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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. I didn't really. I'm still waiting for parts to arrive. Funnily enough it actually plays really well without a nut. There is enough of a break angle that the first fret is acting as a zero fret
  2. Obviously if the intent is to commit fraud then that's bad...mmm'kay, but I have no problem using a Fender logo just to finish off the headstock of a self or custom build. It's a nice logo and it looks good on a headstock.
  3. Yes....but then I broke it again.
  4. PMT Brum is pretty huge and it has plenty of parking too. You could pop over to GuitarGuitar too. Is Fairdeal Music still a thing in Birmingham?
  5. Hey folks, I've started playing a bit more guitar here and there and I found myself gassing(?) after a telecaster of some sort. I was weighing up all the options when I found someone on ebay selling SX telecasters for £130 including gig bag! I've had a few SX basses and my main bass is still a SX 75JB Ltd so I just couldn't resist taking a punt. Out of the box it looks really nice. The tinted neck isn't too orange and looks pretty good. The "vintage white" is a funny, slightly artificial looking creamy yellow but nothing horrible. The fit and finished is excellent. The best bit is the volume and tone controls. They both have a really smooth taper and are very usable. The volume doesn't suck out all the treble so I can ride it for gain control. The tone goes everywhere from taming the top end to getting a pretty convincing "woman tone" with right down. Pretty rare for a budget guitar. But it does have issues...especially after I got my grubby hands on it The biggest problem was that the nut was way too high. A pretty easy fix I thought...I'll just pop it out...SNAP. Oops. Broke the nut So I have ordered a graphite nut...and some compensated brass saddles...and I'm going to fit some locking tuners I already have. And I've ordered a mint scratchplate...which is going to clash horribly but hey I am sure that when it's finished it is going to be an awesome guitar for less than £150...and when it is finished...then I will post some pics
  6. I'm waiting for a mint telecaster scratchplate from Aliexpress. It probably won't fit without some sort of fettling. But then it did cost £2.99
  7. TC BH550 for me. I love mine and sounds epic through my BF Compact.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1464171510' post='3057106'] I suppose if you have your bass slung low enough you can get away with it. [/quote] I have my bass the same height sitting down or standing. It hides the belly better that way. I used to have it crotch height in case I splashed/dripped during the pre gig wee. Now I just wear incontinence pants.
  9. I've done many gigs without even bothering to check tuning. It's easy enough to have a quick tweak during the first song. Nobody really notices/cares anyway.
  10. Looks interesting. They seem to have done enough testing and trials to know that it works. It wouldn't necessarily be of interest to me but for for a more technologically minded musician who uses a tablet or a laptop in a live situation I can see it being really valuable.
  11. It's a tough call but definitely try to get more info from the guitarist and take it from there. Worse case scenario for me is putting in time and effort and it not ending up where you want the band to be. I would much rather bow out early than waste time in the wrong project.
  12. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1463989873' post='3055484'] Crying out for some tort... [/quote] Mint. It's crying out for mint.
  13. That looks awesome. The knobs and the tuner sell it for me And here's me thinking I was happy with my BH550
  14. paul h


    Steve Clayton triangle acetals for bass and electric guitar. Dunlop .46mm nylon for acoustic.
  15. Jazz just edges it for me. I would love to love precisions but I prefer a J width neck and I need a back pickup to anchor my thumb on.
  16. Mint. Definitely mint.
  17. Took my Joyo American sound to a rehearsal space tonight to test it out and I am amazed by it. I used it with a cheap, Chinese tubescreamer clone and delay and it sounded great. I played it through my Gear4music 30w combo and it transformed it from a lifeless box into what sounded like a good approximation of a Fender valve amp. Then I tried it straight into the pa and it sounded just as good, although the drummer preferred it through the combo. I am blown away by how good this set up sounds.. I am waiting for a compressor and a tuner from Aliexpress and then I will have a great little pedalboard that I can gig with, without an amp, for less than £75
  18. Stunning. If that had a J width neck and was candy apple red it might well be my ideal bass.
  19. [quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1463123836' post='3048734'] 1.Music is not a contest. [/quote] You're never going to win with that attitude.
  20. I feel very much the same about my wife but I never let anyone else have a go on her.
  21. Errr...I woke up this morning and my Gen1 Compact was still a Gen1 Compact and was not a One10...or even TwoOne10s. What the f***?
  22. Done. There is more than one time signature? Mind blown.
  23. I think I might get back on the composition challenge horse this month!
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