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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. I prefer my music cynically packaged and promoted. It's better than the other stuff.
  2. Hurrah for SJW's!
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422719401' post='2676020'] Yes! Or how about one of those Groucho Marx jobs with the combined glasses, nose, moustache and cigar!? [/quote] Actually, I wear prescription glasses and I find that remark extremely offensive so now I'm going to totally derail the the thread with persistent but ultimately weak arguments about things I know nothing about and that I have no earthly reason to even have an opinion on. Or not.
  4. I now have a crush on Monckyman and Lonestar
  5. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1422709902' post='2675878'] In the meantime, you could try one of those false beards that hooks over your ears. No one would notice. :-) [/quote] A face merkin?
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422708003' post='2675849'] I didn't think robots had facial hair. How does that work, then? [/quote] Tiny, tiny wires. I did try Just for Men for Beards once. And I might again. If I win the lottery I'm getting a beard transplant.
  7. My beard is getting pretty grey. And it's a rubbish, patchy beard too. I'm such a disappointment.
  8. If you like that kind of thing
  9. I love Seiji Kameda's tone on pretty much all of the Tokyo Incidents stuff... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPGupG0ZgVM
  10. My interest is piqued more by guitars at the moment! I quite fancy Troy Van Leeuwen's signature Jazzmaster
  11. Well I've been away from BC for about a year (apart from the odd lurk) and I decided to pop back when I saw various tracks pop up in my Soundcloud feed. I listened, I voted and I will probably take part next month. So yay for the composition challenge say I!
  12. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1422630442' post='2674883'] Don't make me play the race card you bloody bigot..... [/quote] I don't see how a race will solve anything.
  13. I once saw a band with a tambourine player who did an amazing job of replicating the sound of a full drum kit. That was awesome...but a bit low tech There's always this guy... http://youtu.be/RQuzYO4hp3A Now that is the way forward!
  14. Great post. I love leccy kits. The drummer in my last band used one for recording but wouldn't use one live which was a real shame. @discreet get him the PS and also one of the "rock band" style games that comes with a drum kit. Playing and learning at the same time!
  15. I've been thinking the same thing...electronic drums are awesome...especially when attached to a rack that can be carried into the gig in one trip!
  16. I'm an always up full kind of guy too. I do wonder though if anyone uses their volume knob to clean up a driven valve amp sound, as I believe our guitarist cousins are wont to do?
  17. It sounds to me you had a good audition and you made the right decision not to join. If a band doesn't feel right, then that's enough of a reason to pass. I share your suspicion of pointy, modern things too. Not always of course, but the pointiness can indicate a certain style of playing or taste in music. In much the same way, I have never met a Les Paul player who didn't want to play Sweet Child of Mine Which is also a valid reason to pass up a band
  18. I quietly contemplate all the terrible life choices I've made.
  19. I only ever play Bb ironically.
  20. If I want a new bass I first fake my own death in a bizarrely improbable yachting accident while in fact absconding to a predetermined desert island hideaway. There I spend several months of living off the land before I return to civilization with a whole new identity...and a new bass. Works every time.
  21. I've been away from BC for a while so all this Limelight malarkey is new to me. Slightly nicer than the Sue Ryder basses ain't they?
  22. I had some kind of MTD...one of the cheaper ones. Played absolutely beautifully but I hated the sound and it had a weird problem with static I couldn't fix. I had to get rid of it...and a bunch of other stuff...to meet a mortgage payment Should have kept it and swapped out the pickup.
  23. paul h

    Moniker Guitars

    Oh I think they look awesome...but then I do gravitate towards a slightly gaudy surf guitar! It should be possible to create something pretty classy too if that's your thing....mmm....maybe I should try!
  24. paul h

    Moniker Guitars

    I'm currently totally addicted to the Moniker Guitars custom builder! So much fun http://monikerguitars.com/
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