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Everything posted by TRadford

  1. Yes! Listen to those wise words!
  2. I've got the P bass bug after listening to Iron Maiden all day, and this looks a corker but I just cant own a gold bass... I just cant.
  3. Looks nice, and as you know Im after one, but its just too expensive for me at the moment. Unless you want to buy my 1 yr old laptop Im selling, I cant get it
  4. I recently sold a brand new condition PX5D for little over £100 on Ebay, so there might be a good start. I bought it new, but didnt really use it, was too complicated for me to figure out and I just couldnt be bothered, so flogged it on again. Im sure its brilliant, but I just couldnt be hashed with it. Seemed to have lots of effects and backing tracks. The record feature was pretty cool, and its very useful for practice away from home. Forgot to add, its great for plugging into the Pc to record with aswell..
  5. [quote name='Thatguy59' post='746425' date='Feb 15 2010, 08:04 PM']Good call I'd say To Quote maddude in the first post "but when I tell them how far I believe a Fender Jazz neck can go up a colon they soon back off." Maybe we should get rid of all his beliefs about how high it can go and show him for real...[/quote] I think a precision would be more appropiate. A jazz is getting off lightly.
  6. I want an acoustic bass..
  7. TRadford


    I was on Gloucester Rd in Brizzle earlier today! Completely useless but true fact.. Good luck with the gig!
  8. If anyone lives in Gravesend, you may see him around. Punch him for me.. WHOIS is a wonderfull tool.
  9. Crazy.. Why would he go to all that trouble? He was having conversations with himself, gave himself feedback, even had transactions with other people on here through both accounts. I noticed yesterday Maddude had also asked for donations of gear for a "charity" He was involved in. I wonder if anyone got fleeced that way. Thankgod the mods spotted it an sorted it before it got too far. Im a member of several large forums, and without doubt this place has the best and most active moderators and admin. Top job guys!
  10. Surely thats too blatant? Must be a coincidence...
  11. I've been sat here all bloomin day waiting!
  12. [quote name='funkygreega' post='745920' date='Feb 15 2010, 02:52 PM']What is really goin down here?[/quote] Thats what we are waiting to find out!
  13. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='745773' date='Feb 15 2010, 12:51 PM']I have only just caught up with all of this and I didn't want to just read it and run but at the moment [b]I'm not sure what to say or think about any of it[/b] [/quote] You're not the only one. I was throughly moved by the original post by Madddude, and was going to give very generously, partly to clear my own conscience about something that happened on another forum, and also to give maddude the praise he deserved. Now, if this turns out the way I think it might, my faith in human kindness will be pretty much gone.
  14. Who needs Taggart when you have BC?
  15. Ill take it if its still avilable. I even put a wanted post for an acoustic bass last week, but no-one ever looks in there
  16. I did notice yesterday when I was going though them, some of "Jimmys" posts were word perfect and no mistakes, others were illedgible. I presumed someone else had typed them out for him. Maybe there is more to that than meets the eye.
  17. [quote name='Kev' post='745063' date='Feb 14 2010, 06:09 PM']I hope this doesn't turn out to be one sick, sick attempt at pulling a scam. I think it's in the best interest for the mods to reveal theaccusations before more are cast[/quote] I kind of agree with this, as Im starting to think up all sorts of things, but I trust the Admin and Mods to make the right choices and take the approiate action.
  18. Same here, I was quite willing to make a substantial (in terms of the current climate and what its going towards), but Im not going to if there are things happening behind the scenes that we know nothing about, and certainly not if Maddude is leaving the forum. Im not made of money and only give it out in exceptional circumstances for charity type things. I dont want to think my money isnt going where I belived it was.
  19. My best mate in school had a really bad stutter also. We kinda took the mick out of him for it when he told a joke. It took 10 minutes to get to the punch line. He knew we meant in jest though, but sadly there were people who didnt mean it that way. This has reminded me to get in touch with him again. I just found out his fiance died of cancer last week, Im pretty sure he could do with a friend right now too. I definately want to give something. Ill send a PM later.
  20. Very sad news. I remember seeing one of his first posts and thinking, what most of us probably thought.. Another txt speak chav. Soon after he posted about his problem, which took some balls, and he seemed like a genuine nice guy. I have known and still know some dyslexic (sp? why do they make that word so hard to spell?) people, and all of them try really hard to spell right, but its just one of things they cant do. Its sad that people feel the need to make thier lives harder, especially to the point where the person feels the need to take thier own life. Maddude.. I dont know what to say. All I can say really is, I wish I had friends like you. What a proper gentleman and pure nice guy to take him under your wing like you did. I can honestly say I wouldnt have done what you did, and I cant commend you or say enough nice things about what you did. Im sure Jimmy really appreciated it, and at least you can rest in the knowledge he had one true friend out there, even if everyone tried to drag him down. I hope Jimmy rests in peace, and I hope we all take a moment to think before we type a response to someome who may not be as good as spelling and grammar as some of us are.
  21. Im selling a 1 year old HP G60. 3 Gig ram, large HD, AMD Athlon x2 2Ghz processor. Fresh install of Vista. Great condition, a few minor scrapes on the edges. Still has the plastic on the lid. I know you are looking for really cheap, but thought I'd point this your way anyway. Im after about £280 posted.
  22. Me me!! I snapped my D string the other day so thesse will be perfect. How much do you want?
  23. I either sit on my Roc n Soc drum throne, or stand. I seem to get more tired arms when standing though., Im never going to join a band, so it makes no difference if I cant play certain things standing. I often put my legs up on the chest we have in the bedroom too, when sitting. Otherwise I get really bad pins and needles.
  24. Jungle Love by The Time, is pretty easy and fun to play. Bearing in mind I can only play about 5 songs all the way through though. Im seeing some of the songs on here and thinking.... Hmm, I havent a hope in hell of ever playing that.
  25. Cracking bass, still miss it!
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