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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. DO IT. At least the strat one should be easier to find
  2. Can't help you I'm afraid but I hope you find one because that would look stunning!
  3. I don't mind the whole. Everyone's a goal after all.
  4. This is what it looked like when I joined... [url="http://web.archive.org/web/20051230061401/http://www.bassworld.co.uk/pn/"]http://web.archive.org/web/20051230061401/http://www.bassworld.co.uk/pn/[/url] [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1371134935' post='2110304'] Don't forget to email Ou7shined about this poll [/quote]
  5. I've been here since Bassworld. Found it after googling for light weight cabs
  6. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1371121241' post='2110027'] Fender do make a P body with a Jazz neck with the Jazz pickup. That's exactly what the MIM bass was that I mentioned earlier in the thread. Candy red, gold pickguard. Beautiful instrument. 50's style Deluxe. [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/fender-deluxe-p-bass-special-4-string-bass"]http://www.musicians...l-4-string-bass[/url] Mine wasn't active though? [/quote] [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1371125419' post='2110083'] Duff McKagan Signature Bass [url="http://www.fender.com/en-GB/series/artist/duff-mckagan-p-bass/"]http://www.fender.co...mckagan-p-bass/[/url] [/quote] Well, well, well! Wellity wellity well I was aware of both models....just didn't realise they had J necks. Thank you both
  7. If Fender would offer a P body with a J neck and PJ pickups as standard I would...well...I would like that. A lot.
  8. Is it now? I have no idea who/what Flowered Up are/is But thanks...probably
  9. Hello all! I had a crazy idea to do a rocky, fuzzy, dirty version of Never Too Much by Luther Vandross. The idea was to do it without a guitar. So fuzz bass and heavy sounding keys was the aim. I still like the idea but I have got absolutely nowhere with it I just thought I would share my initial "sketch" with those of you interested/curious [url="https://soundcloud.com/robotrobotrobotmusic/never-too-much-demo-idea-thing"]https://soundcloud.com/robotrobotrobotmusic/never-too-much-demo-idea-thing[/url] I think it would work pretty well if I could arsed to finish it
  10. I really like the idea of joining in...but I'm a bit rubbish. Might do it anyway.
  11. I wrote a nice long reply a few minutes ago but dropped my mouse and closed the browser by mistake I had the same problem on the "What" page...again using Chrome. I really like the scrabble idea and I applaud the attempt to do something a bit different. I however would take it a bit further. Nothing says rock band website like a black background. If it was me I would probably set the background to be the same colour as the scrabble tiles and use a dark text. Or if that's going too far try styling the text links to match the scrabble tiles a bit more and change the white copy text to the tile colour. All just my preference of course. I encourage you to ignore me because it looks fine as it is
  12. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1370937480' post='2107541'] If you play for applause, that is all you will ever get ( charity shops are full of cds thatby bands that teenage girls once screamed at). [/quote] I hate it when I get applauded. It makes me sick. It's worse than when the buggers get up and dance and have fun.
  13. General Discussion is for general discussion. Off topic if for arguing.
  14. Buy the prettiest one.
  15. I don't actually think modern pop music is mediocre. Or certainly it's not any more or any less mediocre than any other era or genre of music. I admit that I don't listen to a huge amount of it but although what I do hear can be a bit samey, that can be said of any genre of music can't it? And at the end of the day it is of course all highly subjective. I for one would rather listen to Little Mix than any number of leather trousered, shirt opened, microphone swinging, Les Paul playing, classic rock bands. So as I don't actually agree with the premise of the OP I realise now I don't really have anything to contribute so I will back away hoping nobody noticed me come in
  16. Hahaha. I didn't even notice There must be a thread somewhere about the cold war I can comment in
  17. [quote name='tomb' timestamp='1300475206' post='1167534'] if the bass is anything like their amps it crap, BIG crap [/quote] I have a Harley Benton Ba500H. It's great.
  18. Met my wife of 13 years at one of my gigs. If anyone asks how we met I tell them she was a groupie. I am very funny.
  19. Thanks When funds allow I think I will get a white scratchplate to really show off the aging of the paint. I wonder where I got that idea? ^^^^
  20. Inspired by the closed Retrovibe thread I decided to take a new picture of the bass that I started this thread with! I give you my Retrovibe Aero2 nicely mellowing with age to a lovely off white which I have totally failed to capture on camera!
  21. Out of all the basses and gear I have gone through over the years the one thing I can honestly say I wouldn't be without is my Barefaced Compact.
  22. Lovely. Just lovely.
  23. Blimey. I'm chafing at having to wait for the shirt I ordered off ebay on Friday.
  24. I would go solid body with symmetrical double cutaways and a 2+2 headstock.
  25. With regards to Get Lucky... I want to like it. I like the music but I find it incredibly weak vocally and lyrically. I find no pleasure in listening to a 40 year old man laziliy and half assedly singing about "getting lucky". For me it falls into the same category as middle aged men singing about being in "da club". Decent lyrics...or at least less awfully juvenile ones and vocoders all the way through and it would be much better!
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