post='2136190'] you will need some ferrules in the back [/quote] [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1373318200' post='2136193'] Apparently it's a bit of a mission to get the holes to go through EXACTLY parallel to the body and come out the back nice and evenly-spaced. There IS a way of doing it, read it on the MusicRadar forums a while back - shall see if I can find it! [/quote] [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1373392838' post='2137088'] A drill press, start with a small hole and a sharp drill, then make them bigger from the back, that way you can line them up from the front so they are right, and have some wiggle room when you reo from the back, plus usually finish flaking from going through from the back if covered by the bridge, not so in this case, so just take care. [/quote] Woo , a tad more complicated than I thought ! But I'm going to do it , I can get hold of a drill press and I'm about to order some ferrules for the back . Looking at those photos of the Gibsons it looks like ferrules at the top as well , are they available anywhere ? I've checked my US P Bass and the holes are directly below the holes in the bridge and I can't see any ferrules . You'll have to pardon my ignorance as I'm more or less a beginner at this kind of thing . Thanks everybody , any help you give will be gratefully received !
  15. Thanks Mr Foxen , shouldn't be too complicated , maybe an inch or so behind the bridge , drill straight through , with the hole at the back a little wider for the string ends and bingo ! ....I hope !
  16. Thanks for your input everybody , much appreciated . It is the fretboard dots I'd like to remove rather than the dots on the edge . My project bass has a maple board which I've scraped the varnish off . I intend to stain the board as dark as I can get it and as the dots are black I'd like to put new ones in .
  17. Wow ! What a top notch bloke ! Ordered a wiring kit from John and he made it and sent in no time , it's on its way as we speak . A complete gent in all respects , although when it comes the time for me to fit it he may well be sick of all the ' just one more thing ...' type messages ...! All Hail the Mighty KiOgon !!!!
  18. I have a project Bass on the go , I'd like to make it string through . The bridge is an Epiphone / Gibson 3 point . How far from the bridge would I drill the holes ? Any and all advice welcome
  19. Anyone know how to do this ?
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