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mike 110

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Everything posted by mike 110

  1. Bugger !! Cheers for that , I assumed my location was in up there with my name , I'll edit !!
  2. Beautiful Bass , Ive had for a few months now , but isn't getting enough play , my Shuker is getting all the love these days and well I've decided to cut my collection down to 2 , I can't bear to part with my US P so ... Immaculate condition , set up recently by Mr Shuker himself .. £700 Bank transfer preferred please I'd prefer collection , but I'm willing to meet up at a reasonable distance And will ship at cost ... I'm in East Yorkshire , Eastrington - a weeny little village off the A63/M62 Thanks
  3. Hey discreet , I seem to remember you had to replace the Fender Logo on your last 500 combo , could you tell me where you got it from please ? I need to replace the logo on my cab .. Thanks , Mike
  4. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/heavy-rain/1209566547 https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/american-carnage-ep/1306006965 These are our Album and EP available on iTunes , Amazon , Spotify etc The Four of us make music for fun and the love of it and only our singer has been in a ( proper ! ) Band before ...and he was the Drummer in it ....make of that what you will ! We'd never written a song before we started , but in the once a week we get together ( shifts , family stuff , etc allowing ) we try and come up with decent , melodic Rock songs and we're pleased with what we've done so far ... Have a listen If enough people buy it I'll be able to put a new Wing on my Place ......'ang on ...no ..I mean a new string on my Bass ..... Cheers Mike
  5. My one and only Shuker ...weighs a ton !!!
  6. Sounds Great !! I love The Crossing , still play it today ... The Storm - Beautiful song ... Good luck with it mate ...
  7. Yep it certainly is ...Prime Beef ! Lovely !
  8. mike 110

    Ibanez ar220

    Anyone tried one of these ? I'm looking at getting a 6 string , maybe a Blacktop tele or the Ibanez AR220 ( gotta sell a Bass yet before I can buy anything ! ) I'd be grateful for any info , opinions , Cheers Mike
  9. Paul just bought some P pickups from me , straight forward deal , very quick , also happy to recommend Prowla
  10. [quote name='prowla' timestamp='1508929777' post='3395393'] Still unpacking? [/quote] Yip , there are still boxes taped up ...... ... I've recently completed a Bass trade where I sent pics of the Bass I traded over the phone ....
  11. £40 posted Precision p/ups from my 08/09 US P . Great condition , plenty of wire , brass plate and screws . No pics yet , we've recently moved house and my camera is still packed in a box ... If you're interested just pm me your mob/number and I'll send you some pics through Thanks Mike
  12. [quote name='davross' timestamp='1506585857' post='3379670'] There's no thinly veiled accusations, he's either best case bought a bass and is now selling here without taking photo's so the bass could be altered or damaged since purchase, or worst case its a fake. Either way I feel potential buyers deserve to know as you get little buyer protection in these forums. [/quote] As I said , maybe you should have taken it up with Rich first before you posted any ' warning ' , maybe then you would have found out the truth of the matter , best case / worse case or whatever . You could have contacted him or checked his Feedback before jumping in feet first . People on here are grown ups who can deal with issues themselves or through the moderators if they wish , which incidentally is another route you could have taken , but this isn't ebay and people on here aren't prone to ripping people off .
  13. This actual Bass or the same model ?
  14. Could you give me any info if you have please ? Thanks Mike
  15. A bit late this … holidays dontcha know … Traded a P Bass for Josh's ( now mine ) Flea Jazz …. As Joshs go I'd say he's definitely one of the best great communication , very friendly chap , bass well packed and in great condition , a pleasure to deal with indeed .
  16. Slappity pop pop slappity Brilliant ! It does sound intriguing though and I do like Mark King
  17. [quote name='mike 110' timestamp='1452703590' post='2952643'] That is rather lovely , I find myself looking at this thread quite frequently ! I don't have the cash for much at the mo , but I do have technology and wherewithal to bump this little beauty to the top GLWTS mate [/quote]How in the hell is this still here ?
  18. Those Gold Foil Pickups do look the Biz !!!
  19. [quote name='The_Rodster' timestamp='1495651258' post='3305654'] Yeah, I paid £70 plus p&p although this was over 6 months ago so the price may have changed. If you email Marc via the site I'm sure he'll give you and up to date price for one [/quote] Thanks Rodster , I'll do that
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