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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. The trapeze looks awesome. Great thread
  2. Blue, is the "top 40" band still a thing?
  3. I'm sure this will be of interest to many people here:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfcOnTwT1wE
  4. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1468678468' post='3092599'] Good score. And to think you hemming and hawing about purchasing one. I hope there rehearsal goes well. [/quote] Thanks Yeah, I nearly talked myself out of it! It's actually proving really inspiring...it creates such a huge sound. Whenever I play I have a huge grin on my face
  5. I just bought a Donner Golden Tremolo mini pedal...and it's awesome. It cost £23 from Amazon and is literally the cheapest tremolo pedal I could find It's a clone of the Mooer Trelicopter and I wouldn't be surprised if it was built in the same factory...especially since the box it came in even has the word Trelicopter printed on it! It has depth, bias and speed knobs. The bias seems to go from sine wave to square wave and the other two do the obvious. It sounds great with everything at 12 o'clock. And the best part is that it has a certain something that just adds to the sound. Even with all the knobs turned down it colours the sound in a really pleasing way. It's still very transparent but it adds some presence and sparkle. I can't wait to use it at the next band rehearsal. I'm hoping to get away with leaving it on all the time
  6. Ha...apparently I spelled it correctly! Check me out
  7. Jestem Polakiem. (sorry for the spelling)
  8. Thinking about it...there are not many successful/famous Steve Harris clones either.
  9. Excellent colour combination, it looks great
  10. Beyond awesome. Massive congratulations!
  11. Every month I fancy having a go at this but alas the creative juices are just not flowing these days Hopefully I will shake myself up and get back involved sooner rather than later
  12. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1467981562' post='3087781'] It's just a cloth about 3 or 4' square. I'm sure we don't need a photo to imagine what it looks like. [/quote] Nope...can't get it. I have no concept of a cloth square. Seriously though...if it was me I'd still put photos on the website...because reasons!
  13. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1467975769' post='3087708'] It's amazing the number of people who aren't able to correctly tell you what key something is in anyway. [/quote] Actually...I'm guilty of this as well I call it a "guitarist's key". When I ask somebody what key a song is, I'm really asking what the first chord is I'm a terrible, terrible musician
  14. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1467975315' post='3087697'] Either you have been given the wrong chords or the guitarist is playing in the wrong key. I can't bear when people with a capo can't name chords correctly. [/quote] I've been guilty of that recently. I found myself working out the chords for a couple of lazy guitarists...so I would say "capo at x fret, play G, C, D, Em." But then when I came to play it on bass, or tell the keyboard player what to play I used the real chord names. It all got quite confusing
  15. My current keyboardplayer/singer is a fan of older synthy stuff...so I'm hoping we get to arrange a couple of songs in a fun, creative way.
  16. I didn't think you could get darker than a P with the tone rolled off! I imagine after the mod the tone is so dark it doesn't even allow sound to escape
  17. I find it pretty tough to do on the fly to be honest. It's something I've had to deal with recently in a country project, swapping from acoustic guitar with a capo, to bass, to lead guitar[i].[/i] Personally I think the best way is to think of the chord numbers as opposed to the names. So instead of think G, C, D, think of it as I, IV, V. Then once you have found the root for the first chord it should be easier to play the necessary intervals.
  18. I use Steve Clayton 1mm acetal large(?) triangle picks. They are not fat but they feel nice and grippy to me. Not that I'm fussy at all
  19. @dood I think anything that creates a barrier, physical or otherwise between the performer and the audience can be a bad thing. However, if the band you're in isn't particularly showy or doesn't rely on a lot of stagecraft, then it probably doesn't matter too much.
  20. I've got an early Retrovibe and I love it. I am sorely tempted by the T-Rods. Very cool looking
  21. I don't really mind people using them but the performance aspect can suffer as a result.
  22. C'mon lottery!
  23. My prediction is that AC/DC will be finished and then Angus will release a solo album that sounds exactly like AC/DC
  24. They are growing on me! I like the P/J coniguration and I like a J width neck. I do think I would get option paralysis with all the switches though!
  25. Lovely bass and great playing in the video! Good luck with the sale
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