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Everything posted by TRadford

  1. Greenday have a guitarist you rarely see. He plays all the live shows, but is never in the photos. I guess they are happy with the situation, or they wouldnt do it surely?
  2. Mine isnt performace related, well is kind of. There is this band that I have loved for years, like since the 1996. They are a Swedish classical/Metal band , pretty big in Europe. Anyway in 2006 I found out they were playing a small festival in the next town from me, this was a pretty huge, as I never thought I'd get to see them. My g/f for some reason emailed them asking for the set list, beacuase she is a belly dancer and wanted to make up some sequences to dance along to the gig. About 2 weeks later she had an email from the band leader, Christofer saying that he'd love her and my sister in law to perform on stage with them for a few songs, as some of thier stuff is quite Egyptian sounding. On the day of the gig, we went up there at about 7.am and met up with the band backstage, we all had AAA passes and were flauting them around Waynes World style. The girls did their stuff on stage and we had an amazing time. The band invited us back to thier hotel for the after party, where we stayed until 8.am the next morning! After that we kept in contact through email with Christofer, and he invited us to another gig they were doing in London, again we had backstage passes and the like. At the end of the gig he said the band were doing a DVD filming in Poland later that year, and would my G/f like to dance again. She agreed and we had an all expense paid trip to Poland and again all the backstage goodness. 1 year later, we had a out of the blue email from Christofer. He said the band were going on tour around Europe to promote the new album and asked firstly if my G/f would like to dnace again, and secondly they needed a roadie/set builder and would I like to do it. We jumped at the chance and in Dec 2008 we flew out to Germany to meet up with the band and the tour bus. For the next two weeks we lived the full "rockstar" lifestyle, living on the bus, touring round Europe. We all got on really well with all the band, but especially Christofer. It was the hardest, but the most amazing 2 weeks of my life. A real experience. Not only to be visting all these places, but to be hanging out with a band I idolised for a long time. Not only that, but I also got paid for all my work, even though we had originally agreed I wouldnt be paid. The band and crew siad I had worked so hard and helped so much, I should be paid. I even got offered the job of drum tech for the next tour! We still keep in contact with Christofer and he has invited us to come stay at his house he is building in Ireland when it is finished. Not the best story in the world, but one that changed my life a little bit and gave me an amazing experience!
  3. Is this still available?
  4. I'll take it! Pm on the way..
  5. I wouldnt think Jerry actually uses the signature strings. Misfits have thier name on everything from hot pants, to pencils to airfreshner (not kidding) Its well known that Jerry will and has milked the Misfits name for everything he can get. That said, Misfits do rock!
  6. Sold most of my camera gear, even selling my old broken tomtom on ebay to get an extra £10. I dont have anything left thats of any value. I'd like to keep the Sqiuer VM Jazz I bought last week, as I find it really easy to play as I have very small hands. The OLP, awsome though it is, is a little harder for me to play due to the wider neck and I'd like to keep the Dean 5 stringer. I had no interest when I tried to sell it a while back anyway. This is where the positives of owning a 4x4 are outweighed by the negatives.
  7. Not a happy bunny about this one at all, but just realised my 4x4 needs its main service and also 4 new tyres for the MOT in Nov. So, very very regretably, this has got to go, as its all I have that will get anywhere near what I need for the service and tyres. I bought this of Rayman a few weeks back. I didnt buy it lightly, as I wanted a long term "good" bass that would stay with me for a long time, but I need my car more. It was upgraded by Rayman from standard, and includes the following. Nordstrand 5.2 pickup, John East 3 band EQ, beautiful brass nut (handmade), and a musicman battery box on the back. Its in great condtion, two small holes on the back where the new battery box was, and also the jack plate needs two new screws as the holes seem to have got bigger and they are now loose. I fitted brand new Ernie ball power slinkys last week, and they have been played maybe 3 times at home since. The original sales thread with pictures is [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=61789&hl=tony+levin"]HERE[/url]. Ill take more and upload them in the following days. Im looking for what I paid, so £300. Postage is availble at cost but would prefer collection or meet up half way. Im based in Gloucester. Will include soft case too.
  8. Found another! From 2006 [center][/center]
  9. One of mine from a few years back. Not great but its the only bass one I can find at the moment. Most are of the guitarists! From 2007 [center][/center]
  10. I hate this forum!!! I want one of those again now too. I'd just got over the feeling of needing one, but there you have gone an reinstated it good and proper. How much do healthy never smoked lungs sell for?
  11. Rob bought my Crate amp, paid via paypal straight away and we arranged to meet half way for him to pick it up a week later. Hassle free deal and a great chap!
  12. Make that an email and PM!
  13. PM heading your way
  14. [quote name='agoulding' post='623571' date='Oct 11 2009, 10:30 PM']Not enough Deicide fans on here then.[/quote] I am! Still dont want a BC Rich though.
  15. [quote name='nash' post='627100' date='Oct 15 2009, 04:59 PM']see if gak will send a new set but tbh i see it as the same as buying a drum kit. they all have show skins on so you buy new ones when you buy the kit.[/quote] Thats not always the case. I bought a new Mapex M Birch Kit about 4 years ago. It was a mid range kit about £600. I was expecting to have to fork out another £70 for drum skins, but the factory ones were actually really good. They were Mapex branded Remo weatherkings, but they sounded fantastic and the kit still had them when I had to sell it about a year later, and they still sounded fantastic.
  16. Must be something in the air. I've always not liked Fender style basses or guitars for that matter ,and was even offered one when I was looking for my first bass and turned it down. Now for some reason I cant explain, I really want a 4 string Jazz bass to compliment my 5 string OLP.
  17. Bump, now open to trades.
  18. Bump for almost a year trying to sell... Thats harsh...
  19. If it was a bit cheaper, I think I'd have that, even though I just spent £300 on the upgraded OLP. Why didnt I spot this before? :wub:
  20. Only 1 medium black one left? Not much chance of me getting that then.
  21. Thats actualy quite sexy considering Im not very keen on that style of bass. Wonder if he would swap a Nikon DSLR for it? :wub:
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