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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. I am in the process of putting together a parts bass with my radioactive orange SX P neck. I am not overly concerned about the David Dickinson finish but I guess while it's in bits I could try to do something about it. I don't want to take the finish off completely as I am too lazy but I wondered if bleaching it would work at all? Any thoughts? Paul.
  2. How about a mini toggle for each pick up and a volume?
  3. You are now my primary source of GAS. Although I don't like humbuckers at all, I love the innovations you come up with. I have often thought of having a three single coil jazz with a five way selector switch and if I do well at poker next year I think you will be the man to see about it! Good work. Paul.
  4. No need for coat getting Beeds...it would be wise to take any exchange betwixt myself and Mr. Fudge with a pinch, nay a fistful of salt. We are both from West Bromwich for a start, although only one of us has a gay brother. Since Mr. Fudge has become a bass player (and a damned fine one too...even though he refuses to accept the influence I had on him) he has delighted in asking me about my gear preferences and then buying the stuff I can't afford. I am pretty sure he does this on purpose knowing the devastating affect it has on me. I do however love the man entirely. In the same way one would love for instance, a castle. P.
  5. I have been playing for 25 years and I am totally rubbish. I would probably gravitate to a beginners forum in an attempt to be a big fish in a little pond. I would then probably get ostracised for my horribly condescending tone. Then, forced back into the wider reaches of BassChat I would be discovered as a sham when it becomes apparent that I buy amps according to the colour of the "on" light and that I have no concept of "jazz". (silent J?) Paul.
  6. [quote name='Beedster' post='373786' date='Jan 8 2009, 07:49 AM']LOL. For some reason that post had me in tears [/quote] It had me in tears for a different reason. Mr. Fudge and the guys in his band were responsible for the best years of my life. Then of course Mr. Fudge gave up playing g****rs and changed to bass and I was promptly sacked and forced into exile. Paul.
  7. [quote name='Alun' post='374291' date='Jan 8 2009, 06:18 PM']Very nice Reminds me a bit of Bobby Vega's pick playing. Cheers Alun[/quote] Ta. That was pretty much the idea. I decided a while back that I would like a palm muted pick sound but with leaving a couple of fingers free for some plucking. Bit chuffed you noticed to be honest! Paul. EDIT. I realise it is like BV after talent bypass surgery.
  8. Just thought I would knock this up to show you what I am talking about. Paul.
  9. To expand on my previous post...muting and double thumbing together give you a nice dubby/vintage'y sound and you can get a fair old speed out of it. Honestly, it's worth a go! Paul.
  10. I enjoy thumbing and palm muting at the same time. P.
  11. Is it me?
  12. I'm not going.
  13. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='369814' date='Jan 4 2009, 11:52 AM']Nice one. No GAS for a Markbass rig then?? [/quote] nope. in fact i would have expected the mm/markbass combination to be awesome but it just didn't bowl me over. besides, i have already owned and subsequently sold a littlemark + aguilar rig. i do quite fancy trying some genz benz stuff! oh noes! the gas is back!
  14. I am sure it is only temporary, but I will try to enjoy it while I can! I am waiting for delivery of a fully loaded and yet possibly cheap and nasty P body to put something together out of my SX P. It somehow developed a large and unsightly hole when I decided to install a J pick up with a hammer and chisel! I now want to go back to just the P format. I will be incredibly surprised if it doesn't end up just as good as the J. As for the gambling, hopefully I will have a £500 bankroll by sometime in February which will be taken down the nearest G casino for some poker fun! Paul.
  15. I popped into Machinehead music in Hitchin today which may I add is a great shop with from my experience great staff. Mainly because today they were happy to leave me alone to help myself to a couple of basses! Nothing beats being given a bit of space when trying stuff out. Anyhoo, I took the chance to try a Marcus Miller and a US P (last years I believe). I played both through a Markbass rig of some description. The MM was a pretty cool bass but the shocking thing was that it certainly was not measurably better than my SX J Ltd with Artec Giovanni pick ups. Of course the SX is passive, but in terms of feel, playability and basic tone there was nothing in it! I think that with new strings and a set up the MM would of course be the better bass. But not IMHO £600 better! The P was more disappointing but that was due to dead strings and dire need of a set up. The good thing to come of this was a renewed appreciation of my SX. This bass owes me considerably less than £200 including delivery, duty, new scratchplate and new pick ups. Pointless story really...but I do like to share! Paul.
  16. Good story. I took the easy route one year and dressed as Gene off the "Dressed to Kill" album. Make up and a bad suit. Not a single person knew who I was supposed to be so I stopped explaining it pretty early into the night. I did scare several small children though which is always a bonus! Paul.
  17. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='368172' date='Jan 2 2009, 12:25 AM']Hmmm... Poker, Paul? Naughty![/quote] Yeah I know! I didn't play that much last year but I'm determined to get back into it this year. I am doing a bit of work to get a bankroll together and then there will be no stopping me. Apart from losing it all that is. Paul.
  18. I got a quote for one but then changed my mind....in fact you can see why if you go to the testimonials page and look at the penultimate row. [url="http://www.krappyguitars.com/testimonials.html"]http://www.krappyguitars.com/testimonials.html[/url] Paul.
  19. Mr. Fudge does a gig at the Robin 2 every now and again. I think he is there this month. Yeah I was a real collector back then. I have a great story about the pinball machine...if you have a few spare minutes... The first one I found was in a barn in Leicester. It was completely knackered and had the European style logo. However I left the guy a £25 deposit to do a bit of work on it. A month later he had disappeared and the barn was empty. Fast forward a couple of years and I was talking to a friend of a friend who was a novice for a local biker gang. He said that there was a Kiss pinball machine in their clubhouse...and it had the original logo. In all honesty it is quite a crap game, so he said I could have it for £150 which is what they needed to get a better one. That is when it went all cloak and dagger. My brother and I in his works van had to meet the gang in a quiet location in the middle of the night. We were then escorted by a dozen or so bikers to a house down a side road. The windows were all blacked out and you could smell the weed from outside! They made us wait outside for ages while various and I assume more important bikers came out to check us out. Eventually we were allowed in. It was all painted black, the stereos were cranked nice and high and there was porn on every single TV. I handed the money over and we put the machine in the van. Then they started to insist we had a drink to seal the deal. By now it was about 4am and we both had to be in work in a couple of hours. I refused a drink and that's when they started to get a bit pushy. Lots of "Not good enough to drink with?" comments were made. Me being a younger and angrier version of myself, I stood up for myself just enough to make sure it all kicked off! The night ended with a mad dash for the van and a short but exciting chase through the streets of Wednesbury! Needless to say we survived to tell the tale! Paul.
  20. I voted yes...but I lurk only.
  21. My GAS list always secretly includes a short scale, 3 string Les Paul influenced bass. There, I've said it! Paul.
  22. Stunning bass that is! [quote]ive never really been into Shuker basses until i saw these![/quote] plus the one! Paul.
  23. I am pretty sure I saw you at The Robin in Brierly Hill many years ago. Great show. I used to be a full on pinball machine, doll and all the coloured vinyl owning member of the Kiss Army. I sold the lot and bought a MIJ P. I actually got chronically ripped off on the pinball front. I bought it for £150, sold it for £250 and then instantly discovered that they were changing hands for £600. Where was the interwebz then eh? Paul.
  24. [quote]I can't play much yet so my decision was based more on the general feel on the instrument (it was the lightest and had the nicest feeling neck). There didn't seem to be much between them in terms of tone. Does this seem like a stupid criterion to base my choice on?[/quote] Welcome Robert, and that seems the perfect criteria to make a decision on! The right tone is something you may well end up chasing your entire bass life, or you might stumble upon it right away. So in the meantime just go with what feels good. I have no experience of those particular basses but I am sure someone who has will be along in a minute! Paul.
  25. I actually quite fancy one of these but I would have to shift my Ashdown first. Paul.
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