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Posts posted by TheDaivisch

  1. This is more of a feeler at this stage, but I think I am up for a change.

    I'm looking to sell (preferably) or trade my 2009 Special Edition Warwick Double Buck Zebrano/ash. 1 of 43 units. It is absolutely immaculate, without a ding in sight. No scratches or buckle rash. Regularly waxed and polished.

    It has also had upgrades worth nearly £400, with vastly superior Norstrand 2b pre-amp (with selectable treble frequency - from standard treble to glassy Marcus miller frequency, which brings no upper mids with it when boosted - very useful) and a sweet, musical bass pot. Pickups are tappable Delano MM pickups, which IMO kick the crap out of the MEC units. Just as punchy, but fuller and more organic sounding.

    This is a stunning, amazing sounding instrument.

    Sale only, please.

    Price - £850

  2. So I recently acquired a Sadowsky MV4 in 59 burst with maple neck from a fellow basschatter. Lovely bass - light as a feather (ridiculously light in fact) and a neck that is the perfect combination of thin and chunky. It plays like butter. And then there's that Sadowsky tone.

    Anyway, to cut a long story short, I decided I'd drop my Nordy SVs into it and see what happens...At first the sound was a little too bright and perhaps a tad harsh and inorganic sounding. So I changed the volume pot to a 250K and....WHAM, there it is. Gorgeous super-super vintage/modern Jazz tone. It's quite possibly the best sounding jazz I've ever heard. The Sadowsky HC pickups are great, but the Nordys are even better - more detailed crunchy high end, more pronounced midrange (I can now get some honk, which wasn't really there before) and it still has that super tight punchy bottom end. i would say the Nordys are more alive that the Sadowskys.Tone to die for.

    Clips and pics soon.


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