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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. I had a Kingston for a while which IIRC I got from German ebay. It's worth trying all the European ebays though as you definitely get different search results than from the UK site. I think mine was about £180 and was by far...and I mean astronomically far, the best playing bass I have ever owned. It had an incredibly low action possibly helped by the zero fret. I sold it in the end because basically I just don't like humbuckers. However in retrospect I should have just modded it. Good luck with the search. Paul.
  2. I saw a guitar once. Paul.
  3. First rule of BassChat...don't rip people off.
  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='345768' date='Dec 4 2008, 06:05 PM']The important thing to stop them falling off again is to open out the split shaft some, so they go on nice and tight. If you have a grub screw, aim it into the split, so it tried to force it further open and therefore more secure.[/quote] I found that highly erotic. Paul.
  5. [b]DO NOT GOOGLE THE WORD KNOB![/b] Nothing else to add except welcome. Paul.
  6. How much? Bargain of the year, somebody buy it. I would but I would have to factor in the cost of a divorce lawyer as well. P.
  7. [quote name='Machines' post='344037' date='Dec 3 2008, 01:17 PM']If you don't think you can do it yourself then the best bet would be to get it down to Trevor at PMT Birmingham. He rewired my Dad's Hohner Precision for £15. Probably take cost more for yours if pots etc needed but give him a ring and see: 0121 359 5056.[/quote] You mean MY Hohner Precision. How's that working out anyway? Paul.
  8. Faith in human nature duly restored.
  9. You are starting to give me serious GAS. And I will be getting a set of pick ups off you as soon as I stop procrastinating! Paul.
  10. Don't know if any of these fit the bill. [url="http://www.guitarpartsresource.com/bass_necksallparts.htm"]http://www.guitarpartsresource.com/bass_necksallparts.htm[/url] P.
  11. I like the current headstock so if they change it it might at least dampen my SX GAS. P.
  12. This actually looks exactly like me. God I love MS Paint! Paul. EDIT: Just remembered this my avatar rendering this post completely useless.
  13. One for the SX fans, from the newsletter. [quote]There are some great deals on basses that will probably never be back again (the ones under $100). This is the last of the 2008 pricing. Also SX bass headstocks will be changing in 2009 so this is also the last chance to get this traditional style.[/quote] They have the PJs in at $99.99 at the moment so it might be worthwhile taking advantage. Not me...I would love a PJ but I am not quite ready to get divorced. P.
  14. I played a Wal...once. Many years ago when my whipper was still snapping (?) I chanced into a music shop in Southampton. I had a quick go on some kind of Wal, I'm afraid I have no idea what model. I do remember it was £400 which was way over my budget (still is) and my GAS hadn't fully developed into the sickness it is now. The action was awful, I could literally fit my admittedly femininely proportioned hand betwixt strings and fretboard. However, it still played and sounded incredible. My memory and the details are fuzzy, so what exactly about the sound was incredible I could not say but I do distinctly remember being bloody impressed. Never seen one in the flesh since but I still quite fancy one. But probably not enough to buy one instead of a car, for example. Paul.
  15. [quote name='deaver' post='334323' date='Nov 22 2008, 11:48 AM']First 'real' gig for 22 years last night at the Huntsman Tavern, Salisbury. Since you ask, it was bloody fantastic. A decent crowd c.100 - pub probably holds 150-200 tops. I played miles better than I expected and really started enjoying myself after the first three songs. Plenty of dancing from the crowd for the latter part of the set and two unplanned encores. Landlord really good to deal with, we ended up with £250 - can't be bad. On the strength of last night we were offered a support slot at City Hall, Salisbury sometime next year, which I still can't quite get my head around Didn't get to bed till 2am - dangerous at my age and to be honest I still haven't come down from it all. I'll post some pictures when I get them. Its good to be back First pic: [attachment=16270:__lets_rock___.jpg][/quote] You look cool, my first thought was "Is that Robert de Leo?" (New bass, new bass!) Paul.
  16. One of these is currently at the top of my GAS list. Very nice bass. Paul.
  17. I think it's a great looking bass but I'm not in the market for anything at the moment. I am sure someone will snap it up. Paul.
  18. Somebody buy this. It would have been a great bass when stock, and Neil's choice of mods was excellent. Complete and utter bargain. P.
  19. Neil, you are my hero. Hope you had a great time in Tenerife, but welcome back. P.
  20. I'm interested in debase.
  21. I'd like two please, both with extra cheese.
  22. Not normally my cup of tea but that Skjold has been done extraordinarily well. Absolute stunning paint job. P.
  23. I want this bass...but I have a wife.
  24. You know, as much as I love it here I think a paid subscription would kill it for me. Yes, I am [i]that[/i] tight. I think the forum as is suits my needs pretty darn well. I get to learn about stuff, look at pictures of stuff, and use the off topic section like a personal therapy session. Cool. However, I can see the potential of the BassChat brand. I would be happy to see some expansion somewhere, especially if it makes our hard working mods a bit of cash! I would suggest though that any efforts in a more commercial direction be added as an addendum to the forum. Paul.
  25. I had a Shine 6er but not the models pictured. Weighed a ton and the nut was made of butter. But it was actually a great bass. Lovely low action and good tone. P.
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