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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. Ahh yes...except Rush are terrible and Little Mix are quite good
  2. Damn...I've been rumbled
  3. I am in no way an expert but... ...to me that sounds like a string to saddle vibration. Unfortunately I have no experience of that bridge so there is nothing really specific I can say. If it was me...and a standard Fender'ish type bridge...I would of course make sure there are no loose screws. I would have a look at the slot in the saddle to see if it is cut properly or indeed was working ok with my chosen string gauge. I would also experiment by adjusting the saddle back as far as possible hence increasing the break angle of the string. If that affects the buzzing then at least I would know I was on the right track. As I say I am pretty sure it's a string vibration noise as it's so similar sounding to the buzz caused my a badly cut nut slot. Sorry I can't be of more help but hopefully someone more useful will be along soon
  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1378208163' post='2196983'] Totally exploitative, of course it is. Lady xilddx detests the auditions, and they make me uncomfortable too. [/quote] Yeah...very uncomfortable. I think I suffer with empathy Whenever I witness anything cringeworthy I turn bright red and sweaty and have flashbacks to every mistake I've ever made!
  5. Mrs H likes it so I tend to watch it but this year I am refusing to watch the auditions. I will relent once it gets to the boot camp phase but I just can't stomach the auditions. I find no entertainment in making fun of people. It's not too bad if it's an arrogant wannabee I suppose but too often for my liking they cross a line. I find the whole thing a bit exploitative.
  6. Dio. Anything by Dio.
  7. I am fully aware that I'm in a minority and that a lot of bands do well with the usual 60s stuff. I just think it's such a shame that there are so many great songs that nobody ever plays.
  8. I'm pretty much done with cover bands that play a lot of 60's stuff. I do like a bit of Motown but I have no desire to be in a band again unless it involves a set list that does not feature all the usual crap I am asked to play
  9. It's a classic now I'm the wrong side of 40. When I young it was the devil's ball juice. Mind you I was a rocker back then and nothing would take the edge off one's lime green and black tiger strip spandex, pink fingerless gloves, pastel jacket with the sleeves rolled up and back combed hair like a dirty looking sunburst bass.
  10. Gorgeous. I would have killed for one of those back in the day.
  11. More entries been added all the time! I think now would be a good time to ask for some bc help! If anyone would like to see the prize go to a fellow basschatter a few "likes" might help sway the judges Here's Roland's entry: [url="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151568091016625&set=a"]https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151568091016625&set=a[/url] And mine: [url="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151566717376625&set=a"]https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151566717376625&set=a[/url] If anyone else is having a go post the link in here. I genuinely don't expect to win but it would be nice to see it go to a basschatter
  12. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1376578233' post='2176355'] I need to get it out for you & take a picture [/quote] Fnarr, fnarr.
  13. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1376577040' post='2176331'] Lets not get personal please [/quote] My apologies.
  14. I absolutely love my Compact! I must say it's nice to see Toasted keeping his Barefaced hatred alive. He's been putting the boot in since Alex first started his endeavour. I am sure he has his reasons because he regularly crops up in Barefaced threads to cause trouble. Old school basschat trolling at it's best. He could teach the current off topic trolls a thing or too
  15. P basses. I prefer a narrow neck and I need a J pickup to rest my thumb on but I still love me a P bass.
  16. ^^^ Ooh...that's made me think of one. I hate cheap looking headstock logos. I am sure there are some mighty fine basses out there that I wouldn't buy because of an ugly logo.
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376558086' post='2175824'] One cow-sized spider. It would be able to carry you off in its jaws and cocoon you alive to be eaten later. A hundred spider-sized cows would just moo very faintly and do lots and lots of really tiny cow pats. [/quote] Would a cow sized spider have balls? I'm not scared of anything I can kick in the balls.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376557926' post='2175819'] I had a cow on me this very morning - not without my knowledge, admittedly. [/quote] Don't call my Mum a cow
  19. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1376557745' post='2175815'] Cows kill more people in the UK than spiders, so you should be afraid of them. Very afraid. [url="http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/nature/hoofed-and-dangerous-britains-killer-cows-1776775.html"]http://www.independe...ws-1776775.html[/url] [/quote] Which would be worse....one cow sized spider or one hundred spider sized cows?
  20. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1376557027' post='2175794'] It always amuses me when people freak out when they see a spider and other people try to calm them down by saying things like 'it can't hurt you' ** and 'you're much bigger that it is'. Irrational fear of spiders is just that - irrational. [size=3]** a pretty safe assumption in the UK. May not apply in other countries. [/size] [/quote] Ahhh but it depends what exactly your fear is. I hate spiders. I hate anything small enough to be on my person without my knowledge or permission Spiders are small enough and sneaky enough to sit on my shoulder, silently mocking me and I wouldn't know anything about it. So I feel my fear of spiders in that respect is rational. Conversely I am not afraid of cows. It would be almost impossible for a cow to be on me without my knowledge. Thus I have no fear of cows.
  21. Zero frets, I'm convinced they make a huge difference. They probably don't
  22. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1376508687' post='2175258'] Traben bridges. Are you f***ing twelve? [/quote] Hahaha. Perfectly rational dislike if you ask me
  23. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1376506783' post='2175213'] I can't stand it when people play Rush. [/quote] Fixed
  24. I am rather disappointed in the fact that I can't think of anything. I dislike many, many things, and people, but it is all entirely justified and rational
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