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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. Very nice. I haven't seen one of these in years and then two come along... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=22977&hl=hohner"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...7&hl=hohner[/url] If that was mine it would have black pick up covers and a tort plate but very nice nonetheless. P.
  2. You know, it would be quicker if I just posted the basses at Rondo that I [b]don't[/b] like! P.
  3. I like this...a lot. Thank God I can barely manage 4 strings and frets or I might not be able to resist! [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/product2073.html"]http://www.rondomusic.com/product2073.html[/url] Paul.
  4. The thing is this... This is the thing... I don't normally go out in public but I am sorely tempted to show my face with an SX jazz because nobody else seems to be taking one. However if I say I will go I will probably come up with some pathetic excuse not to turn up at the last minute. Maybe if someone near Hemel Hempstead would pick me up that would give me more incentive not to be a Larry Letdown. Paul.
  5. [quote][url="http://www.goodoldneon.com/"]http://www.goodoldneon.com/[/url] -[/quote] That is a cool site. I still code mine, using Dreamweaver for it's autocomplete function. I don't really do them if I can at all help it, because I hate web design now! I did just do this one for a mate of mine... [url="http://www.cambridgeguitar.co.uk"]http://www.cambridgeguitar.co.uk[/url] He's pretty pleased with it and has got a couple of clients out of it already. And yes Si....I know it needs some SEO attention but I am lazy and I did it for free! P.
  6. This is my current favourite Paul Gilbert video.
  7. Not listening to it yet because I have just ordered it. But soon I will be listening to this... [url="http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/867086/Best-Of-Blaxploitation/Product.html"]http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/867086/Bes...on/Product.html[/url] P.
  8. [quote]Ugh. I've sent that link to Photoshop Disasters - they love that kind of thing.[/quote] Bookmarked. Can't wait to see some of my work turn up! P.
  9. Temple of the Dog just this second came on my mp3 player. P.
  10. I don't really like flatwounds but all of a sudden I fancy sticking some black coated flats on my SX jazz. Why? Because it would look cool. Damn you Bobby Vega! Any recommendations? Paul.
  11. I used to lust after natural finish basses. Then I got one and started fancying sunburst. Now I have sunburst I would quite like a white one.
  12. I went clothes shopping the other day. I got a pair of jeans.
  13. Mr. Fudge would quite clearly just keep the communal basses and then disappear. He is a filthy robber. P.
  14. paul h

    SX Jazz 5's

    I guess no one has got one then. I am sure there are plenty of them over at TB. Pop over and do a search first, or you will just get told off! Try searching for essex as well as I think the search engine needs a 3 letter string. Paul.
  15. i had a shine 6'er. played and sounded brilliant but weighed the same as fourteen london buses and the nut was made of butter. p.
  16. a very cool looking little bass. nice one.
  17. [quote name='safetygav' post='238305' date='Jul 13 2008, 02:21 AM']as i said before, sx basses are available in the uk at the same money, just in select shops. i'll get a list of who stocks them up when i'm back in work on tuesday.[/quote] that would be very cool. personally i haven't managed to find anything except the odd starter pack or fusion model. paul.
  18. Unless I am very much mistaken the Hopf Saturn 67 was an early and ultimately unsuccessful solid fuel unmanned rocket. Launched in March 1967 from Fenton in Iowa, US. the catchily named "Hopf" failed to break free from the earths gravitational pull when it only managed to reach a height of 37 feet. No.
  19. I've been GASing for a lightweight solution to my optical needs for quite a while. I have found it difficult to find that perfect balance of modern design with a retro feel. However yesterday I picked up these.... I am planning to keep them stock for now, but I may upgrade the lenses in a year or so. Paul.
  20. The more I look at that picture the more I am convinced that used to be mine. It looks to me like the dot marker at the 15th fret has quite a large "pearl" section in it compared to the other ones. I am now convinced mine had the same thing. Although how I remember that after over 20 years is beyond me. It might just be my age playing tricks! Paul.
  21. A bit of controlled buzz is a big part of how I play. I like that almost distorted tone you get when you really dig in. P.
  22. Just to be controversial....go for a new bass, especially if this is your first one. I can fairly certainly predict a lifetime of swapping gear around looking for "that" sound so you might as well start now. There are so many different styles, pickup combinations, construction methods etc. etc. available that In my opinion it's best to experiment. You might be missing out on your dream bass, purely because you haven't looked hard enough! If you upgrade this bass there is a good probability that you will want a new bass sooner or later anyway, and then you will be stuck with a non-original bass that may be hard to move on. Paul. ps. I am probably completely wrong.
  23. I would rather have a tiny bit of "feel" than any amount of "technique". The problem being that I have neither. To be honest I am not actually sure what "technique" is. I don't think I have ever come across two bass players who play exactly the same anyway, so how do you ascertain what the correct "technique" is if everybody plays differently? To me it's all about the end result and has almost nothing to do about the methods employed to get there. Detune to C# and hit the thing with a spanner for all I care as long it sounds good. Back on topic.....sort of. Steve Harris had both negative and positive effects on me personally. Firstly he got me excited about playing bass in the first place and I spent ages trying to sound like him. Now I have spent the last 20 something years trying NOT to sound like him. On a more global scale I can only agree with most of what's been said and just add that probably any well known musician is more than likely responsible for and equal number of positive and negative effects. Inspiring someone to take up music and search for some originality = positive. Spawning an endless number of clones = negative. Paul.
  24. You know...I have a very strong feeling...without anything to back it up whatsoever....that that was mine once. Guess I will never know for sure.
  25. Too long ago too remember. Over 20 years ago for sure. Are the neck dots abalone'ish? P.
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