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Everything posted by TRadford

  1. I use it too, although Im a drummer! Have it on a laptop and rum my edrums through it to get more realistic sounds. Great program, and handy to quickly chuck a song together when you cant be arsed to play it.
  2. In school many years ago, for our Desgin and Tech GSCE, we had to design and build something. My mate chose a guitar, and in full honesty, it was not far off of that. He got a E Go figure.. Yuk!
  3. Only one word can describe that... Fugly.
  4. I have one, standard except a wilkinson bridge. Love it to bits and definately a keeper. Cant comment on gigability or anything like that, but its well built, sounds great and looks stunning.
  5. There is Soundhouse a bit further up the high street in Cheltenham, not been there for 10+ years though. In Gloucester, there is a Soundhouse. Went in a few weeks back, nothing amazing just the usual squire and Ibanez stuff. There is also a shop just out of town on Barton Street called A Remus sound. I havent been in for ages although keep meaning too. I drove past it last week and they had what looked very much like a Wawrick Thumb hanging in the window. The younger guy in there was an amazing guitarist and bassist. I presume its still him who runs it. There is a small music shop in the new Quays development, but I think its just cheap crap. Sadly Gloucester Music Co on Westgate Streets shutdown several years ago and is now a EU food shop or something. There are also a crap converter and similar shop oppossite that sometimes has something of interest in them on Northgate Street by Wilinksons.
  6. Any pictures available?
  7. [quote name='Dnt333' post='690837' date='Dec 21 2009, 05:37 PM']I have an Ibanez ergodyne EDC700 for sale, it is in good condition and comes with a hard case. I don't play it that much anymore, mainly play guitar nowadays so it takes space and that is the reason for selling it and also to buy more christmas presents. I'm ideally looking to sell it for £180 onro and may be able to deliver it depending how far. Cheers[/quote] Where are you?
  8. When I was on tour around Europe this time last year for 2 weeks, we had temperatures of -10 during the night when we were travelling. All the gear was in hardcases loaded into either a trailer or 7.5ton lorry. None had heating. We would finish the gig at 12, and load out by 1 or 3 am. Most of the load out was done in the snow with the guitars going in last. These are profesional musicians and wouldnt risk thier gear. They never had problems with leaving the gear in the cold over night. My brother left a laney bass amp in my dads garage about 10 years ago. The garage isnt heated or well insulated and the amp wasnt covered or in a case. It was left below my dads workbench and was covered in all sorts of crap. However, I plugged it in a few weeks ago and it worked as it did when it was left there.
  9. Wow, I dont think even my misses would moan at me having that. She loves the stuff.
  10. Well, they say a picture says a thousand words. :wacko:
  11. You really wont get anywhere without some more info.. Price, location, postage.. and maybe spell the bass right in the title too. With the info (or lack of) you have given so far, I wouldnt touch it with a bargepole. If you want to sell such a nice looking bass, spend a little time making an good advert for it.
  12. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' post='687646' date='Dec 17 2009, 07:21 PM']I'd love to know what these are like: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/JOHNNY-BROOK-JAZZ-BASS-GUITAR-BLACK_W0QQitemZ320419273106QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item4a9a7a1992"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/JOHNNY-BROOK-JAZZ-BA...=item4a9a7a1992[/url] if I £70 to spare i'd get one just to see.[/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=70931"]£30 collected, not far from you.[/url]
  13. I try to protect them as much as possible, but I always end up whacking the headstock into the dining room table. Did it with my new Ibby last week, thankfully no damage, not to the bass anyway, but Im such a clutz. I was the same with my drums, but some dings are inevitable.
  14. Ah ok, made me smile, some people slate ashdown a bit, yet if its good enough for Macca, its could enough for me!
  15. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='683397' date='Dec 13 2009, 09:08 PM']Sorry can't help, but I remember buying the very first issue with Angus Young on the front. No idea what happened to it. Bet it would be worth a quid or two now.[/quote] I have that one, and up to #50 in mint condition tucked away in the attic, all still with the vinyls too. Got given them by some guy I used to know!
  16. Who had the Ashdown stack?
  17. I took the strings off and the nut fell out, so that problem was solved. Just need to get a new one. Im going to completely strip it and repaint it or stain it depending on what the wood is like, then some new pickups and new strings and should be sorted!
  18. I bought an Ibanez EDB500 from Matt. Excelent comms, cracking price, great bass, well packaged and arrived swiftly. Cheers muchly!
  19. I have this lying around, it came out of my old OLP from Rayman that had been upgraded to a Nordstrand PU and John East pre. The preamp doesnt have any knobs, but the wiring and pots are all there. I know nothing about this kind of thing, so I'll do my best to describe it. It has 4 pots which seem to be bass, mid, treble and possibly volume? The pickup has foam backing and both wires. I'll get some pictures up later or tomorrow so you can see for yourself. Sold as seen, I have no way of testing it, but it should all work fine. I need a passive pickup to fit a Yamaha BB300 P bass stylee, so will trade for a decentish P bass PU. No idea on cash value, I'll have to trust offers on that one.
  20. I have a Squier VM Jazz, its really good, really easy to play and very sexy IMO. I have literally just recieved an Ibanez Ergodyne EDB500, and the 10 minutes I have spent with it have been great. Such a nice range of tones and the neck is pure sex. Both these were under £200 and for the money I think they are stunning. I also have a Dean Rapsody 5 stringer which is a beast for metal type stuff, but very heavy and quite thick neck. I think it depends on what sort of styles you are going to play, I think the VM Jazz is a good all rounder, but maybe a bit limited in some extreme situations. The Ibanez seems like it could do anything from jazz to death metal.
  21. Last week I was sat on the sofa on my laptop and heard a twang from the side of the room where my basses are. I had a look but couldnt see anything wrong. Anyhow, just now I thought I'd have a play on my Yamaha BB300. I tuned it up and then realised the nut has snapped off from the top of the G string. Oh well, I was thinking of getting some sort of project bass to mod and play around with over Xmas, so I guess this will be it. Not sure how far Im going to go, but I guess a new nut, new PU's and a new bridge for starters. How easy is it to remove and replace a nut? I presume they are just glued in, what with? And also would it be a silly idea to remove the laquer and paint to get the bass back to natural wood? Its a cheap bass, so Im guessing the natural wouldnt be very pretty, but might be fun for a custom paint job. The body bass is pretty beat up, so I think it would benifit from a good refinish. The bass was given to me free, so If I cock something up, its not the end of the world anyway.
  22. I had one of these as my first elec kit about 4 years ago, albeit the slightly newer black module version. Great starter kit with plenty of great sounds. Good price too,With the added ride cymbal and mesh snare, you are onto a winner. I sold mine to go up to a custom £2k td10 monster kit, you won't be dissapointed with that module that's for sure!
  23. Surely you can buy new rubbers for them? I have some etymotic 4's and you can buy all new foam or rubber ear peices for them.
  24. Just down the road from me if anyone wants to send me the cash ,and I'll pick it up for them
  25. I have a Vintage Modified jazz as my main bass. I cant comment in regards to how it compares to the Fenders, but it is a cracking bass, and at the price they go new, its a steal. I paid not much less than £200 for mine second hand. They look stunning, sound great and are easy as pie to play due to the loveky neck and I have a nice low action on mine with no fret buzz. In fact, Im almost tempted to buy another one new just to hang on the wall as a peice of art!
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