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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. Very annoying. But also just part of the rich tapestry of life. Tell the drummer he is an arse and to be more careful and them just move on the best you can.
  2. Sounds like bad karma waiting to happen. I would return it in the hope that it in some way helps to alleviate an obviously sh*tty family issue.
  3. BH550 user here. I love it. I get a great tone playing through my gen1 Barefaced compact. There are two toneprint slots...I use one with the spectracomp and the other with a bit of drive...although I always just leave the first one on. It's a shame you can only use one toneprint at a time. It would be nice if you could use them simultaneously. The tuner works fine. The mute toggle switch goes the other than I would expect so that catches me out every now and again! Changing toneprints is really easy using the app. Unfortunately since buying it I have swapped to a windows phone...so I'm stuck with the toneprints I have Also, some of the combined compressor/drive toneprints are way too loud...ok if you find one you like and leave it on permanently, but not great if you plan to change them mid set. I also prefer the more traditional looks of the BH series.
  4. I've got a Shubb C1b which just about works. If I leave the tension quite loose to fit it, and then tighten the screw a little it seems to do the trick. It has popped off a couple of times but like anything, it will take a bit trial and error before I have it sorted.
  5. I had a quick go but I can't really* play slide. *At all Lighter strings will make all the difference. The nut is a fraction high because despite all my best attempts my capo is pulling it slightly sharp. Again lighter strings will help. The fact is I wanted something like an old "cowboy/blues" guitar and this is exactly that. I just didn't really think of the consequences of that! I am going to stick with it though...just like the old blues players would have
  6. Thanks...it does, as you rightly say, look the business! I'm trying to get that slightly naive, drunken master style to my guitar playing and this is the guitar do it on!
  7. Here is my new Tonk Bros parlour guitar in Dirty Bourbon! It's Indonesian made from Birch and hand finished in the UK. The company ethos is to make guitars that hark back to pre-war, blues/parlour guitars. It pretty much hits the nail on the head and really has that old bluesman vibe. However with that whole ethos come a few issues. It's a little bit on the cheese grater side to play...there is no adjustable truss rod...the neck is just laminated...well, by that, I mean it's plywood and as thick as my arm! At least it doesn't look like its going to move anywhere soon! The strangest/most irking thing is that the fretboard after the join at the 12th fret dips away. Luckily I have no intentions of ever playing that high! Electrics wise it's just a passive piezo with no controls with the jack socket in the strap pin. I know I could have got a better playing instrument at less than half the price...but it wouldn't be as cool In fact my £80 Gear4Music guitar plays much better. I am going to put some lighter strings on it which should help no end. Is it worth the £320 I paid for it? As an instrument...no. But as a cool, retro guitar with a genuine pawn shop feel to it...maybe.
  8. Looks like something you could buy from Argos.
  9. I've always liked flat boards...nothing you won't get used in a few hours:)
  10. Very generous and very kind of you. Good show
  11. Looks like the offspring of a dinosaur and Manic Miner to me.
  12. I wouldn't say I have a sour taste towards bands...but I do have a sour taste towards people. And bands.
  13. Stunning. I would never have thought I would like a redburst but that really is a beautiful looking bass. I have also just noticed that they come with a zero fret. Now I want one.
  14. Never Too Much - Luther Vandross.
  15. 4 string acoustic fretless update! Took the saddle back and discovered it hasn't got a flat bottom! A couple of minutes with some sandpaper on a flat surface has much improved things. The E, A and G are pretty close but the D is much too loud. I will have another go but I don't want to take too much off the saddle. So a little bit more sanding and possibly some strategically applied masking should get me closer still. Unfortunately it still sounds terribly out of tune
  16. First of all, there will be just as many people in the audience that find singer 1 as attractive as singer 2, regardless of what a bunch of sad old musicians think. Secondly, if they go for singer 2 based on something as stupid as looks/size then they should sack the fattest member of their band to prove some kind of point.
  17. I'm with BigRedX. I've never understood why clapping on 1 and 3 is deemed "incorrect". Very clever playing from the Connickmeister though. I mean I can totally spot the 5/4 bar. Yeah, I can totally spot it. I music good me. Even after half watching it half a dozen times I can totally spot it. I really shouldn't be allowed an instrument.
  18. I think Milty is the new Xild...Sildd...Xildde...Nige Judging people on their choice of gear is worse than fat racism.
  19. I'm going to go with Congratulations! and be nice and positive about the legitimacy of it all.
  20. Dynamite Monster Boogie by Raging Slab. Awesome southern rock with really great, catchy songs.
  21. The Middle by Jimmy Eat World. Brilliant three chorder! http://youtu.be/oKsxPW6i3pM
  22. Well. Wellity, wellity, wellity. Curiouser and curiouser. I followed Yorks advice and unearthed the magic strip of power! It was covered in some kind of thin black force field. This protective field was thick and robust at the E but tapered away to nought at the G. So I scraped the bugger off So now the E and G share the low output duties while the A and D are ear splittingly loud. I feel like I've made progress I now realise that the low output is the output I'm aiming for. The thing has a far higher output than my electric basses so taming it somewhat would be a result. I will go in again for a prod around another time.
  23. Ooh thanks guys! I will have a tinker and report back
  24. NDBD! My fretless acoustic 4 string has arrived. It arrived about 30 minutes ago. Like most have experienced it was very difficult to see why it was a deko. No marks except the stamped D. Neck straight, action ok. Stuck a battery in...the tuner worked well. Machineheads not the most positive in terms of feel and tuning stability not great initially but I am sure it will settle down. And herein lies the rub... Amplified the E string has very, very low output. Unusably low. The annoying thing is I would have been much happier with some cosmetic damage, or a truss rod that needed tweaking. Electronics are a black art to me. So I just have to hope that it's something to do with the strings. Which is a shame because the phosphor bronze ones on it feel quite nice...and probably won't be cheap! Later I will just put a different string on and see if there is a difference. [i]EDIT: I'm being an idiot aren't I? Can the string affect a piezo pickup?[/i] However, for £44 it's still a bargain just as an acoustic instrument. Plus, I can't actually play fretless (yet) so not being able to use it amplified is not a major issue.
  25. Isolated...I hate it. I hate the tone. I'm not engaged by his playing at all. However, in context with the band I can see why JE is thought of so highly. He's definitely the right bass player for the right band. Saying all that. I now realise I have unknowingly stolen several of the riffs in that song over the years
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