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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. Lovely stuff. Welcome to the SX club! I think that one might be my next purchase...but I think I will have to move something on first. P.
  2. [quote]It’s nice to know I am not the only one who gets frustrated with my own abilities.[/quote] Certainly not alone there friend! I've been playing for 20 years and still haven't got it sorted. P.
  3. It is all 100% Reason3. It has a softsynth called ReDrum which is programmable. I just chose bass drum, snare, hi hat and crash samples and programmed it in. Never managed to get anything onto TV. I have scored 6 or 7 short films but it's not really what I want to do. I would rather be able to provide non-synch music for Tv (like yourself) and get some royalties but it's really hard to get an "in". I have found over the years the majority of people in the business already seem to have a music supplier organised. Feel free to add some bass...I would love to hear what you come up with. Paul.
  4. What I need to do really is add some live bass to this one. [attachment=5595:180607.mp3] Because I have been so busy with the design thing, this is really the last "finished" track I have produced. (Guess when I did it? The clue is in the name) It's the closest I have ever come to getting the sound I am after. A combination of Roy Budd, David Holmes, Basement Jaxx and Lupe Fiasco. Pretty much every part is written on the bass. So when it comes to do an actual bassline I struggle a bit. Just wish I had a home for it! I am hoping one of the filmmakers I design for will find a use for it at some point. Paul.
  5. What I need is a group of musicians that will play exactly what I want when I know what that is, but play something better when I am stumped! Kind of a programmable band, but with a great big Mojo button. I think if I was a better bass player then it would be different! I am just better at programming slightly weird, loopy synth stuff than actually playing live instruments. I can program an organ part that I am totally happy with in a fraction of the time it would take me to do ten takes of a bass line that I would never be satisfied with. It makes me wonder what the point is! I do write most things on the bass though...so it still has it's uses!
  6. [quote]I know what you mean about programming etc taking so long you lose the inspiration to play[/quote] Actually, I meant the reverse. I am pretty adept with Reason, using the pen tool as well as a midi keyboard. I find I can very quickly turn an idea into a track with drums, keys, horms, strings. I have a wide choice of sounds which I can swap around and play with ad infinitum. All that flexibility for me, quite often outweighs the relative "hassle" of actually playing an instrument! I can produce a reasonably finished multi-track song in Reason far quicker than writing and recording guitar and bass parts. And after the event there is far more scope of rearranging the whole thing into something totally different. I want to start introducing live instruments because most of my music lacks "feel". I am trying to get a compromise between live and programmed but to be honest, I don't put enough work in. Paul.
  7. Good hijack. Great track. I am aiming to get my recording to somewhere like that. I have spent so long with Reason, programming everything and I have practically no experience at recording live instruments. About all I can manage at the moment are these short little samplers. After programming I find myself with too little patience to record. Programming is always in time unlike my playing! Paul.
  8. Just read some of a thread over on TB about cables can affect tone. I didn't read all of the thread because a bunch of egomaniacs trying to outdo each other by listing their various credentials is positively yawn inducing. However, I am interested to hear the opinions of rational and intelligent bassists like wot we 'ave 'ere. In my opinion a bad cable can affect tone, usually in terms of leeching the top end. Replace said cable with a decent one, and it can be like putting on a new set of strings. I have heard it myself. It's more noticeable with guitars...but it is noticeable. Whether a super-mega-deluxe cable can sound any better than a run of the mill jobby, I have no experience with because I am too tight to buy the expensive stuff. I make my own cables with Neutrik connectors and Van Damme cable. I used Whirlwind for years and have dabbled with Planet Waves. So good is better than bad, but I don't know if expensive is better than cheap. Discuss. Calmly. Paul. EDIT: Spelt Van Damme wrong! D'oh!
  9. [quote]There's an SX Strat in my local Crack Converters .. did you find out if they are any good?[/quote] No. My guitar playing mate seems convinced that he is happy with his PRS. Fool. [quote]AWESOME little groove. Reminds me of why I love the P bass slap sound so much. Really cool![/quote] Ta muchly Herr Supervisor. I could go off on a long rambling essay about the simplicity of a P bass, it's great tone and all the classic records it's featured on...but we know all that! But the fact that such a cheap bass can get so close to that classic sound is amazing. I A/B'd it with Mr. Fudge's excellent US jazz at the weekend and you know what?...there wasn't really anything in it. Different beasts of course, but it would have been hard to say one was "better" than the other. Paul.
  10. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b5XYgzGQB4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b5XYgzGQB4[/url] I just stumbled across this in a daze brought on by industrial strength floor varnish. Why is yet another version of a MM tune noteworthy? Because it's played on a Korean made Dexter bass which sounds pretty damn good. www.dexterguitars.com are responsible but my Korean is a bit rusty and I am fairly sure it would be a bit of a "importus horribleus" if possible at all. Now I don't know if it's the most expensive bass available in Korea or whether it would fall into Basassins favourite category. If it does qualify as a cheap copy...then I want one. They even do a "Funky 75" range! Paul.
  11. [attachment=5475:pslapgroove.mp3] I could put this in the recording section...but nobody would listen to it! Here is another sample of my SX Precision. Di'd through my Toneport into Ableton Live. I Eq'd it a bit in Reason because I can't find the EQ in Ableton Live! Again, only a few minutes work so no apologies for the abrupt ending. Or beginning come to that. Or the mix. Or the playing. I defy anyone to tell me that it sounds like a £130 bass! Paul.
  12. good choice. i was looking at that one myself. that and a p/j would round the sx collection out nicely. paul
  13. Yup, I have one. I've fallen in and out of love with it several times! I originally got it because of the weight issue, but to be honest my SX P feels lighter, and that has an alder body. (I haven't checked the actual weight of the Aerodyne yet, but the SX is 3.8kg.) For me the weakest thing was the bridge pickup which I replaced with a NOS US one. Made a huge difference. P.
  14. My new SX P feels lighter than my Aerodyne. The SX weighs in at 3.8kg...I haven't actually checked my others yet. P.
  15. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ALBA-4-STRING-BASS-GUITAR-SUNBURST_W0QQitemZ150161580192QQihZ005QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQtrksidZp1638.m118.l1247QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ALBA-4-STRING-BASS-G...7QQcmdZViewItem[/url] Now I am positive this one shares heritage with SX. It has the older style "superhook" SX headstock, as well as a 3 ply plate. They seem to have a couple of differently sourced basses available which they are selling under the Alba brand For me, the advantage with SX is that you can get them with maple boards, and that they do a P/J which I like the look of. Althought the P/J I like has a rosewood board. If I was after a P with a rosewood board I would be tempted by this one. More so than the other Albas. P.
  16. I have a Gould tele. Fine for the £110 I paid for it. Never played one of the basses, but considered them many a time. You can't really go wrong for £50! P.
  17. When I started out anything I could afford was made out of plywood. It was years before I could afford a bass made out of decent materials. Kids today don't know they're born etc. etc.
  18. Damn you tangential GAS! I started off looking at the Marcus Miller'alike and now I have decided I want the following... A short scale Les Paul shape with rear routed electronics featuring a 51 P style single coil and an onboard fuzz circuit. A side mounted jack socket and no knobs but a mini toggle switch for the fuzz. And I want it to cost £120.
  19. Do 25 of us quite fancy a Les Paul style P/J bass? Just a thought.
  20. Damn you budget GAS!!! Good job I'm on an SX only diet. P.
  21. Hi Neptunehealer...welcome to the forum, As much as I like P basses, IMHO you might want something a bit more versatile. The Aerodyne is a good choice, The non-export models have a more traditionally placed jack socket. You can get these from importers like [url="http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/"]http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/[/url] A Jazz is an obvious suggestion, just for the vesatility. Get yourself to PMT and just try everything they have! With a £800 budget you should be able to get something nice. Paul.
  22. Has the cutting out problem only occurred since your last attempt at a trade? Or did you forget to mention it before? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11883&st=0"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11883&st=0[/url] Just checking.
  23. I stood in front of Rob Halford in a queue in the Walsall branch of M&S food court. I followed Roy Wood into the urinals in a pub...again in Walsall. I elbowed Blaize Bailey out of the way at the bar at the Wulfrun Hall. I worked with a man who many years ago advised a work colleague that quiting a steady estimator job to seek fame and fortune was a bad move. It was Robert Plant. I was invited to Pato Bantons number one party. So was Mr. Fudge. Myself and Mr. Fudge were introduced to Denis from Musical Youth.
  24. At last! A JayDee build diary! That body looks great...the horns are definitely and improvement of the normal GA. John did some custom work on a Gordon Smith guitar of mine years ago and he was great to deal with and did a brilliant job. He custom wound a humbucker for the neck position and added a push pull pot so I could go all single coil. One of the best sounding pick ups you could imagine. I will be watching this one with interest. Paul.
  25. Richwood have been around for a while...and used to be a bit pricer than most SX's. Their website has been "under construction" for a long time now, but I remember when it was live. They had a gorgeous semi called a "Hunter" IIRC. They were all over ebay a couple of years ago. In fact, while writing this I have found [url="http://stores.channeladvisor.com/dangleberry-music/Bass%20Guitars/Other%20Basses/"]http://stores.channeladvisor.com/dangleber...Other%20Basses/[/url] £150 all-in for a P copy. I think I bought something from these lot years ago. P.
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