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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. I still think that Spitfire is one of the best looking things ever!
  2. Well if they are the same as SX there are a few fans of them here, myself included. The SX ones tend to need a bit of a tweak but they do represent good value for money. I have noticed a brand I think called Blaze or something similar cropping up in small music shops. They are a similar price point. It might be worth having a little shopping trip. P.
  3. That looks really good. I have recently felt the onset of double p pickup GAS so that would do nicely.
  4. That is rather awesome in a CT kind of way! It even has the multi laminated body cheekily peeking through the face wood. Very nice,
  5. The headstock is very similar to the current SX one. I think it stands a good chance they originate from the same factory.
  6. I used to sit on one of these but it eventually burst. Good for your posture and your lower back. I haven't replaced it yet because the last one was a fiver and I am too tight to pay any more than that. [url="http://www.argos.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Search?storeId=10001&catalogId=1500001501&langId=-1&searchTerms=75CM+GYM+BALL&Submit=GO+>"]http://www.argos.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/s...;Submit=GO+>[/url]
  7. Nothing to share yet but I have got thank you for the Maceo Parker link. I have listened to it over and over again. Fantastic stuff. Paul.
  8. I just wanted to share a positive music shop experience. I popped into PMT in Northampton yesterday and was really pleased with the outcome. I didn't buy anything but it was an excellent shop with some decent stock and Adam the manager was friendly, knowledgeable and very helpful. I say decent stock, but it wasn't as varied as the Birmingham one was last time I was there. No Sandbergs etc but it did have enough to tempt me to try a couple out. I tried a 2009 USA P and a USA P deluxe. The standard P was quite honestly one of the best US Fenders I have ever played. Despite it having a rosewood board and slightly too much relief in the neck for me it was a cracking bass. It played great and sounded exactly how you would want it too and felt as light a a feather. With a set up to sort out the neck relief and get the action a bit lower I think I may well have pulled the trigger. The deluxe was a bit of a disappointment for me. I have always known I don't like humbuckers so I don't know why I was surprised when I didn't particularly care for the tone. Punchy as hell and great for fingerstyle in the lower register but for me the slap tone and higher register stuff just didn't work. The standard P had way much more clarity even up the dusty end. It was still a great bass though. Just not for me. Overall, PMT Northampton comes highly recommended from me and anyone looking for a standard P wants to get there quick because the they have a corker! Paul.
  9. I am sure I saw a post at TB where the guy just covered the pole pieces with a bit of tape. I used to get the same problem because when I was playing predominantly rock I really used to attack the strings. I have mellowed out now so it's not such a big deal. I did actually notice for the first time the other day that I am using the bridge pickup on my SX like a ramp. I can now see the benefit of such a thing. It does tidy up my playing. Paul.
  10. My basses do more for charity, they are better looking and much more generous in bed.
  11. My problem is that I am so arse rippingly mind buggeringly good that the instrument hasn't been made yet that does me justice. In the meantime I will settle for SX.
  12. [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/spb61413ts.html"]http://www.rondomusic.com/spb61413ts.html[/url] Upmarket enough? P.
  13. I like relics. I totally get it and I think you either get it or you don't. Either is cool. I am seriously gas'ing over a hardcore aged California PM ever since I discovered they had a zero fret. Never played one though so next time I am near a PMT I will have to pop in. P.
  14. paul h


    I am going to keep bumping this so when I win the 37 million tonight it's easier for me to find.
  15. paul h


    Has this not gone yet?
  16. paul h


    See now, now that I know that Sandbergs have a zero fret, they have catapulted to the top of my GAS list. That's all I need. Because I have no money. P.
  17. paul h


    Do I see a zero fret? Paul.
  18. You might find this useful. Paul.
  19. Buy some cream covers, throw them away and then give the bass to me. What? Paul.
  20. Ahhhh. That would be Stealth Web Design Ltd then. I much prefer Ninja Graphics for my invisible design needs. P.
  21. I'm available for some kind of design service/bass trade thang? Well, you have to try! P.
  22. Decided against that trade?
  23. Live update.... Listening right now. "I can't feel my Face". Brilliant title. Really like this one. Reminds me a lot of John M. Keane, who happens to be a hero of mine. Better than my stuff. Now I'm jealous. Really enjoyed that. Great feel. Ally Jowett - Have it all. Not grabbing me quite as much. Not sure I like the glitchy bits. Still a good track though, just a bit further from my personal taste. Bit long for me...skipped past it. Sorry. Speak and Spell. More my thing again. Enjoying this one a lot. Like the string breakdown and it's subsequent build up. Very good mate...enjoyed that immensely. The first track really stands out for me, rough mix or not! Paul.
  24. Thomann have a SLB-100 listed, although currently unavailable. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/yamaha_slb100_silentbass.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/yamaha_slb100_silentbass.htm[/url] So that will be an idea of a new price at least.
  25. That is my favourite Sadowsky so far. If I could ever bring myself to spend more than £200 on a bass that would have been it. P.
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