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Everything posted by TRadford

  1. Sansamp shipped and recieved, ME-20 still available.
  2. Top chap, bought my sansamp BDDI, paid instantly and great comms. If only all transactions were this smooth!
  3. Sanamp sold pending payment to [b] [url="../../user/17596-papalampraina/"]Papalampraina[/url][/b]
  4. In negotation at the moment on an international sale. If that doesnt come through then its yours. Ill let you know.
  5. Long shot but worth a try.. I have a un used copy of the above. I bought a while back when I was still using superior drummer, but before I installed it, I changed to addictive drums. Its 5 DVD's of the highest quality drum samples, played by some of the biggest names in rock. Also includes loads of MIDI samples ready to go into your songs if you dont want to play them yourself. Needs Superior Drummer 2.0 installed to work. Here is the offical blurb and sound samples. https://www.platinumsamples.com/JoeBarresi.php [b]£120 shipped through RMSD[/b] [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/tcr4x4/6796724557/][/url] [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/tcr4x4/6796724557/]DSC_7199.jpg[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/tcr4x4/]TCR4x4[/url], on Flickr [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/tcr4x4/6796727905/][/url] [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/tcr4x4/6796727905/]DSC_7201.jpg[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/tcr4x4/]TCR4x4[/url], on Flickr
  6. Due to lack of use and huuuge car repair bill looming, Im shifting some stuff. So first is a Sansamp Bass driver DI box. Well used, but overall in good nick, never gigged by me, home use only, a few marks on the back and some on the front. Currently I cant find the box, so sold without, but if I find it, its included. No power lead sadly. Im well out of the loop in regards to prices, so I'll say[b] [color=#d3d3d3]£60 +£5 RMSD[/color][/b] postage and see what happens [color=#ff0000]SOLD[/color] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/tcr4x4/6796729181/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/tcr4x4/6796729181/"]DSC_7202.jpg[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/tcr4x4/"]TCR4x4[/url], on Flickr [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/tcr4x4/6796738023/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/tcr4x4/6796738023/"]DSC_7205.jpg[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/tcr4x4/"]TCR4x4[/url], on Flickr And also a boxed ME-20B. Again overal good condition, never gigged by me. Has the box and I do have the power lead somewhere! A few marks here and there again, mainly on the back edge and a mark on the master level pot. [b]I am after £70 + £5 for RMSD postage[/b] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/tcr4x4/6796740007/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/tcr4x4/6796740007/"]DSC_7206.jpg[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/tcr4x4/"]TCR4x4[/url], on Flickr [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/tcr4x4/6796744287/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/tcr4x4/6796744287/"]DSC_7208.jpg[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/tcr4x4/"]TCR4x4[/url], on Flickr
  7. Bumpings with price drop. £385 I WILL get better pictures tomorow.. promise.
  8. Due to lots of bills to pay, Im regretfully having to sell one or more of my basses. They arent gettting used, and I need some money from somewhere thanks to the Government's genoroisty of £80 a week sick pay. So first up is the Waraira. Its an Aria Pro II Avante neck through, with a lovely slim neck. Its got genuine Warwick MEC electronics and sounds very close to a corvette, just a bit brighter due to the wood. Ive replaced the jack with a new genuine warwick item, but it can still be a bit tempremental. Ive found looping the cable through the strap solves it. Its also got a Warwick one peice gold bridge and gold knobs. Its in good condition with a few minor marks here and there. I'll get some better photos up tomorrow and a more detailed description once I have a chance to evalulate it in the light but for now here are some I took from when I first got it. Not sure what strings are on it, could probably do with changing soon anyway. Lovely playing bass and will be sad to see it go. Start off at[b] £415 including postage.[/b] I'll see if I have a spare gig bag, if not it'll be well wrapped and boxed. Collection or meet prefered. Im available pretty much any day, any time due to being off work. Im in Gloucester, but will meet between Bristol/Birmingham maybe further for fuel costs. Offers accepted, Im not up to speed on bass prices at the moment. I'll probably also be soon selling an ashdown perfect 10 combo, Ibanez EDB500 and a Dean Rhaposdy 5 stringer.
  9. And a few AK's in the cupboard.
  10. I live near Remus sound
  11. Haha, Ive been playing drums for over 15 years and would never say I can play all styles of music. Not many people can, not to a level of a live band anyhow. I would also wonder why if she is as good as she claims to be, she needs to spend 40 hours a week with a top drum tutor? Ive never had 40 hours of tutorship in my life. If she is that good, shouldn't she be the tutor? Rearrange the words arse, head, up
  12. I must say I quite liked her earlier stuff but the cover of Your song doesnt do anything for me at all.I think its because I really like the Moulan Rouge version with Ewen and t'other bird which is really powerful and full of performance, whilst Ellie's is pretty laid back. I just think that song needs more pomp, and she just kinda whispers her way through it. That said, she can obviously sing and has worked hard to get where she is, so good luck to her.
  13. Most earplugs make the music a lot better, you can actually hear whats going on rather than just a wall of noise. I always wear some to gigs. The fact I sell earplugs is completely irrelevent of course..
  14. Congrats!!!.. Firstly, can you get me a free bass please?? And second.. I love that Dirty Blonde video clip. I was watching it last week and was taken in by it...
  15. Im sick of these posts with walls of text, why cant people just be more consice?
  16. [quote]I am based in chelmsford and would prefer collection but am willing to post it at an extra cost.[/quote] Kinda gives it away....
  17. Yep, I have a VM jazz. I hadnt played it for ages, but picked it up the other day and was reminded how nice it is to play.
  18. [quote name='DanOwens' post='993839' date='Oct 19 2010, 05:49 PM']I want to give Vickers a cup of ginger, honey and lemon. That'd clear her sinuses in no time![/quote] Wouldnt make her any less annoying though would it?
  19. [quote name='Johnston' post='993739' date='Oct 19 2010, 04:38 PM']Dunno about that has she not already made a name for her self on stage doing musicals??[/quote] I dont know nor care TBH.
  20. If the Chillis do sue her, it'll make them look like idiots IMO. They are a massive multi million selling band, she is a nobody wanting her 5 minutes of fame. What benefit will suing her give? They dont need the money and her song is hardly going to affect them is it?. Yes 2 lines sound a bit similar, but so what, the rest of the song is completely different. Whether she wrote it or not, who cares..Let her get on with it. In 10 years she'll be back in Mcdonalds like the rest of the Xfactor "stars" and everyone will have forgotten her anyway.
  21. Yeah, because someone selling counterfit stuff will suddenly see the error of thier ways once a stupid ebay message gives them a bollocking...
  22. Cool I'll find out for sure in a few days!
  23. I do something on Ebay which is similar, except doesnt invlove doing any work and on a much smaller price scale. Its a service, and people are prepared to pay for it. Good luck to him I say.
  24. Shhhh.. we dont speak of that place. Its evil.. eeeeviiiiiilllllll
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