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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1376504585' post='2175163'] Yes, much. There, you now have my official seal of approval. That should frighten 'em all off. Be prepared for a new bass delivery shortly... [/quote] Awesome...thanks My main failing as a designer...apart from being sh*tty at it...is I'm not good at working to briefs. That's why I stick to what I do. I only ever design to please myself and hopefully the designs sell.
  2. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1376498154' post='2174980'] Go for it I say, call in the troops. All's fair in love, war...and Pbass competitions! [/quote] I am considering it but if I might wait to see if come up with another/better design. [quote name='matski' timestamp='1376498774' post='2174989'] I was just about to ask if that was yours too. Not bad for 45 minutes work! It's straightforward and to the point - so could be a winner. [/quote] Thanks. I am pretty quick at those "generic circular logos" as my tee designing buddies calle them [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1376502159' post='2175080'] I wish I had as much skill as you! [/quote] Thanks...but it's all just practise. I don't do anything that anyone else couldn't do with a copy of Photoshop and a bit of time.
  3. I think I will leave it at two entries for now and see how the "liking" goes. I should be able to judge what people like a bit better then. The "likes" will only be there to assist the judges decision...so I'm not too worried about calling out the troops...plus I feel that calling on my t-shirt buddies/fans to vote would be cheating a bit! Just a quick tip to anyone else thinking about having a go...make sure you design to the correct specification. They are looking for a 300mm x 300mm chest print. Designing a full body print won't work...unless it's so awesome they change their spec!
  4. Better? [attachment=141550:roto 2 tee preview.png] EDIT: Bugger. Rushed it and didn't pay enough attention to aligning the text. Already subbed it. Oops.
  5. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1376495428' post='2174900'] Still, makes me glad I'm not entering as I'd have lost already! An idea though, how about '50 of'as large as the '66'? Anyone seeing the t-shirt walking towards them would know more likely what it referred to. I reckon they would like something like that. Maybe. [/quote] I'm working on another...a circular logo with a large 50 in the middle...I've got to cover all the bases [quote name='matski' timestamp='1376495680' post='2174909'] I like a laugh: where can you view the entries...? [/quote] I'm winning EDIT: No I'm not [url="https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151566562266625.1073741831.21256506624&type=1"]https://www.facebook...56506624&type=1[/url]
  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1376493671' post='2174853'] I'm not judging this contest, but this doesn't 'float my boat'. I'd want more '50 years anniversary' content. Could do better (and has proven so...). Sorry, but nowp. [/quote] Fair enough I am sure I will do a couple more. Thanks for the comment
  7. Just had an hour on this and thought I would ask for opinions before I sub it. Apparently you can sub multiple entries so if this one is completely horrible it's not the end of the world [attachment=141546:roto tee preview.png] EDIT: Subbed anyway...looked at the other entries and thought I might as well
  8. Thanks for this guys...will be certainly giving it a go! Although I haven't won anything since I won a box of maltesers for drawing a horse when I was 10. EDIT: I came second. The girl who won traced a photohraph. Bitch.
  9. Lol! I thought it was spam!
  10. I was invited to Pato Banton's party for "Baby Come Back" being no.1
  11. Actually I've got a real one Playing Scruffy Murphys in Watford, New Year's Ever 1998'ish. I notice the guitarist having a bit of a bad gig. Nothing major, he just couldn't find his mojo. So being a bass player and thus the only one actually listening to the rest of the band I stepped it up a bit, filled a few holes, took a couple of simple melodic solos etc. During the obligatory, horribly cliched, "let me introduce the band" bit everybody got a nice cheer. Except me. I got a massive roar of approval replete with hoots and whistles Made my night. Now I think about it...it was possibly sarcastic cheering And of course, the first time I heard one of my songs being played on the radio
  12. Playing covers in a local boozer. Bass player from another local band comes up to me after the gig... [i]I really like your playing man...you're not too loud.[/i]
  13. I think the secret is to just handle it a lot...and badly! Do the opposite of what you would do if you were trying to keep it mint. Wear a belt buckle, jackets with zips. put it down a bit harder than you would normally. Get it sweaty and don't wipe it off. Leaving it exposed to sunlight as previously mentioned is a good one. Try not to use things designs to removed finish! Don't use sandpaper...rub it with some loose change...that kind of thing.
  14. I toyed with the idea of forming Alarming Morissette once.
  15. Is it too late for me to say...WHITE? No? Ok. WHITE.
  16. Single Action Army and a Winchester '73.
  17. Pot Black them tune into Teenage Kicks. True story.
  18. Positively lush Can't wait to see the Jazz.
  19. That. Looks. Lovely. I hope you're very happy together
  20. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1371314374' post='2112526'] Wow! Didn't know that. Even [i]weirder[/i]. Can't imagine playing that item stood up with a mic smacking one's teeth out with every movement. [/quote] Larry Graham plays with a mic attached to his bass. His slapping sound is simply the mic hitting his teeth.
  21. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1371289614' post='2112126'] Haha! I wanted to win it [/quote] Just tell me I'm wrong and the crown is yours! That's how it works isn't it?
  22. My mate already played guitar. There was a short scale Satellite in my local second hand shop for £25. Steve Harris.
  23. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1371259976' post='2111936'] And that would sound like Guy's Warwick? You're having a laugh mate. Have a word yourself Edit, to say: Sorry if that came over a bit strong but they are not comparable. . [/quote] It's all in the fingers. Your argument is invalid. BOOM! POW! I WIN AT BASSCHAT!!!!
  24. Excellent! I've ordered from basspartsresource a couple of times. Pretty painless and quick if I recall correctly
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