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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. Hi all, I have a double divan bed going free to the first person to turn up outside my house in a van! It's showing it's age and the scars of a few house moves but nothing that won't be hidden by the mattress and a valance. Totally serviceable and totally free. If you want it you have to be quick because the room it was in is being redecorated and any day now the bed is going to be smashed into little bits and stuffed into our bin! I'm in Hemel Hempstead. Pms please because I will probably forget to check for replies. Paul
  2. [quote]I would call selling a perfectly good Fender to play SX basses pretty hysterical.[/quote] I did it. I sold my Aerodyne and my Squier VMJ and would still sell my BB614 if any bugger wanted it. I have a SX P...now with added J in the bridge and that's all I need for now. And if I decide I need another bass...it will be a SX jazz. I have owned a couple of MIJ and MIM Fenders over the years too and the SX easily compares in all respects. In all fairness I have never owned a US Fender but only because I have never found one that was worth the extra dosh! Paul.
  3. I think the name on the headstock has a lot to do with it. Not necessarily the name SX...but the fact the it's actually quite a nice logo. I am actually put off by a "cheap" ie. badly designed logo on a headstock. The name Jim Deacon is an awful font emblazoned on the headstock just makes a bass look as cheap as it is! Unbranded is even better....however there is nowhere near the choice you get with SX. If the unbranded basses came in PJ, maple or rosewood, 62 or 75s they would do much better. Not everyone wants a 60s bass with a rosewood board. And finally, after having been through quite a few budget basses over the years, I think my SX compares favourably to at least one MIJ P I have owned, and that was straight out of the box. Not just in terms of playability and build quality...but in terms of character and "vibe". My SX is just pretty damn cool. And that's hard thing to find in a budget bass. Quick tangent/hijack.....I just bought an ES-175 copy from Strativarius Guitars on ebay. Chinese made and left unbranded. Check them out if you dabble in the dark arts. Anyway, I emailed the seller and tried to talk him into supplying SX. I will let you know if I hear anything back from him. He has a nice looking MM 5 copy for £110 on there at the moment. P.
  4. OK, if i can't sell it, how's this for an idea? The BB614 plus my Ashdown MAG-C115-300 for your 2x10" combo? Must be somewhere in the 300w region and obviously of the right approximate value. Of course, you can still buy the bass if you want too...I'm just throwing out some options! Paul.
  5. Who is you favourite Mister Men character? Mine is Mister BUMP.
  6. One last Sunday night bump. I know you're all out there, looking for a bargain when you should be watching Songs of Praise. Paul.
  7. Only the BB614 remaining. If someone doesn't buy it I will be forced to set sail around the bay of E. That will make me very upset and I will most likely forget to feed my dog for a few days. Do you really want that on your conscience? Hello, my name is Ruby and I'm soooo hungry! [attachment=6067:DSC00306.JPG] How could you be so cruel? Paul.
  8. they're both gorgeous! can't wait to get no.2 but it's out of stock. i do quite fancy the brice les paul on there at the moment. that might have to be number 3!
  9. thanks friend. the pleasure was all mine. p.
  10. Surely you are not going to make me put them on Ebay? Shocking.
  11. The Aerodyne is gone and so to complete my evil plan I have decided to drop the price on the Yamaha and the Squier. £150 each. Collection is still preferred as making me pack these things up when I am practically giving them away is just adding insult to injury! I will pack if you are charming enough, but you'd [i]have to be ten times more charming than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I'm saying?[/i] And you will be in charge of couriership. Awaiting your Pms! Paul.
  12. SX. More addictive than crack cocaine. That is a tasty looking bass. I am going to get this as soon as some stock is available.... [url="http://rondomusic.com/sjb753ts.html"]http://rondomusic.com/sjb753ts.html[/url] P.
  13. My SX is stock apart from the scratchplate which I got from AxesRus and Dremmeled into submission so I can't really help. I am sure an SX modder will be around shortly with some words of wisdom! Anyhoo...I saw a picture of this today over on TB and it's exactly what I'm after. I emailed Kurt and they won't have stock until later this spring but I reckon it's worth waiting for. I guessed at a possible URL for it and there it was. (Rondo doesn't remove the out of stock product pages, just stops linking to them) [url="http://rondomusic.com/sjb753ts.html"]http://rondomusic.com/sjb753ts.html[/url] P.
  14. I'm planning my next SX and I am torn between two options. I definitely want this neck... And I want it on a 3TS jazz. The question is, do I go for a black scratchplate to get a sunburst Marcus Miller vibe, or do I go tort so it matches my P bass? If I go black I will get this one and have to get a plate and modify it. So that will cost about an extra £15/£18 and a bit of time. My Dremmel is currently knackered, so at worst I might even have to spend some dosh on a new one! Or for $20 more I can get this one. Replete with tort plate and ashtrays. The tort option will work out a fraction cheaper and be easier with just the neck to swap. The black plate would invlove a bit of work on my part but would look cool. Has anyone got a pic of a 3TS/Tort/maple+blocks jazz to help me decide? Cheers. Paul.
  15. Mr. Fudge's new MM jazz. Why? Because he doesn't deserve it and if it wasn't for my careful coaching over the years he probably would gone for some awful Fernandes with a tiger skin scratchplate. P.
  16. Right...I have got it in my head that these are going one way or another. I want a bit of cash, and a new SX with the proceeds! So I am prepared to consider some offers. If you can collect and pay cash I gaurantee you will get a bargain. Or if someone can explain why there are so many basses on offer and so few buyers at the moment that would at least put my mind at rest! Paul.
  17. Odd...it's not there now. Maybe it was very limited stock and the've fetched it off already. I'm very jealous of your P/J. I was sure that was going to be my 2nd SX...but I think it will be my 3rd. It would make more sense for me to get a jazz next. I'm up to my 4 bass limit though so no can do until I shift something. Paul.
  18. Bolin, Bolin, Bolin. Keep them wagons Bolin.....
  19. Does anyone know if Rondo have a secreat stash not featured on the website? Someone over on TB seems to have just taken delivery of a natural jazz which I can't find on there. Not that I want it...I am in a serious sunburst relationship at the moment but I would like to know if someone is holding out on us! Paul.
  20. Blimey...it's on page 2 already. Not anymore!
  21. [quote]Nice to see your hanging onto the SX!!![/quote] Oh yes! In fact, whatever is left from the overdraft and the credit card will go to a SX 3TS jazz, a maple neck with pearl blocks and a black scratchplate! You never have to be short of basses again with SX! P.
  22. Right. Can't quite believe I'm going to do this! A combination of new bathroom and MOT means I have to free up some cash. My "dream team" are up for sale. None of these basses are "mint". They all have a few dinks etc. and they probably all require a bit of a tweak here and there. However they are all great basses and a complete bargain! [b]The Basses[/b] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9825"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9825[/url] [b]The Prices[/b] FENDER GONE. Squier VMJ £175 This now comes with active EMG pickups. Very punchy and nice high output. Yamaha BB614 £175 Stock...because basically it's perfect! [b]The Logistics[/b] Collection from Hemel Hempstead is by far preferred. If you want it posting I would rather you arrange for the courier yourself. Why? Because I am an extremely unlucky person and I feel it would be best for all parties if I keep my involvement to a minimum! Pm me if you're interested. Cheers. Paul.
  23. tort.
  24. my SX p is around 3.5kg. not bad for an alder bodied precision.
  25. that is probably the best looking thing on the planet.
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