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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. It arrived this morning So far it's a little bit m'eh. I think it will take me a bit of fiddling to get the sound I want out of it. I was hoping to use it for a rock rhythm sound but initially I prefer it cranked for a lead sound. It's probably because I'm running it into a Joyo American Sound and then a solid state amp. If it was going straight into a valve amp it would sound different I imagine. I'm rehearsing tonight so I'll see what happens at volume
  2. Don't know a huge amount about them but love In The Meantime and iirc really liked the album it was on too For a second I thought I had seen them play...but that was Electric Love Hog. I think.
  3. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1473774592' post='3133007'] Ah....I remember Powerbelly. My wife was a fan...."Rock Helicopter" is spoken about in hushed tones, chez Rushbo. I was in indie darlings Little Red Schoolhouse. We were never chauffeured by our manager whilst drunk, but we did manage to squeeze an album out of Cherry Red Records. Happy days... [/quote] Ha, that's awesome...and has made my day! Rock, rock, heli....rock, rock, heli...rock, rock helicopter! Lol. Those were happy days indeed.
  4. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1473766554' post='3132891'] What was the name of the band? We may have been fellow travellers... [/quote] Powerbelly. Busby was the singer (he always seemed to know everyone) and we rehearsed at Arcadeia. What about you?
  5. My only concern is where the hell have the last 29 years gone! I wouldn't change a thing band wise....except it would be nice if I could wind back the clock a few years
  6. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1473760149' post='3132784'] JBs (as my dad and his mate were closely involved in the early years. My dad designed the original membership card and many of the gig posters, plus did the hippy moving colour lighting for gigs) [/quote] Oh that's awesome. JBs was a great venue. Always good fun. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1473760643' post='3132791'] I`ve got one venue I still want to play, Hammersmith Odeon, or whatever it`s name is this week. [/quote] Not getting much sleep then at the moment?
  7. I just bought a nice check shirt from Primarni for six quid!
  8. Specifically listening to band homework...Chris Stapleton, Brett Eldredge, Kenny Chesney etc. For the first time in my life the songs I'm playing in a band are the songs I listen to at home. And it is an absolute joy!
  9. Just ordered one of these based entirely off a Johnny Hiland demo He makes it sound amazing...whereas Paul Gilbert makes it sound dreadful. I'm hoping to sound somewhere between the two
  10. It is with great regret and sorrow that I inform you that I will be experiencing yet another birthday right soon. As is the case at such harrowing times, one starts to think about the past. This week, with absolute horror, it has dawned on me that my first ever gig, which was at The Coach and Horses on Marsh Lane in West Bromwich, was pretty much 29 years ago. 29 years. 29. I borrowed a short scale Vox catalogue bass of some sort which was hand painted black and had a broken tuning peg. The whole band just tuned to my A string. We had about three rehearsals and played a mix of covers...20th Century Boy, Sweet Home Alabama, Sunday Bloody Sunday, C'mon Everybody etc. etc. 2.9. We supported some bigger boys and the whole night was pretty awesome. (Some years later after crossing paths at various pub gigs I actually joined the bigger boys band and we tried to conquer the world. We failed. But we did give West Bromwich and the surrounding areas a good kicking. We played at places like The Jug of Ale in Moseley, JB's in Dudley, The Robin in Brierley Hill. We had songs played on local radio, we were interviewed by radio stations and newspapers. Our manager drove me around all the time so I was constantly drunk. It was by far the best time of my life and the guys in the band are like brothers to me to this day.) And it all started 29 years ago. 29 years.
  11. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1473079491' post='3126635'] Maybe 4000 as a top capacity, we've played the O2's C2C festival 4 times now. We also had a 5 minute slot on CBS in America which was our biggest online audience. You take these things in your stride though as it quickly returns to 12 people in Sheffield. [/quote] Playing at one of the C2C stages is a goal of mine in my current outfit
  12. I went for up to 500. I think the venue was technically ok for up to about 600/7000 but it wasn't full. The original Robin in Brierley Hill for those interested I've also played JB's in Dudley which fits 1000...but I can't honestly say it was that busy!
  13. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1473064326' post='3126424'] Here's a suggestion that will eliminate the apparent dread of out of line tuners and reduce neck dive in one hit...how about tuners with just a square socket, and one key used to slip on and tune each string in turn, then returned to the pocket, or wherever you'd keep such things. [/quote] Ooh I like that one. Super streamlined headstock with tuners operated by a radiator key
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1473062262' post='3126401'] Maybe a tuner with a removable 'paddle' that fits into a splined socket? Tune up, pull out the paddle and re-locate as necessary. Yes, I realise that thinking about such things implies too much time on one's hands. [/quote] I was thinking of a paddle with a central sleeve that slides over the tuning peg shaft and is secured with a grub screw. Once tuned, loosen grub screw, rotate paddle, tigthen grubscrew, relieve OCD.
  15. We need a tuning peg with adjustable ears. Tune up, then adjust ears to a pleasing pattern. I suggest angled 20 degrees to the back.
  16. paul h

    Klon KTR

    [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1471096856' post='3110521'] Klons are a bit swaggy - supposed to emulate dumbles and the nuances might be lost in your current set up. Why not settle for something like a Joyo JF14 American Sound which is a Fender emulator and see how things go? [/quote] ^^^This. I use a Joyo american sound and now my £70 Gear4Music 35w combo does a passable impersonation of a Blues Junior. I got mine from Aliexpress for just over £20
  17. Position filled. Thanks for everybody's interest
  18. paul h

    Klon KTR

    Hahaha. You've got me thinking about a KTR now The most expensive pedal on my board was around £23 so it's not something I could realistically go for
  19. I must admit that that setlist would crush my soul However if you need the cash and think you can tough it out, go for it. I'd love to be able to suck it up and get out there playing a cookie cutter set that makes me money. Lord knows I could do with the cash. But I've tried it and I just end up feeling dead inside Personally, my first love is music and not necessarily just playing bass. I've done enough gigs in my time that I am over gigging for the sake of it. I want to gig music that I love and I want to play those songs with as much energy and passion as if I wrote them myself. When my current band starts gigging it won't be just because that's what bands do. It will be because we're doing great versions of great songs and the public deserve to experience the awesomeness of it all But that's just me
  20. paul h

    Klon KTR

    I've just swapped to guitar in my fledgling country band and I've gone from no interest in pedals to currently having seven in use Four of those are on all the time in an attempt to make my ss amp sound halfway decent. Not one of them cost more than £25
  21. Oi. Everybody. We need an acoustic guitarist as well. Just sayin'
  22. Greyhounds. Very cool, funky band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGcUGuQ9ZMs
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