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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. ahhhh....no black P indeed! I didn't notice. However they do a black J to go with this [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/sjb-75ltd3ts.html"]http://www.rondomusic.com/sjb-75ltd3ts.html[/url] which I am getting ready to pull the trigger on! P.
  2. This will please the Sx'ers on the forum! Rondo have started selling replacement scratchplates. So you can get a cheap bass and tort it up proper! Saying that, I will be going for black myself so I can get that sunburst Marcus Miller vibe goin on! Paul.
  3. One of the best For Sale threads I have ever given a free bump too! Paul.
  4. I'm a bit late joining in with this one but to me it sounds like the difference between ceramic and alnico pickups. However, I would have thought that the USA vintage P bass pickups were alnico. I may be wrong but I personally much prefer the sound of alnico. I swapped the J in my GuitarEmporium supplied Aerodyne and that certainly added more "growl". Whatever that is. Paul.
  5. I stuck a J in my SX P. I had the pickup lying around anyway, and being a cheap bass I haven't got any problem with the hammer and chisel routing! There is an output difference in the pickups though, so if I was trying to do a "proper" job I would probably get a matching set. For me I think it's the way forward! I love the sound of a P but they get too woolly higher up the neck so dialing in a bit of J really tightens things up. Paul.
  6. I built my own years ago from Brandoni parts. Never put a finish on it, practically hammered in the screws and put the electrics together with insulation tape. I never even bothered to sort out a cover for the cavity. It was my main bass for years, never went out of tune and never let me down once. Paul.
  7. That is quite simple stunning. Are the pickups tapable because I hate humbuckers?
  8. Could you just plug straight into the cab without a preamp then?
  9. Do you learn how to make fire by rubbing two basses together? Paul.
  10. [quote]Someone needs a history lesson.[/quote] I certainly do. Probably my favourite line of all time and I always double thumb it while palm muting. I had always assumed LG would have done something similar too. Anyway you play it, it's one of the best! Paul.
  11. MTD Kingston. Best playing bass I have ever played by far. I just hated the sound. Of course I should have kept it and swapped out the electronics but I needed the cash. Paul.
  12. Get it. Mines great. Even though it is now butchered beyond all recognition. (J pickup + hammer + chisel - woodworking skills) Paul.
  13. I have one. I'm not really that keen on it, I wanted the 2x10 but got a cash deal on the 15. There is nothing really wrong with it, but I downsized from a MarkBass and Aguilar rig so it was never going to win! Reliability wise I can't really comment because I'm a bedroom player but the 15 does have a smaller footprint than the 2x10 so the missus would probably prefer it! Paul.
  14. Weekendage bumpage. I will throw in a speakon to speakon too. P.
  15. So what's going on then? Are these things horribly unfashionable again? Or is it because it's the funny grey colour? I only went for tthat one after playing half a dozen of them in different shops and this one was by far the best. I am not sure if it's because of the colour or not. P.
  16. Ta very much. I actually like the shape...but I think you have to be a certain age and have a touch of nostalgia for the original BBs.
  17. Hi guys, I tried to sell this earlier this year with no joy, so I am going to try again but with an added bonus! Collection only please for this good condition Yamaha BB614 in Pewter. It's a great bass but it just isn't getting used so I want to convert it to either SX or poker vouchers! It has the odd little dink, but nothing that goes through the finish and nothing you won't get yourself through general use. No need for the hard sell, I reckon if you fancy it you probably know all about them anyway! As a bonus I am going to throw in my 2 tone sunburst no-name Chinese made Gibson ES175 copy....completely free! It's a budget guitar with a couple of issues that you would expect, not the greatest at staying in tune and some slightly dodgy build quality here and there, but it is still very cool...especially for free! So there you have it...a BB614 and a cool beater 6 string for £150. Cash in a brown paper bag left in the usual place please. Paul. [attachment=8225:bb614.jpg] [attachment=8226:es175.jpg]
  18. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/5-STRING-Hollowbody-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR_W0QQitemZ160232580100QQihZ006QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/5-STRING-Hollowbody-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] Nice looking bass. Paul.
  19. With shipping, tax etc. expect a $109 bass to cost between £130 and £150 all together. Still a bargain in anyones book. Paul.
  20. How about a moderator type person email her for an interview request? The good people of BC can suggest questions, the best questions can be selected and put forward. Or Lydia can just choose which ones she answers. In fact what about a whole artist section with interviews? I know Stefano (off of YouTube) got involved in some TB threads about him. It can be our own weekend warrior/internet stars section. Do it. You know it makes sense. My Question. Hat with brim or bobbles? How does it affect tone? Paul.
  21. I personally blame Stefano for my, and I would guess a lot of other peoples, Yamaha BB GAS after his Jamiroquai (sp?) videos surfaced. Definitely one of youtubes stars. And Lydia just makes it all look so effortless...very cool. Paul.
  22. Not my bag particularly...but pretty nice nonetheless. [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/sjmbt3ts.html"]http://www.rondomusic.com/sjmbt3ts.html[/url] I am pretty sure there will be one or two people here who might find it a bit tasty. I am quite lucky in that the jazz model I was waiting for to come back in stock now has a different colour scratchplate. Sure it's an easy change, but it's just enough to help me resist the GAS! They also have some cracking g*****s on there at the moment. This one caught my eye, but I have already exceeded my quoter for the dark side! [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/product1746.html"]http://www.rondomusic.com/product1746.html[/url] P.
  23. No specific guitar GAS...I just want lots of them. The funny thing is, with bass I want ONE bass which can do it all. I obviously have yet to find it! However with guitars I am comfortable with the idea of having one guitar for each job. So in an ideal world I would have decent tele, LP, semi-acoustic, a pointy headed rock monster, a sparkly spangly indie thang etc etc. I think it's because I haven't got any sort of emotional interest in guitars. I am pretty convinced any old piece of crap will do as long as it looks cool and you have enough effects! I have just bought my 2 Chinese ES-175 copies because of "Make it wit chu" by QOTSA. It inspired me to write a dirty little track which cried out for an abused semi of some kind. And I like the shape of the 175s. So there I am happily buying 2 guitars for just one song. (madness I tell ya!) Basses I take far more seriously. P.
  24. Too late. Down the tip.
  25. No. Which is why it's going. Everything in my house will soon be SX! Actually, not quite true. I just bought a Chinese made g****r which is not an SX. Although I was very tempted by the 6 stringers. China is the new Japan.
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