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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. Just ordered a set of D'Addario EXL165s from soundslive. Cheapest price I could find at £14.97 including delivery. Stringbusters may have been cheaper but it wouldn't tell me the shipping cost before I registered, so I couldn't be bothered! Paul.
  2. That is most generous of you...but I have just talked myself out of flats! I have decided to stick with stainless steel rounds on the P and nickels on the J. I will probably get some Roberts Growlers for the ss and go back to D'Addario for the nickels. Much appreciated though! Paul.
  3. Lovely....simply lovely. Paul.
  4. Ricks, anything headless.
  5. My mate played guitar and talked me into playing bass so we could form a band and get girls. It didn't work. Paul.
  6. My thoughts exactly. 2009 might be the year of the flats for me! P.
  7. Used Rotos for years. Then I swapped to Elites for even more years mainly because the studio I used to rehearse in sold them. Then I discovered D'Addarios which was like a breath of fresh air. Decided to give stainless steel a crack but the Prosteels felt horrible to me. Recently I have been using cheap and cheerful Roberts strings and they are absolutely fine IMHO. I am going to get some Roberts "Snakes" smoothwounds after the festive period and give them a go. I am tempted to swap back to D'Addario nickels but the Roberts strings are cheap enough to stick with for now. Paul.
  8. Has anyone got any experience of these? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=280277548636"]ROBERTS - ELECTRIC BASS GUITAR STRINGS SNAKES 40s SUPER PRO SMOOTHWOUND BASS SET[/url] I have used the Growlers a few times and they are fine. I am actually considering going all smooth and sticking these on both my SX J and P. I was just going to go for the J and stick to stainless steel rounds on the P. However my impatience and Roberts seeming lack of Growlers means that I am sorely tempted to jump in with both feet. Anybody want to talk me out of it? Paul.
  9. And are you interested in any kind of trades? P.
  10. As a follow up to leschirons thread about a guitarist who couldn't improvise, I have to confess...it's the only thing I can do. I have only ever learnt a couple of bass lines in my life. 99% of the time I just work out what key the song is in and roughly what happens during it and then make the rest up on the spot. And when I say key, I actually mean I just work out a couple of chords on the guitar because I am never 100% sure what the key is. I tend to just go by the first chord and use my ears for the rest! So when I learn songs for a band, I actually learn it on guitar. And when I say learn it I really mean find the first chord of the verse, chorus and middle 8 sections. The exception to all this being original compositions where I tend to closely stick to my original bass part. Close to 25 years of playing bass and I still can't be bothered to learn someone else's bass line. Paul.
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='359569' date='Dec 20 2008, 01:43 PM']Please understand - I'm not dissing the YouTube clip. I'm merely suggesting that people need to be cautious if they think that's all there is to it.[/quote] LOL...this is in danger of all going pear shaped! You have a very good point and you are making it very well. I think we are just defending the fact that IMHO the OP was right. It IS the best test of those basses I have ever seen. Nobody is claiming it is perfect, all conclusive, or the be all and end all. But is is the best yet. You are to be applauded in your concern about possibly misleading the less experienced though. Brownie points all round. Paul. p.s. I am now going into the town with the wife and I will say no more about it. Unless the local music shop has a Squier Vibe that I can try out!
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='359557' date='Dec 20 2008, 01:30 PM']I'll concede that it's by far the best test of how these basses compare when played in a living room by Ed Friedland through Ed Friedland's rig.[/quote] And surely that's the best we can hope for? Unless somebody gives us all six basses to try out in a variety of situations? Maybe Squier should offer some kind of road test deal? Sorry, I'm just playing devils advocate here but that is still by far the best test I have ever seen for those basses. And let's face it...as much as I love you, to me Ed's front room test is just as valid as your gig test. It's just a review, and someone's opinion after all. And I haven't played a gig in years, so I don't really care about trying them live anyway. The OP's opinion that it's the best test he has seen is just as valid as your "Oh no it's not!" response. Why has this turned into a review of the review anyway? Maybe we should review things a little? P.
  13. [quote name='stevie' post='359534' date='Dec 20 2008, 01:04 PM']I don't know about that, Beedster. It may be flawed but I haven't seen anything better on the web. It opened my eyes to how good the '51 Precision sounds. I much prefered it to the P and Jazz here.[/quote] +1 If it is categorically NOT the best test...any chance of showing me a better one? Anyone here extensively used three pairs of comparable Squiers and Fenders in a variety of different live and recording situations? I think probably not. Also isn't it an excellent test of the basses in a recording situation? All we are doing is listening to what these basses sound like once recorded. To be honest, I have always been a fan of cheap and cheerful as I have never yet found a bass I would be happy to spend more than £400/£500 on, when compared to what you can get for much less than that. Saying that, I do think that the MIJ 51 P reissue just edges it for me as to my ears it had a bit more articulation higher up the neck. Paul.
  14. paul h

    SX pron.

    Apologies for rubbish pics and dirty bass. [attachment=17197:headstock.jpg] [attachment=17195:body.jpg] [attachment=17196:bridge.jpg] It deserves a new posting now it has some Atec pickups in it courtesy of Prosebass. Of course it looks exactly the same but so what! Paul.
  15. Just added the potential sweetener of a BB614 for the right combo...and sneakily bumped in the process.
  16. You know, I could possibly throw in a BB614 for the right combo? It would have to be something decent though. Just a thought.
  17. Unhopeful bumpage.
  18. I prefer D'Addario nickels to stainless steel. I used them for years but have been toying with cheapo Roberts stainless steel strings for a while now. But when I go back to nickel it will be D'Addario without doubt. I tried Prosteels but didn't like the way they felt. Paul.
  19. Here we go. [attachment=16979:full.jpg] [attachment=16981:back.jpg] Just noticed a small bulge in the cab at the back just above the panel. Must have been there since day one as well as the carpet defect. I will remove the dog hair and dust...unless you really want to keep it.
  20. Just thinking about pick up preferences. I like single coils and I'm not too keen on humbuckers. This made we wonder if you guys have a particular preference and if that choice is exclusive? Do you only like single coils or only humbuckers? Or do you like both, on separate instruments or combined on one? And even more specifically I Like alnico single coils more than ceramic...and thanks to the charming and handsome Prosebass I have a set now installed in my SX J. Don't be shy. Paul.
  21. [quote name='Bassassin' post='348211' date='Dec 7 2008, 10:56 PM']Just done a recount and despite having parted with (most of) the ones I intended to part with, it looks like the final total is approximately "all of them". This compulsive behaviour is actually starting to cause me stress & upset - and as a result I feel I'm slipping into a cycle of "Comfort GAS". I'll have to buy another bass to cheer myself up... J[/quote] You sir are the absolute embodiment of this forum. You are like a version of me with more money or a more understanding wife. Possibly both. Paul.
  22. I hate 15" speakers. I always have. I much prefer 10" speakers and yet due to many cruel twists of fate I have never actually owned any in combo or cab form. This is your opportunity to correct this sorry state of affairs. I want to swap or "trade" if you will my Ashdown MAG C115-300 in it's "never been gigged I'm just a bedroom player please don't chastise me" condition for something with between one and two 10" speakers. This could be a head and cab or a combo. As a special incentive there is a small floor in the carpet covering on the back of my combo which is hardly worth mentioning and as far as I can tell has no adverse nor positive affect on the tone. Now to make things as unlikely as possible I will.... a ) Not bother taking any pictures unless really hassled. b ) Refuse to put up any kind of specification. FFS just Google it! (If you don't know this is an in joke then you need to spend more time here) c ) Any trades have to take place within easy driving distance of Hemel Hempstead. That does NOT include London. Because I hate London. If you are interested and I can't see any reason why you wouldn't be please notify me by carrier pigeon. I thank you. Paul.
  23. I go for whatever I think looks cool. Or to hide the groinal area when wearing pale jeans and having a last minute piss. (Just in case) P.
  24. That is stunning. But then I have always had a thing about basses in glasses.
  25. Just bought some Artec Vintage Jazz pick ups from Paul. Alnico???? For how much???? Great service, comms, packaging, product...all round greatness. Cheers. Paul H.
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