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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. You should Photoshop something...as a warning! Paul.
  2. There is a most certainly a lesson to be learnt here. One that is also hinted at by the amount of £1000 plus basses that end up for sale or trade on this very forum. In my personal experience, every single time I have gone into a guitar shop with a wad of cash I have always come away with a cheaper (read value for money) bass instead of spending the full whack. In 25 years of playing I have yet to play a bass that really, really made me think the extra cash was warranted. Saying that, I have still not found "the" bass. Hopefully when I do it will be in the sub £300 category. And not have dice knobs! P.
  3. paul h

    Pre Gig Rituals

  4. Worth a try. But saying that, my SX Jazz has completely killed my GAS. I spend more time lusting after g*****s now than basses. And that is the first bass that has ever done that for me! P.
  5. You saying I'm fat? If I can be 216% then I can be anything I want. But I would have been happy with 1% Larry Graham. P.
  6. Principles are a bitch. But good on ya. Are you angry enough to swap both basses for one SX jazz and then post the fact at the offending forum? P.
  7. Victor Wooten 75% Jaco Pastorius 58% Pete Wentz 50% Micheal "Flea" Balzary 33% John Myung 0% 216% which makes me over twice as good as you lot. P.
  8. I'm the guy for boring pointless posts. P.
  9. I actually prefer the Bongo shape as a 6'er. Don't know why. P.
  10. I have heard good things about these and I had one of the VMJ jazzes myself. However, can I possibly advise you to change the thread title? I am sure you will make no fans once it is apparent your 51 Fender is actually a 2008 Squier. Other than that...nice bass. Paul.
  11. Actually I agree with Yanto. I have known more than a few musicians who are very well trained but are completely lost without a score. Including a pianist who could hardly play a note unless he was sight reading and a guitarist who was amazed at my ability to play in key without having a clue what that key was. Obviously that is not the always the case and being musically well educated is a very good thing. But I do think in certain cases musicians can come to rely to heavily on theory and can lose the ability to be free with their playing. Saying that, I would love to know more (indeed any) musical theory. Paul.
  12. paul h


    Modern Badger.
  13. [quote]How is THAT in any way cool? Looks like something you'd sit on to milk Daisy![/quote] Errr...stuff that looks like other stuff is ALWAYS cool. Stuff that looks like guitar stuff...doubly so. P.
  14. I used to use a Laney DP150 through a Peavey cab with a 15" and two 8"s in it. It was insanely heavy and sounded fairly sh*t. It was reasonably loud. Christ that was a pointless post. Sorry. P.
  15. I attach my strings using a bent nail. P.
  16. They are fantastic! I am going to sell our sofa and buy 5 of those instead. Paul.
  17. 5169 please. Separated at birth... and... I know which one I could afford! P.
  18. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='303784' date='Oct 10 2008, 12:44 PM']Here you go new pics! [/quote] Still one the nicest basses I have ever seen. This one and that ebony faced Nordy are definitely my top two. P.
  19. I am pretty sure I saw Dressed to Kill at the old Robin in Brierly Hill. Years ago when I was doing the working mens club thing with a female vocalist I wanted to form a tribute band called Alarming Morissette. It's possibly the best band name I have ever come up with. P.
  20. The only thing I have ever really come up with for my "fantasy" bass is to have fret markers that match the exposed pole pieces in the pickups. The covers of which would match the fretboard. P.
  21. paul h

    Spear GAS

    I think the most important thing to remember with double active basses is to POST SOME PICCYS!!! Paul.
  22. paul h

    Krappy basses

    I got quote for a Krappy the other day. I wanted a 3 string Les Paul punk bass and they said $300 plus $75 shipping. I decided it was a bit on the pricey side for something so krappy. P. p.s. Besides...I lost the money playing poker anyway.
  23. Polish Conversation by Teach Yourself. Paul.
  24. [quote]You guys do know that Sx basses are already imported into this country. Look for shine. They're the same thing.[/quote] I am pretty sure they are not related. SX are Chinese made and originate from [url="http://www.teamintlco.com"]http://www.teamintlco.com[/url] Shine are Korean and come from [url="http://www.saein.co.kr"]http://www.saein.co.kr[/url] Paul.
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