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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. Ooh they look nice. One GB74JH to take away please!
  2. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1495786669' post='3306509'] Get KiOgon (of this forum) to build you a new loom. [/quote] +1
  3. Looks good I've bought a few bits from Aliexpress. A couple of pedals and a scratchplate or two. Not had anything go wrong so no experience of the customer support in that regard. I am always tempted to try a bass/guitar purchase. Hoping the neck is everything you wanted when it arrives! Looking forward to a happy ending.
  4. I like a waistcoat But I am 46
  5. Another Flashback or Flashback Mini? I am sure they would have a reverse delay toneprint,,,or you could make one with the editor. The toneprint function really make those pedal hard to beat IMHO.
  6. I don't want to be in any band that would let me be in it.
  7. A 60" chest would probably contain 0.0000034% of your bass collection
  8. Looks great...half expecting it to swim away at some point though
  9. I've only ever made a couple of bitsas but they were both P bodies and J necks. Here's one I only moved on recently... [attachment=245935:SN851550.JPG]
  10. Hahaha. I had no idea what one was at first! But no. I draw the line at a Snapback....headwear, and song
  11. paul h


    That's fair enough...think we had a little wire cross there because I never mentioned the L1. I will take a look at the F1s then...but it sounds like those are the ones I've heard. I too would be interested in hearing a non Bose line array setup. They seem to be getting increasingly common with different manufacturers. What I really want is a band that already has the F1s, knows how to dial them in properly, and that won't mind me rocking up with just a guitar/bass and a couple of pedals
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1495455141' post='3303811'] Mick, if you do a try-out with Paul, just make sure he wears the hat, OK? The hat matters. [/quote] Lol. Funky stuff requires the flat cap though not the cowboy hat....different hats for different vibes
  13. paul h


    That's good to know. I have a project lined up where one of the vocalists has a couple of the bigger Bose columns...but I'd be playing guitar. If I can get away with going through my pedal board straight in...that would be heaven
  14. paul h


    I've seen a Helicon pedal used through a regular style PA in a rehearsal space and it worked extremely well. It may not be THE answer but it is a perfectly valid option that might help when having feedback issues. But absolutely agree that if you can get everything through the PA front of house sound is vastly improved.
  15. We should have a jam Mick. I'm not a good enough lead guitarist to just constantly solo over everything
  16. paul h


    Yeah the L1's are definitely aimed the acoustic/duo type of act. I have seen/heard a couple of the larger systems (No idea of the actual product names) with the woofers being used...not sure if they had the bass going through them...probably not to be honest. But they sounded great to my ears...and a very even sound throughout the venue. And I have seen them feedback too...but I imagine that's partly user error. Also it's not a huge deal to put the vocals through a TC Helicon pedal with feedback suppression on it. Still, if they work and there is no need for monitors I would absolutely be happy just to dump the whole amp/cab thing altogether!
  17. paul h


    Even the bigger ones? I thought they were aimed for full bands?
  18. paul h


    I quite fancy going the FRFR route...but to be honest, if I find a band who use something like the Bose Line array things...I'll probably just go straight into the PA. EDIT: Not quite straight...through some kind of amp/cab sim.
  19. Very specifically Steve Harris from Iron Maiden made me want to play bass. Also my mate Steve who was a great guitarist was a real inspiration too
  20. Recently I have really struggled with guitarists. Tried out one that turned every modern country song into a Gary Moore track. Great lead guitarist, terrible playing choices. Then I rehearsed for a while with an acoustic guitarist and an electric player...who played exactly like it was an acoustic guitar. It worked for some bits but mostly it just lacked any kind of oomph. Also they had trouble learning the songs. As the bass player I never really want to be in a position to have to show the guitarists the songs. I even swapped to guitar to try and remedy the situation but as a couple of BC'ers will be able to attest to...my guitar playing is not really up to scratch. So yeah...guitarists eh.
  21. I have been gas'ing for a Jazzmaster recently...mainly due to Chris Stapleton...but this thread's not helping either
  22. @Jack...the Mustangs have something like 100+ presets. That would just totally blow my mind and give me option paralysis! @PaulWarning...I use a Joyo American Sound that cost me less that £30 into a Gear4Music Belcat 30w combo and it sounds pretty Fender'ish to me. I think you are right though PaulW, the idea is that you use an amp in a box pedal and then it no longer matters what amp you use. I think that works to an extent but it will always be a compromise. I'm fairly pleased with my set up however if I'm truthful, my little combo probably doesn't sound quite as rich or sparkly as a Fender blackface and I'm fairly certain it won't last as long!
  23. Thanks I was only messing about and it did end up sending pretty nice. Not a bad sound for a cheap mic in front of a cheap cab
  24. Quick sound sample for anyone interested....sorry for the playing https://soundcloud.com/robotrobotrobotmusic/making-trouble
  25. I think amp manufacturers are missing a trick here. Pretty much all digital/modelling amps are sold on the fact that they can have an almost limitless array of sounds and options. Personally, I don't want that. I just want one good sound from an easy to operate amplifier. My ultimate digital amp would basically have the sound, for example, of a Fender Twin but in a lightweight 1x10 or 1x12 combo with volume, gain, and bass, mids and treble. That's it. Everything else I can get with pedals. No need for menus and switches for banks or patches. No editing apps, no bluetooth, no usb connections. Just the sound of a great vintage amp that won't break my back or my bank balance. I think pedal manufacturers have been going that way with all the "amp in a box" style pedals. Mooer has just released a series of amp style pedals mimicking various classic amps including Vox, Fender and Marshall etc. But then of course you still need some kind of amplification device or PA. I actually use a Joyo American Sound which does a pretty good job of making my £70, 30w, Gear4Music solid sate combo sound like a Blues Junior! I would absolutely bite Fender's hand off if they offered a sub £300, sub 10kg digital Princeton!
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