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Everything posted by TRadford

  1. TRadford


    Thanks all I think I'll be a home bassist, as I am drummer. Ive been there and done that with gigging bands in my teens, and to be honest its too much hassle. Im quite happy just playing for fun for myself. Maybe get a few friends over for a quiet jam, but certianly no gigs anywhere so a smallish practice amp should be adequate. Just trying to find a nice bass to suit. Im in a whole new world, and with so much choice, its a minefield. I want something good, but I have a very tight budget, as this may be a passing phase, so dont want to spend a fortune on gear. Quite happy with second hand stuff, but none of this cheap rubbish that falls to bits within minutes. This bass Im borrrowing now, is a no brand generic starter thing, or FEPOS as we say in the drum world. ( Far eastern piece of... well you can guess) and its terrible. So Im concerned that by even trying to play it will just put me off as it sounds and feels so bad. On the lookout for a yamaha or ibanez or similar for max of £150 and must be posted as I cant even drive at the moment due to the drugs Im on for my back. At least as Im off work for the week, I can surf Ebay all day for a bargain!!
  2. TRadford


    Hi there. Long time drummer, first time bassist! I have been playing drums for about 15 years and still play, but neighbours and a bad back injury have meant I have had to cut back. I used to have a doodle on my brothers bass about 10 years ago, and always prefered it to guitar. Im hoping to try and learn properly, but I have start from the begining and work my way up. A friend has kindly offered me a Yamaha bass guitar for free, but I wont be able to get it until the 20th Sept and I have no idea on the model or even what state its in, so I may be on the lookout for a nice cheapish bass for myself. Currently borrowing a friends crappy starter bass, just to get the fingers going, but I think its probably going to do more harm than good in the long run! Hope to learn a lot here!! Tom
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