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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. UPDATE: I've created my own toneprint with a smoother taper to the level knob and now it's much easier to get the level right. I went for a 2290 and added some chorus....so pretty much just my version of the Pete Thorn toneprint.
  2. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1493271118' post='3286973'] His playing is incredibly vocal - I think that's what other guitarists mean when they say 'melodic'. He's throwing in double stops to add emphasis which I've only ever heard Pino do in the past. [/quote] Spot on. Double stops are pretty prevalent in country guitar but he uses them very tastefully. I wonder if he sings? I find that quite often it's guitar players who also sing who have a more natural/vocal sounding phrasing.
  3. I always think The Feeling sound like ELO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMMO4Nwidq0
  4. I spent all last year trying to get a modern country band together. It proved impossible to get a guitarist that wasn't a classic rock player. Every profile on every band site and every guitarist all seemed to list classic rock as their interest first! I even swapped to guitar to try and solve the issue...but ultimately I'm not a good enough guitarist to pull it off so I gave up! And every band I've been approached by, or considered approaching, turn out to just do the same old stuff. It's almost as if there are only 100 songs available in the pub band vocabulary. To be honest, I would rather never play live again than do the same old songs that I've had to play over the last 30 years
  5. I had a couple of jams/rehearsals with Happy Jack and his BF One10. It sounded great, and pretty massive to me. EDIT: And so did Discreet's BF 2x10.
  6. Thanks all I have to admit, I'm struggling with the 3 saddle bridge as I always do! I just can't seem to play in tune with them! I know others cope with the sketchy intonation and make it work but it's not something I can do. I put some compensated saddles on I already had but they haven't really helped....so I have ordered a 6 saddle bridge instead. I was hoping to keep it stock but needs must!
  7. I said this to a friend the other day...I'm in the odd position at the moment that two of my favourite guitarists are from Youtube. Mateua Asato and Pete Thorn. I've hardly heard anything they have done in a band or even song context but they both blow me away with their feel and taste. In the old days my favourite guitarist was just whoever was playing guitar in my favourite band Now it's all based on one or two minute long clips on Youtube
  8. Another mini user here Currently using it with a tasty Pete Thorn toneprint The only thing I will say is that the level control of mine doesn't really do anything until 9 o'clock and then it gets quite loud. So for me, the sweet spot is only within a couple of degrees. Nothing major, but it's a niggle. EDIT: I wonder if it's something I can fix with the toneprint editor?
  9. Finally...my Highway One tele has arrived! Bought it off a friend who was kind enough to make a fair old drive to drop it off for me! It was his main guitar for 10 years and seeing it has a thin nitro finish, it is nicely, and genuinely battled scarred I've already tinkered with it Added brass saddles, raised the action, reset the intonation. Unbelievably this is my first ever US Fender! I'm really pleased...it still needs some work to make it cope with my big fat fingers but it will get there. The question is...is it better than my modded SX Tele that owes me about £200 all in? To be honest...no But I love it nonetheless [attachment=243368:WP_20170419_10_12_39_Pro1.jpg] Sorry for the rubbish photo
  10. I use an ODR-1 into a TC Mojomojo. I realise this is in no way helpful
  11. Thanks for that Nice to know it seems like a valid option! Ta.
  12. Mmm...hamburgers. Yes, I would be very interested to know how it does...cheers
  13. Bump for my ideal bass...if I wasn't broke I would be all over this!
  14. I really like the antique olive and the sonic grey. Not sure why the tele isn't available in olive though.
  15. [attachment=234187:WP_20161217_12_27_42_Pro1.jpg] I think it's finished....for now Tc Polytune > TC Hypergravity > TC Mojomojo > Nobels ODR-1 > Joyo American Sound > TC Flashback mini > Donner Golden Tremolo. This gives me a Fender like clean, then a little bit of grit, and finally an overdriven/"lead" sound. It also makes my £70 Gear4Music 35w combo sound remarkably like a Blues Jr. to the extent that now three people have assumed it is one I also love TC stuff. I use BH550 when playing bass and in terms of guitar pedals they are tough to beat in their price range. The pedal board is a draw front from an old chest of draws. Handy because it was free, and because it limits the amount of pedals I use
  16. I've got the Westfield. Great little guitar and a good spec in terms of LPj...mahogany, set neck etc. I added a Bigsby copy to mine and started to tinker with the electrics. One day I'll fix it up properly. One day
  17. Back of the net! Looks lovely. I have recently found my gas veering towards the 335 side
  18. Well the guitarist in my old band made his Valvestate sound pretty terrible I guess I must have just had a bad experience
  19. I don't like chorus and I'm not a fan of fuzz. Other than that, anything that's appropriate to the song is fine by me
  20. I haven't gigged for a few years now but I have gigged enough in the past that I no longer want to gig just for the sake of it. I will gig again but only if it's in a quality band playing music I'm passionate about at decent venues. It's not quite working out like that but that's the plan However I do like writing and recording music occasionally so when I'm in between bands my gear still gets used. Saying that, I do go through phases when I'm just not that bothered and my stuff site there gathering dust...but something always drags me back
  21. I remember the old Marshall Valvestate gear sounding pretty terrible.
  22. I have only just discover the ZT Lunchbox and I am rather intrigued! A tiny, lightweight, lunchbox sized (natch) 200w guitar amp with a 6.5" speaker. http://www.ztamplifiers.com/products.html I was just wondering if anyone had any experience of them?
  23. Playing a dodgy rock pub a lifetime ago I politely asked 3 young men to step aside so I could park in the nearest, empty parking space. I didn't know they had slashed one of my tires until I was driving home.
  24. A LPB P bass like Steve Harris's.
  25. For a pub gig I'd rather not travel more than 30 minutes but if I'm really having fun with the band then I'll be flexible. However it's not a deal breaker so I'll just go with the flow. To be honest though, I'm kind of over the pub thing. I've done enough pub gigs in my time so now they are really just paid rehearsals or a stepping stone to getting to bigger venues. I had a stint doing working men's clubs, mainly in north London. So driving from Hemel could take a bit longer. But the money was better and it was nice to play proper raised stages Tough gigs though!
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