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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. That is one cool bass. Once you have all the niggles sorted you'll be wondering why you ever spent more than £130 on a bass!
  2. Somebody once said to me "You're a great bass player...you're not too loud." Other than that I'm not sure what people think of me. Most people seem to enjoy playing with me so I must be doing something half right at least. I think of myself as a better band member than a bass player. I like to think I make good choices and play the right thing for the song more often than not. I listen to the band when I play and I adapt to what's going around me. Technically I'm not great but I can lock in with a drummer and support the song well enough. ^^^Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it p.s. Enjoy your hols!
  3. How loud is your band???
  4. I used a totally unfinished maple necked bass for years. Never had any issues with it...but it did get really, really grubby
  5. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1467027691' post='3080537'] Well, I enjoyed the Coldplay set. If I was uncharitable, I'd say it looks like a lot of people who already dislike Coldplay intensely watched a bit of the set purely so they could say how crap it was. TBH I enjoyed it as much for the lighting as anything else. The effect of all those xylobands was simply stunning. [/quote] I can't argue with that...that's pretty much what I did However I don't think Chris Martin can sing live.
  6. My first thought would be just to try heavier strings.
  7. Bobby Vega... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIxpVo-qqKU
  8. Awesome...I hope you're very happy together
  9. Coldplay...music for people who don't like music. I have no idea what I mean.
  10. I reckon if you crank that rig up enough I will hear you from here
  11. paul h

    Zz Top

    Picked up the bass for Foxy Lady
  12. Yeah...two tone sunburst. But Fiesta Red is nice too
  13. Oh that is nice. That [i]is[/i] nice. That is [i]nice[/i].
  14. They look and sound pretty nice to me. A J width neck too. Mmmm.
  15. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1466667053' post='3077632'] Many years ago I read an interview with a guitarist called Eric Johnson who talked about the tonal differences between different guitar lead jack plug materials and how he used a different type of lead depending on whether he was recording rhythm or lead. There may be people who's ears are sensitive enough to tell the difference between maple and rosewood, but for most of us I suspect the preference comes from tactile feel and aesthetics. [/quote] I just swapped from a Fender cable to a Planet Waves and I can hear the difference. My ears aren't really very sensitive but IME cables can make as much difference as strings.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1466631595' post='3077499'] Sound-wise very little, and IMO any difference in sound between the two is far more to do with the differences in construction and finish of the two types of neck than the material of the fingerboard itself. [/quote] ^^^ This. The difference is far more to do with lacquer vs. no lacquer. Has anyone said P with a J neck yet? (I might have already said it)
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1466458913' post='3076049'] He said it! [/quote] He didn't say fingers...it doesn't count.
  18. Keep going until the stacks are exactly the same height.
  19. I'm currently concentrating on guitar but only because I can't find a guitarist I want to work with I will always be a bass player first a foremost though
  20. Oooh...I love the Walking Dead...I can't wait
  21. I'm not sure there is a right answer. I think I would lean towards putting the songs in the best position in the set overall. Alternatively one could approach it as a mini tribute section of the gig. I don't think it really matters
  22. Awesome...I hope you're both very happy together The bongos made me laugh btw
  23. I think it looks great I am rather jealous to be honest! Nice one
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