Hi.... new London member here. Discovered this forum via something someone posted on HarmonyCentral.com, and it seemed like a useful thing, being UK based. I'm a rather poor guitar play, and have been playing guitar rather poorly since December 1991. Following the odd foray with a borrowed bass, I bought my own first bass in 2001, a Squier P Bass Special. Bought my own in large part, in the end, because being left handed borrowing one here and there is rarely an option. I've been considering taking lessons for the first time, on both guitar and bass, for a while.... I'd be grand in a punk setting (I have the DeeDee Ramone approach on bass especially nailed ), but being rather too old and fat now for bondage trousers, I'm on the rockabilly-retirement plan, and I'd love to be a lot more competent in that genre. I'm also interested in taking my bass playing somewhat more seriously than simply as a get-by 'second instrument'.
In terms of basses, I currently have the aforementioned Squier, and an early, Mk I (82/83) Westone Thunder IA. My tastes these days are very different in bass, though - really, all I want is a 57 style maple boarded P Bass or three.... one each in black, CAR, LPB, Surf Green, and an as yet to be finalised custom design. I don't ask for much, eh? Heh. The Westone will be being sold soon to fund something P bassish (possibly from Brandoni; my choice is limited being left handed and wanting a maple board - were they available I'd be all over the Squier CV series P bass like a rash), while the Squier I plan to part out and part canibalise as a donor guitar.... I'm on the lookout for a decent, used P bass body (Squier upwards...), and a maple boarded neck, with the plan to use the pup and other bits from the Squier to build my own Pbass project. Toyed with the idea of just fitting a maple neck in the Squier, and that might also be realistic... would certainly save on the need for a body... hmmn. There's just something about the simplicity of a regular P Bass design, though, as opposed to having that extra pup in there.
My bass amp du jour is a Vox T-25, which sounds superb with a P-Bass pup pluggedc into it. I also have my eye on one of the new, tweedy Fender Bassman TV range.... potentially the 150W model. Doubt I could plug the 350W in in my flat, though it does have the attractive options of either a 1x15 or 2x10, where the 150w is 1x10 or 1x12 only.... mmn.
So, uh, yeah.... interesting forum...